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    Hi Everyone- I just want all of you who have made the decision to leave your SA, there will be down days. I left 5 wks. ago, and tonight, for the first time, I lost it. It just hit me out of the blue, and I have been crying my eyes out for everything I thought my marriage should have been. I reflected over the dating days with Steve, and how he presented like the most wonderful man I ever met in my life.
    Then, I fast-fowarded to 1 month ago and re-lived all the horrible things he did to destroy our marriage. It was almost like how they say that before you die your life flashes before you. I actually re-lived every trigger I ever witnessed from him, every anger and sabatoging that occurred, and most importantly all the denial and holding onto the addiction that finally sent me away.
    Anyway, just want to tell all of you that I don’t have any regrets-not for one moment, but sometimes the going gets rough. This to will pass, and tomorrow I will be fine again.
    I am sure, those of you who are leaving or have left, will experience some real down days, but just remember there is always a beautiful rainbow ahead and a new life waiting for us. I thank God for the strength he has given me to make this decision.
    Love to you all


    Thank you Sharon , I needed to hear that even though I am baby stepping. It`s the little things mostly…He always made my coffee. Silly but it makes me sad. Maybe I should switch to tea?

    I am tired and he is begging and i am trying to be normal for the kids. I have to attend a Mother`s day program at school tomorrow. I`m just hoping that I can hold it together.

    I`m sorry that you still have crappy days but I`m glad you shared.



    ((Hugs)) Sharron. I am so sorry for the inevitable grief you are experiencing, but I think you are awesome. Even just letting yourself relive the whole painful journey is very brave, and personally I think it’s a healthy form of purging. But it sucks in the moment. Thinking of you and sending you much love and comfort. xoxo

    Bev, it’s not silly at all. It’s those damn little routine things that made up the fabric of our lives..good God, I sound like that commercial for cotton… that stab us in the heart. I honestly don’t know how sisters like you who still have young children at home are able to deal with all this. You really are warriors. Big hugs to you. xoxo


    Thanks Bev. Don’t cave. I know how difficult it must be for you when he keeps tugging at your heart. I don’t know how you do it, either. Trying to deal with all your pain and children to boot. You are strong!! Just do what I did tonight, and whenever you re-live a tender moment fast forward and deal with the REAL man you really don’t know.
    Thanks annheim- Separation/divorce is never easy, but no matter how much it hurts the reality stays with you and you do what you have to do.
    I appreciate both of you.


    If you didn’t have down days I’d worry about you. It’s ok to be human.
    Hugs, Kim


    I’m so sorry for your pain, and also so in awe of your strength. I have seen a change in you over the past few months, and it is beyond inspiring. Thank you for your courage and honesty.
    Here’s my take: I’ve been in a bad place for the past few weeks, really grieving the loss of what I thought was my marriage. What you said about “tugging at your heart” is so true. It’s torture and it’s confusing. And yet, I really hit a wall a few weeks ago realizing that, no matter how forgiving a person I am, I can never trust him again. I certainly haven’t seen the level of transparency needed to warrant that trust. He wants me to go on “his word that he’s doing the right things.” It’s painful because we have a family. So I guess what I’m trying to say, is that it sucks and it’s painful either way. But you are giving me hope that, at least if I end this, there IS a beautiful future possible. I just need to really get myself to that place…get my courage, I guess.

    Thank you, Sharron!
    xoxo ZG


    Thinking of you, Sharron! I understand completely. But from my experience, (6 month divorce anniversary in 3 days!), the good days start outweighing the bad as time marches on!!

    Hang in there and love you A BUNCH!!



    Sharron, you have come such a long way. Yes you are so entitled to every feeling you feel as it comes along. Just like we await, welcome, embrace the good days, it’s reverse for the sad days. There will be bigger gaps between the good days and sad days as the pain and anger diminishes. When the sad ones roll in embrace it then kick its ass to the curb as soon as you can. Those sad days are unpredictable. Some are like a large, slow moving storm that we know is headed our way, others are just quick little showers that pop up with no warning at all.

    Here’s hoping that the sad days become fewer and far between and as each one does hit, it will be less and less intense each time.


    Sharon – I’m so sorry you are having a rough day and I really hope that you feel better tomorrow.

    Zumba – you so hit the nail on the head of what I’m going through. Mourning the loss of what you thought you had…and I just had to share that my husband told our marriage therapist (in front of me) that I just had to “have faith” that his SA behavior was behind him. Our marriage therapist just about laughed as I watched in horror. Really? After all we’ve been through we are just supposed to have blind faith? And why? Are they the second coming? Or has their NPD just kicked in? Geeezzzzz…..

    Behavior speaks louder than words and my SAH hasn’t been to a meeting or his therapist in 3 weeks. Yuck.

    I’m so tired of this. Just writing this stuff is starting to bore me.

    It’s great to hear from you again…..I was wondering what was going on in your world but sounds like you have just been in “reflective mode” – which is a good place to be. AKA “interested observer”.



    Sharron- thanks for sharing; it helps to know a bit about the twists and turns in the road ahead. I hope your down day has passed, and today will seem even brighter as you emerge from the dark.

    Bev, my stbx used to make my coffee, too. It was one of the few things I felt like I could count on him for, the only thing he did with any consistency. So it was like a stab in the heart every morning I woke up and realized I now have to make my own coffee. Now I brew up a big pot about once or twice week and stick it in the frig. It’s not quite as good as fresh, but that’s a small price to pay.

    Making new routines and rituals helps a lot to avoid those moments when you find yourself missing them. It’s early still for you, Bev, but maybe coming up with a different morning ritual (like you said, drink tea) is a good baby step forward.


    For me it’s light bulbs.

    he always changed the light bulbs for me. After I moved to this townhouse, they began to burn out one by one and I couldn’t change them. Finally I came home one night and realized half the lights in the house didn’t work, and I was slowly being plunged into darkness.

    Next day I bought lightbulbs, got out the step ladder, and changed them myself. I’m a little bit better at it now, but I still have trouble with it.

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