I did, too, Lynn, but it was hard- which Discovery Day do I use? Ended up describing my situation and picking dday when I hit the motherload. But even that was a combination of Dday and his crazymaking shit that went on for months as well as my finding things for months. Dday for me was just a trigger for a whole cascade of events still going on as we speak.
But I gave a shout-out to SOS for things that have helped!
I gave the same shout-out Teri so that’s “great minds” twice in one thread! I said I loved my therapist but she is once a week while I can access the ‘hood 24/7. I also said you all have literally saved my life. JoAnn should be made an honorary member of APSATS for what she has created here. Damn, I wish I’d thought to say THAT on the survey. 🙂
I tried filling it out and got so damn mad that I was banging my keyboard way too hard. Like every key was my H’s head…….anyway, I think I will just try again tomorrow 🙂