Home discussions Sex Addiction EMDR Therapy

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    JoAnn – Can you comment on the effectiveness of EMDR in regard to sexual addiction. Are there any statistics to validate success? My sister told me that an instructer in her Nursing Program said many therapists do no recognize this type of therapy, but says there has been some success with ptsd.
    I have had three EMDR treatments, and as yet have not noticed any change in symptoms of ptsd.
    I know it is relatively new, so maybe statistics are not out there yet.


    EMDR is a somewhat controversial therapy similar to hypnosis and can be administered by counselors. It uses rapid eye movements and suggestion to relieve stressful thoughts related to past experiences. Although sometimes used to treat PTSD there are no statistics or evidence to prove it’s efficacy.


    Thanks JoAnn – Hasn’t done a thing for me yet. Maybe I can be a test case as to efficiency. Ha.

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