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    I thought it would be neat and be like Oprah and share some of our favorite things……

    About 2 weeks ago I smelled this amazing fragrance on a lady and she shared with me what it was. So I ordered it on line and I LOVE IT !!!!! It’s very feminine and sexy and it’s not flora. It’s called Myrtle by L’Occitane. Makes me feel pretty and sexy! It’s an au de perfume and it was $68.00. One of my favorite things!!


    Great idea!! I am a candle freak and I light one every evening when I get home from work. My favorite is by Gold Canyon and it is called “Quiet Moments” – ahhhhhhh! I am going to go light it right now, hahaha!

    ~ ShakenNotBroken


    My favorite thing is going to the beach! I love to lie in the sun and listen to ocean and seagulls. Then in the not to icy cold, I’ll go and stand in front of the ocean and let the wind whip my face.

    My other favorite thing is getting onto the highway before rush hour hits 😉


    Damn woman! You have inspired me. Any perfume that makes you stop and ask has got to be fantastic. I went online and read about it and it suits me to a tee!

    So, I ordered a bottle. I haven’t bought perfume for myself since I ran out of my Green Tea 2 years ago. Time for a change.

    Thank You for the nudge and the inspiration.


    What do you mean its not me? :-/

    Hmmm. I will have to think about this. My favorite things.


    JoAnn I think you will love this perfume. We really need to treat ourselves!!! I’m so happy you are getting it for yourself!

    Love, Nap


    Ice cream and cookies! 🙂 That’s it in a nutshell! And I have the waistline to prove it!

    Nothing makes me feel better when I’m upset than a nice bowl of ice cream. Except that the container says there’s like 12 servings in the there and I usually only get 4 out of it! Hmmm, I think I like it too much!

    Love, Claire


    L’Occitane has really nice fragrances. I have one called Wild Cherry Blossom. My all-time favorite fragrance, though, is Amazing Grace, by Philosophy.
    To add to the list, one of my all time favorite things: my iPhone. Right now I’m listening to The Help on it, through the audible.com app. Also love my Kindle. Sometimes I kiss it.


    1. journal
    2. special pen & highlighter
    3. books

    Without these things in my life daily, I would wither away.

    Now I am off to get some perfume, a candle, ice cream and a piece of property by Lake Michigan, while listening to my favorite music…thanks for the suggestions; I need to do something for myself! LOL


    Here is another one of my favorite things and it’s also was one of Oprahs! It’s Claus Porto soap: Favorito Red Poppy. This soap is to die for. It’s made in Portugal and they been making these wonderful soaps for a long time. You can purchase it at Bellaclairehome.com. I recommended the liquid and the large bar. Its out of this world, a real treat!


    Ohhhh. Do department stores sell the perfume?

    Right now my favorite thing is fresh apples on a crisp fall type day.


    Flora, you can get a lot of perfumes/fragances at a Sephora store or sephora.com. Shipping is free if you spend over $50. (Sorry; I’m a Sephora junkie, tee hee…)


    Also, L’Occitane has their own website at L’Occitane.com or you can call and order it from them at 1-888-623-2880. Ask for free shipping and the free gift!


    NAP and Sisters,

    The perfume idea has taken on a very pleasant path. Scents have a profound effect on our moods (that’s why aromatherapy works so well) so I am excited about feeling good with my new scents. It’s something that I am doing just for me.

    I have been having a lot of fun researching the different perfume houses and the various categories and base notes of perfume (it’s kind of like wine).

    There are two web sites that I would like to share with you. The first has the base notes for most of the major perfumes of the world along with reviews of the scents:


    And this one has the small samples of all of the most elegant (and expensive) perfumes. You can choose single perfumes or sampler packs. Prices start at around $5.00 for a 0.5 to 1.0 ml sample of perfumes that would cost several hundred dollars a bottle or more if purchased in the full size 2 or 3 ounce bottle (30ml = 1 oz.). These small samples, which come in glass vials, are more than enough try out the best of the best without spending a fortune. This site also has great close out deals on full or partial bottles plus a lot of information on perfume:


    They are both fun reading, at least for me.


    Oh, I love that!! (I’m addicted to “sample anything.” You should see my Kindle if you don’t believe me, lol!) There are so many fragrances I’ve wanted to try, but I’ve been chicken to order full sizes. (And I hate mall shopping, so I don’t go try much in the stores.)


    OMG!!!!!!!!!! My L’Occitane perfume arrived today.

    I am in scent heaven!

    It’s clean and elegant with light citrus overtones and a woodsy undercurrent that just drips with sensuality. Long lasting, subtle but unforgettable.

    I’m not going to shower tonight as the lingering essence that I put on at 5pm is maturing into such a glorious mellow scent that I just can’t bear to wash it off.

    Johnny Depp…where are you?


    JoAnn so happy you love it!!! Enjoy!


    Oh damn you, ladies! You make me want to spend more money!!


    OMG, I think JoAnn is IN LOVE! How cute!


    Myrtle by L’Occitane

    Hey Sisters, this perfume is ‘smokin hot’.

    Today I was at the doctor’s (a new man I had never seen before, for a consultation about a pesky leg vein on my left, upper, inner thigh).

    The nurse came in to take my vitals and the first thing she said was, ‘Wow, that is really nice perfume you are wearing’.

    So, that made me feel pretty good.

    Then, after my tests she put me back in the exam room to wait for the Dr.

    Well, Dr. Gorgeous walks in and (I am not kidding) stopped dead in his tracks and said, ‘Whoa! YOU really DO smell good!’ He then walked around behind me to get more of the scent. He said, ‘Hmmm…just a hint of cinnamon.’

    Then he proceeded run his hands up and down my legs as he spoke softly….well, okay, okay, I know–he was evaluating that vein that had just recently appeared–but just go with me here….

    It was fun. I felt hot and sexy and I knew I smelled GOOD!

    Then, at the grocery store I was reaching up to pull down the door on the back of my SUV and this cool guy walked by and made some cute remark like, ‘Hey, they should make that a little higher for you’ (I’m pretty short), so I flashed him my cutest smile and went on in to shop.

    I bet he thought I smelled good too.

    It was a good day. I can’t wait until Dr. Gorgeous does the treatment on my leg. 😉


    JoAnn! I have been wondering how you are doing? NOW I know. 😉 Karen xx


    These days……SOS is one of my favourite things and will miss you all terribly this weekend BUT hope it will bring you healing and you girls will bring it back to the rest of us?

    Karen xx


    DAMN! You go, girl!!! I’m not a perfume person most of the time because of my allergies, but I’m thinking I need to find some of this “INSTANT HAWT” perfume (as well as a Dr. Gorgeous!)

    It sounds like it’d be worth every headache I might get just to feel that good again!!

    So glad you had a good day!! 🙂


    Dang— I think I can almost smell you from here, JoAnn! I want some of that stuff! It sounds like the elixir of love!

    I once had an anesthesiologist who the nurse warned me ahead of time, with a wink, that he was “built and cute.” So, a few minutes later, Dr. builtandcute walked in and whoa, she just wasn’t kidding! eye candy for days!

    Talk about a painless procedure! LOL

    Now, who was talking about MEN being visual???

    Glad you’re feeling better!



    PS: taking a break from blow drying my hair. I’m meeting my sisters tomorrow!


    So happy to hear you love the perfume and also the neat experiences you’re having.

    Theirry Muglers, Angel perfume, hairmist is another one that when I wear it people always ask and notice. Don’t buy the perfume, just the hairmist it’s $35. What you do is you get all ready and spray a fine mist over your head and I will then spray it all over. Great for fall and winter and people love it! I do too!
    Love, Nap

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