Home discussions Sex Addiction HELP create a soundbite

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    We may have a chance to slip in one good soundbite. I really want to make it have an impact, and I know I’m not that good.

    You all are, please help.

    We’ve been through the prescreening and are going to the taping of the Anderson Cooper show tomorrow. My plane leaves at 3pm. Taping is at 9:30am tomorrow.

    I need something I can remember and say quickly enough to slip in between the scripted stuff. Hopefully twice so if they edit one they miss the other.

    It’s a long shot, but I’m not opposed to that.


    If porn doesn’t affect a marriage then why are they doing a show on it? If so many of us have lying sneaking husbands watching it how is that not viewed as a problem would be my two cents.


    Btw, I applaud you for going!!! You will represent us wives well! Safe travels!


    Porn addiction escalates until the addict can’t get an erection with an actual woman he loves. He doesn’t have orgasms unless he watching his current trigger porn. There is no sexual mutuality in the marriage. If he ever does get it up, he isn’t with you in his head at all. And it’s obvious.


    Porn addiction has virtually killed my marriage. Wives need support not condemnation. Sex addiction and its lies kills families. Sex addiction could happen to you. Then what?

    Respect to you for going Lynn. Hold onto your dignity – you are in my prayers x


    WOW lynn, how courageous of you to share your story. I think one of the most important pieces of advice I can give you is to really think before you answer any questions. Many times when an interviewer has an agenda or opinion that they want to validate they will ask questions that they know will forward that agenda.

    Just be honest, state YOUR feelings about the situation and remind him that this problem is not just about the addict. When the addict is married (or in a serious relationship) the partner is deeply traumatized and affected.

    Good luck with the taping, be sure to tell us all about it and certainly when it will be aired. Ask for a copy of the tape and I will make copies for anyone who wants them just for the cost of the DVD (under $1.00) and shipping. Or, you could do that too, if you like.

    You can certainly say, if you get the chance, that you have found a great online support group, the Sisterhood Of Support dot com. Most people can remember that even if you only say it once. They may not allow you to do that, but it’s worth a try.

    I’ll be sending LOTS of good energy your way. Thank you so much for doing this. You are a very strong woman.


    OMG I am sooooooooooo proud of you. Your voice is a strong one and you have worked very hard to gain all the knowledge that you have. Each and everyone of us will be holding you up during this wonderful opportunity for us to have a voice. Thank you so much for taking this on.

    I am not sure if the show is about SA focused on porn, sorry a little bit confused. Perhaps you can talk about the fact that the woman who are exposed to this type of behavior from their spouse are suffering and are in shock that they are having to deal with something of this nature. Most woman who discover that their husband are addicted to porn find that the behavior extends far beyond watching to engaging directly. When your husband stops being in a relationship with you to carry on with a fantasy world, the marriage is dead. Pornagraphy extends beyond pictures of naked woman to the availability of live one on one web cam interaction. The trauma involved with discovering that your husband is involved with other woman is a responce that some treatment modalities are not taking into consideration. To suggest that the wife has an equal responsibility for his behavior due to co-dependence creates an atmosphere of questioning emotional reactions which are normal and justified. The fact that woman are standing up to this problem and having a voice that is saying that this behavior is not OK, is threating to others who are freakishly benefiting from porn.

    Oh my gosh, Lynng, so much to say. So hard to actually find the words. Be calm. Try to breath. There is nothing that anyone can say that would not support our stance. This is wrong. This behavior is wrong. The fact that a husband would be engaging in this kind of thing behind our backs is proof enough that they know it is hurtful and does not have a place in the marriage.

    ohhhhh be strong Lynng. Thank you thank you thank you


    Perhaps a soundbite regarding the emotional intimacy problem that lies beneath many SA/PA’s.

    If sex is being used to replace or to escape emotions, this inhibits the person from learning to cope with actual communication. Using sex to escape from reality is often a learned tool that one uses as a wall of protection from feeling emotions. When sex is being used as a replacement for a feeling, that is a huge signal that something is wrong.

    The person with SA/PA becomes more and more emotionally unavailable as the disease progresses.


    Wow Lynn! So proud of you for doing this. Is your husband going? What exactly is the topic of the show?

    Stand your ground, reveal the pain and destruction but also show your strength. Easy for me to say, huh?

    You are a very strong and courageous woman. I wish you all the best.

    Much love, Claire

    Cindy, Love, love, love, your profile picture. You are as cute as can be! Stay strong my friend. Lots of love.


    Wow Lynn! So proud of you for doing this. Is your husband going? What exactly is the topic of the show?

    Stand your ground, reveal the pain and destruction but also show your strength. Easy for me to say, huh?

    You are a very strong and courageous woman. I wish you all the best.

    Much love, Claire

    Cindy, Love, love, love, your profile picture. You are as cute as can be! Stay strong my friend. Lots of love.


    Thanks Claire,
    Your very nice! I think of you often. Hope your well.



    Lynng, Is the taping in Atlanta? If so, how long will you be around?


    This is so awesome, Lynn. Is this segment about porn addiction only? If so, I think what Cindy said especially would be really good, because porn addiction and sex addiction seem to go hand in hand. Or hand in.. something or other. 🙁


    When does it air?

    There is SO much to say. How to fit it in one small clip!!!!?

    I think I’d say, “When it is hurting real people and destroying real families and marriages, it is no longer just innocent porn and fantasies.”

    You are absolutely amazing for doing this!!! I am assumming your H is going?


    Or somthing or another in hand.


    I can’t wait to see Lynn’s hubbie…


    Deer in the headlights (Lynns hubby)


    He’s screwed for all of America to see if they care too. There will be reruns. Forever immortalized and most likely clips on youtube.

    On a serous note, I am worried about Lynn. I have a hard time seeing much good for her coming from this. And I fear her H will be such an ass or who knows what that the whole experience will be unhealthy for her.

    i’m proud she has the guts to do it!!! Just worried. Call me Negativer Nellie.


    He’s screwed for all of America to see if they care too. There will be reruns. Forever immortalized and most likely clips on youtube.

    On a serous note, I am worried about Lynn. I have a hard time seeing much good for her coming from this. And I fear her H will be such an ass or who knows what that the whole experience will be unhealthy for her.

    i’m proud she has the guts to do it!!! Just worried. Call me Negativer Nellie.


    He’s screwed for all of America to see if they care too. There will be reruns. Forever immortalized and most likely clips on youtube.

    On a serous note, I am worried about Lynn. I have a hard time seeing much good for her coming from this. And I fear her H will be such an ass or who knows what that the whole experience will be unhealthy for her.

    i’m proud she has the guts to do it!!! Just worried. Call me Negativer Nellie.


    I am so touched at all our responses and concern. I’m copy pasting this from the other forum started by Diane.

    Thanks for being concerned about me. I made it through the taping. The thing that was most outstanding in my memory was the amount of pain I saw in the audience when I told what little of my story I had time to tell. Lots of people were crying. Men, too. I think the host, Anderson Cooper, was struggling to keep his composure. He gulped really hard a number of times. It was validating, in that I could see that the pain and anger and shock I felt were NOT because I was already emotionally damaged before all this happened, I was not a co-addict, a PTSD victim, or anything other than a person who was shocked to the core by the deceitful and destructive behavior of someone I loved and trusted.

    There were two psychiatrists on the show with us, one, a woman whose name I never got clearly in the hustle, was a supporter of the standard “Sex Addict” model of treatment, and the other was Dr. David Lev, author of the newly released “The Myth of Sex Addiction”. They gave us some pointers, nothing we’ve not heard before. They both agreed that the tools H and I put in place so far are good ones.

    There was no mention of co-addiction. I did not get to bring that up, however, I don’t think it was necessary. There was not even a hint of turning the focus back to the woman in the situation. Well, maybe, where the woman psychiatrist said that there was an obvious breakdown in communication early in the relationship. Anderson Cooper took an audience question then “Why were you both not clear with each other in the beginning about what was acceptable, sexually.” I answered that I had been, we had had three discussions about that: before we started dating exclusively, before we were sexually intimate, and before I accepted the marriage proposal. Each time I was adamant that I would not accept the use of porn, or extramarital sexual activity, at all. Each time H stated he had never used porn, would not, and he was completely monogamous and had no desire to be anything else, for his own health and sanity as well as the health of the relationship. Anderson’s next question was to H, he asked “Why did you marry her, then, knowing that this was her standard, and what you were doing?” H had no answer and the audicence was livid.

    H talked the whole way home about how shocked he was by the anger portrayed towards him by the audience. About halfway through the flight home I told him this is a human response. All that anger you feel from me, it’s not because I’m over sensitive or want to punish you. All those tears I cried, it’s not because I’m hooked on pain and perpetually reliving the same old things you’re already over. It’s a human response to a horrible thing. They don’t know you and hate you, they know what you did, though, and what you did was a horrible thing, and they just learned about it. Can’t you see that? Their response was a human response and so was mine.

    It was exhausting, the travel, the number of people I had to tell my story to in short in preparation for the show, the taping, and the trip back home with H afterwards. But I think I’m glad I did it. I was honest, and I think AC was trying to portray it in the most balanced fashion possible. I have no idea how it will be edited, though.

    They did the most extreme makeup job on me, I’ve never worn false eyelashes before, and they put so many on I was having trouble blinking. I feel like I looked like Tammy Baker. The staff all said it looked natural on camera. I guess we’ll see.

    I did the best I could, sisters. Hope it works. I did mention the Sisterhood of Support, too. Hope that survives editing.

    Your support has made it possible for me to be this open, and I pray to GOD that is helps some other women see that their own responses are healthy, normal responses and NOT a sign of their own shortcomings. AND also, I hope it gives some man a clear picture of the real pain he’s causing, so he’ll come forward and get help before he creates this hell in his own life, with another woman. I just hope it brings a halt to the pain, for SOMEONE.


    Lynn, thank you again for your courage in representing us. Did they tell you when the show will air?


    Supposedly before Jan 1

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