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    Not sure if this is anywhere on here- but does anyone have experience with laptop / external drive file recovery?

    The SAH is going out of town next week for work and I would like to try to see if I can recover what he has deleted… (since when he was supposed to give me transparency, he just deleted email accounts- I found out very little.. I would like to try to see what he has done on his laptop that I don’t know about)

    Any advice?


    Hi Starwinkle,

    Here is a link with some free file recovery programs.


    Just remember that files that are deleted are gradually written over, so it the drive has been used since the files were deleted you may not be able to recover much, but it is certainly worth a try. As for passwords or e-mails that were stored offline, like google or yahoo, there is no way to recover that because they never were on the hard drive.

    If you have any questions just ask. I’ll try to help you as much as I can.

    Hugs ~ JoAnn


    You might want to try the low tech solution of looking in the “trash can” file. Sometimes they forget to delete stuff in there so it can be recovered.


    Yeah he is smarter then that- deletes trash can, deletes the recently viewed items out of the windows list, private browsing on the internet…

    I just have a big hunch that I can find videos and photos of him and that he has downloaded and deleted…


    Yes, yes, starwinkle. They are so smart, aren’t they.

    You know, in hindsight, that should have been my biggest, first red flag. Who the hell deletes all their emails and all their deleted emails every day, and all their internet history on every computer, phone, iPad, etc that they touch? A fucking sick pervert, that’s who.

    I lost a very long research paper once and contacted a data recovery firm to help. They couldn’t, because the drive was fried, but a company who specializes in data recovery might be able to help with this. As I remember, their prices were very reasonable (maybe around $100?)

    Good luck!


    SW – you may also want to install eBlaster – it won’t recover the stuff that has been deleted but will show you the stuff he’s doing now and in the future. You probably already have enough to know what horrid shit he’s done in the past – what you may want to know is he continuing to do it? Sadly, you probably don’t need eBlaster to tell you that – just some good common sense! 😉 I say that with love b/c I’m in the same boat in terms of knowing enough to be able to make a decision to leave yet inexplicably I still want to know more to find out the depth of his betrayal and is he continuing to lie to me to my face or is that in the past? Anyone looking at this from the outside in would say…”FC – you have enough…you don’t need to know more” so I’ll say it to you Starwinkle, even though I fully admit that I don’t follow my own advice.


    I know I have enough- it is almost like a sick soap opera- I want to know the real details… I found a video of him that he sent out in July. But when I confronted him he said it was taken before we lived together (it was of him with other guys in a circle “suck”-so gross and definitely enough to run). But he denies that it happened when we were living together and that it happened years before when we just started dating… when he sent it out he said it had happened days before (so this past july…) I want to know all the details, as sick as that is. I want to walk away but I want to know what he has done behind my back… I have a hard time wondering and not knowing the full truth. I just need to know more then he will admit


    Oh, starwinkle, I’m almost afraid to ask, but I am wondering what is a “circle suck”?

    You don’t have to answer. I can wikipedia it when I can’t sleep tonight. :-/

    I am sorry for your pain. I am right in the middle of it, too, gathering information, watching him lie, quietly dying inside. He can lie to me and then invite me to sleep with him in the same breath.

    I don’t know why more information matters. I just know that I need the truth. I need it like a fish needs water. And the more I have, the more power I take back. And then I have to figure out what to do with it all. I want some way to use his “addiction” against him. To flow with it, to get what is best for me without betraying my values. I feel like I can’t start to do that until I know more. I hope that the more I learn, the more I can disconnect from him and his sick ways.

    Too bad he uses iPhone.


    anal warts, circle “suck”……… the more and more I learn here……..it’s amazing……

    I would think knowing of and seeing a video of a circle “suck” that your husband was involved in would pretty much be the end all for you but you need more, I get that to a degree………

    Get Eblaster if you want to know what he’s currently up to….I did and watched silently for many months so it can be done…….


    Check out how to look in the cookies and/or cache. Deleted stuff can still be there. I also learned that every thing deleted still is there in a dat file and can be recovered with special programs be a computer forensics person. I was told it would cost me $7500 for the works – but that is if you need it to go to court. They do a real “legal” job of it, with the attorney – chain of custody of the PC, etc, etc. I did not have the money and I live in a no fault state so getting it looked at would only be for me and I already know he is lying about everything. I also reached the point early on (this time) that Enough was enough and I deserved better, which means trying to focus my energy (as much as possible) on me. Good luck. Just remember – everything you see or discover is now a part of YOUR brain, YOUR thought processes and YOUR memory. How much more do you really need? How much more do you want to torture yourself?


    Isn’t a circle suck enough? Starwinkle, I think you’ve got the frog in the pot syndrome. Most of us have been there, so I am not judging. I hope it helps to hear it.


    I went back and read some of your story Starwinkle. Your H has screwed everybody but “children and animals” to quote Liza. What else are looking for and who cares if he was performing and receiving oral sex in a video that he sent out with other guys before or after you met? He is sick to the nth power. Please get out.


    If you cannot get out then at least put your energy into yourself. You know enough about him.

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