Home discussions Mental Health Holding onto evidence

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    Noco it is really wonderful that we have the sisters who understand why we need to hold onto this stuff. The sharing of similar thoughts, actions and experiences is validating.


    Cat, I’m coming late to this post and the sisters have said it all. Just look at how many of us here say ” if someone had told me 5 years ago that I’ll be here I wound’t have believed them.”
    We just don’t know…
    With all the secrecy and all the lies that surround SA, any shred of “real” evidence is a good thing, even if painful.


    Beware!!! Hubbie knew I had an envelope of letters, emails, back and forth with him. He convinced me to let him use it for one of his steps (life story) and said he would give it back. Then after a argument with me he burned everything literally in a fire!!! and he is suppose to be in recovery???? also “accidentally deleted all my word documents” both during his $5000 intensive with his therapist and working with a 12 step group. Beware!!! They only want to save their self!!! Great way to build trust huh????


    The 12 Step Group never has your interests at heart. They work to protect the SA from any accountability that actually means something.


    I have I don’t know how many copies of evidence stashed various places with various people. Organized for easy release on my code word. It helps me sleep.

    Catherine- hold on to your evidence as long as you want. I thought we were getting better and I got rid of some things that I really wish I had now (phone records, for example). You just never know what the future will bring.

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