Home discussions Light Beams Happy Thanksgiving!!

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    Happy turkey day Everyone!!
    My mom is here for the week, so i have not been on much. But happy she is here. So the big event of cooking too much food, hanging out, resting and watching TV is todays event.

    Today I am thankful for my kids, my family, house, job and my pups….and my SOS sisters.



    Thanks Flora for this post and Happy Thanksgiving to you and all sisters. I am thankful for my life, my daughters, my family, friends, my home, JoAnn, my sisters on SOS, my cat, my therapists, my doctors, and my Lawyer.

    Today I think of the suffering, the hungry, and the poor. I think of those with no family and the people who have no one to love them, the true poverty of the world. The unwanted.

    Love, nap


    We dont celebrate thanksgiving in the UK but wishing all my american sisters a very happy one. I am thankful to be here and thankful to have you all, and thankful to still feel enough to be thankful!

    God bless you – may next years thanksgiving be amazing for all of you… wouldnt it be great to get a cure for SA?


    And we’ve been there, done that, here in Canada, but I’m sending you many good wishes for a great day in spite of our many trials. May you have some laughs, good food and a moments peace from sex addiction.
    with much affection to my U.S. sisters!


    Thank you ladies! Happy Thanksgiving to all my sisters, veterans AND new, and to JoAnn, our special pioneer! I am thankful for all of YOU of course and that’s everyday-not just today!! 🙂
    I am also so very thankful that my divorce was finalized on November 14th, 2011 and I couldn’t be happier! My entire update is STILL in the works!

    I love you all so very much!!



    Happy Thanksgiving, sisters, here and abroad! No matter whether it’s a holiday or not, I am so thankful for you all. I want to give an extra special thank you to those sisters who have moved on from the SA’s in their lives, yet continue to stay with SOS and help their sisters. I can imagine it’s not always easy to be on here when you are moving away from the pain. So thank you; it means more than you could know.
    Congrats, SL!! You’ve worked hard for this day!! I love you!!


    I love you too! Thanks for the shout out to the ladies who have or are divorcing! My life has already changed so much for the better, my plan is to pay it forward and hang around to offer support, advice, my very opinionated opinion and all the love and hope I can give! Plus, I would miss you all so much, I couldn’t take it! So happy to be here!!



    I love you too! Thanks for the shout out to the ladies who have or are divorcing! My life has already changed so much for the better, my plan is to pay it forward and hang around to offer support, advice, my very opinionated opinion and all the love and hope I can give! Plus, I would miss you all so much, I couldn’t take it! So happy to be here!!



    I love you too! Thanks for the shout out to the ladies who have or are divorcing! My life has already changed so much for the better, my plan is to pay it forward and hang around to offer support, advice, my very opinionated opinion and all the love and hope I can give! Plus, I would miss you all so much, I couldn’t take it! So happy to be here!!


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