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    email from SJ, I thought it would be about which bank he sent the deposit he is late in sending to.

    I will be unable to make the payment of $170.75 on Friday. I have had some unforeseen circumstances that have prevented me to completing this task. I will deposit the amount on Tuesday. I apologize for the delay.

    Thank you for enclosing the emphasis on the agreement. When I have the luxury of time and I am able to hire an attorney I will be better able to comprehend what you have done.

    Anyone remember that I took that separation agreement down to Texas, scared as hell, and with NO AMOUNTS on it, for his signature. I asked him what he thought was fair and HE WROTE the amounts in. Wow.

    Well, it’s a done deal with a clause prohibiting changes due to subsequent circumstances. And it’s only for 3 years. If he wants to take it into a legal battle, more power to him. He’s gotta pay the attorneys. If he has money to pay them, he sure as hell doesn’t need to be delinquent on his separation payments. What a jerk. Of course, I knew that. This is a threat, of course. Didn’t take him long, did it?

    Notice, new sisters, this is all what I have done, now. All those “I’m sorry” emails and texts he sent, I could copy pages and pages of them, that’s rewritten history. He clearly forgot he’s had anything to do with this outcome.

    My response:

    Thank you.

    I brought the separation agreement to you with the figures blank, Richard. My attorney is aware of this. He cautioned me that you may take advantage of that, and I said I wanted you to feel I trusted you to be fair, and for you not to feel taken advantage of. I put myself and the children completely on the line, against legal advice, for your benefit, that’s what I have done. It’s not the first time. We discussed the figures together, these were mutually agreed upon. I will be happy to hear the results of the conversation between your attorney and mine regarding that decision and the subsequent outcome.


    He’s a snake in the grass….sorry Lynn I hope it works out for you. He never stops.


    I think he’s just messing with you because the divorce is final and he needs to feel some sense of power. His letter seems very power playish. I actually think there’s no point in responding to his bullshit unless it makes you feel better.


    What YOU have done??? I just love that.


    You are right, I don’t need to respond. Just wanted to say I’m not the least bit scared of legal inquiry. This is the stall tactic he used on his first wife when he didn’t make payments. He said they were “discussing” the payments and hadn’t reached a conclusion. I want him to know that legal gameplaying is freaking fine with me. I will say SEX ADDICT as loud as possible every time they ask me a question. It turned him sheet white the ONE time his ex said that on the stand when he was taken to court for nonpayment of her alimony. He was totally horrified that was on legal records. He talked about it every single time her name came up afterwards.

    I will paste it all over the town, damn it. What I did was get to safety and if he wants to try to screw me over about that, I’ll twist his penis into a pretzel and serve it slathered with mustard in the courtroom while he’s at it.

    Sorry, ya’ll really don’t know me and I must seem like the most vindictive, violent, abusive bitch on the planet. I’m really not, so matronly and motherly and earthy that small children and animals stick to me in crowds. There is a limit, though, and I have no hesitation about smearing an abusive SOB. I won’t stew about it and plan revenge, etc. He’s not worth all that. But if I have to show up in court I’m going to get my time and money’s worth out of him.


    You’re right, Kat


    You just can’t make this stuff up…


    He’s a nut. Let your attorney deal with him.


    It never ends with these guys.


    It never ends but it just has too! Some how, some way. Oh how I wish that for you Lynn.


    It will end when you no longer need anything from him. Whatever it takes, make that happen.


    Working on it, March


    He can pull your chain by not paying court ordered support until the 3 years is up? Is that his goal? So awful if it is.

    How is your online BSN study going? Work prospects as LPN?

    As you may remember, I am an RN of 30 years. Have my license for only one more year unless I go back into the field, even volunteer, to rack up hours for maintenance. Really ready to move on.

    I do understand the challenges of the profession in this economy. I call it lowing everything to the lowest common denominator.

    Could Obamacare be a silver lining by providing more nursing jobs that focus on improving healthcare quality instead of profit. Think more non licensed people are being used for the non technical jobs. Anyway, I go on because these are my issues in nursing.

    Lynn, I know the PTSD SJ is complicating all of this. Keep healing girl, keep healing.


    If it is court ordered support, don’t they put these guys in jail for non payment? Is the payment supposed to come directly to you? If so, the court system does not look kindly on guys to do not pay.
    I do agree that he playing with your mind with manipulation. His letter reeks with it.
    Take care of yourself and ignore the letter.
    I am not up on where everyone is with these mad men, so if I make a comment from being out of the loop please let me know.


    It is not “court ordered”. The attorney advised me not to go to court, but get a separation agreement signed that could not be altered if he lost his job and his income changed (he was using porn on work computers, again, so it’s just a ticking clock). SJ is garnished 2K a month for his first wife’s alimony. She will always come first in the court ordered line-up. Then there’s the federal lien from the unpaid debt. Then there’s the taxes he owes for not disclosing.

    I think the attorney was wise to not let me be so far down the lineup. My separation agreement payment cannot be garnished from his wages, I have to take him to court for specific performance, if he doesn’t pay. He can be jailed for contempt if he doesn’t pay. We had to count that as the more effective stick, because he would lose his job. I knew it was like SJ to decide not to pay and see what the courts could do to him. It’s what he did with his first wife. I just figured I’d have more time, or at least have a job by now. Oh well.


    Wow – there are a lot of things to be taken into consideration.
    Your h is such a f

    asshole. I am so sorry for you. It is just too bad you have to take him to court to have his happy little ass thrown in jail. I am so sorry, but I am really angered by this loser. Maybe if there is no hope of getting what you deserve, you can have him eliminated. Just kidding! We all have suffered so much by the hand of these SA’s there just has to be a hell.
    I am thinking about you and you are in my thoughts and prayers.

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