Home discussions Relationships How does one manage if deciding to stay?

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    Guess who is not going to commit to new live in relationship because of past experiences. Guess who is going to make sure she can split when needed?

    I am afraid sweet BF will no longer have incentive to be paitne, sweet and hear my needs/wants when “he has me.” Soooooooooo he doesn’t get to have me. He can show me his love and devotion “one day at a time”.

    Not letting any man set a trap in my life. I am free and it is going to stay that way!!!!!!!!

    He is doing pretty well with all this. It is his choice to move on.


    Really Desiree? You are letting a past bad experience with your ex spoil any chance of a normal relationship in the future. He wins.
    Desiree I am a hopeless romantic. Hence the above.
    Teri I don’t mind at all and it is fascinating getting to know one another. You girls have seen a really ugly, outspoken side that I don’t normally let out. I’m normally a little pussy cat.


    Me too.


    March, lots of adjectives spring to mind to describe you. “Little pussy cat” doesn’t even make the top 1000. 🙂
    Sleek, prowling jungle cat, maybe.


    I tried waiting it out, 6 months in the same room, then after being told he needs more time before full disclosure, I snapped! He is now in our guest room, kids don’t even notice, it’s only been one night. I took our family photos and smashed out his face and hung them all over the room… I’m totally wrecked. Some part of me knows what addiction can do, but seriously, they weren’t born addicted, right? At some point in their adult life they knew it was wrong, and did not get help, confide in the spouse, anyone! They are terrible sick and twisted. I have no real hope for recovery, even if he seems to be absorbing it, he has spent 45 years training his brain to think a certain way, nothing short of a lobotomy will help!! — I’m still on the fence for staying, I am financially comfortable here, I deserve to have that, my kids are here, they deserve to stay in there home, perhaps if I castrate or neuter him I could live long tern like this… hmmm


    Lobotomy and castration sound pretty good right about now. They’d probably be better men that way.

    Hell, they like their women all surgically altered. It’s not THAT unreasonable a request, is it?




    To paraphrase Bev, if they can google ‘hot lesbian strap-on scenes,’ they can google ‘help.’


    OMG I have never heard that I’ll have to look it up…and I think I just pee’d myself laughging…. thank you ladies I needed that!!


    Teri, time to start the patent process on the wee-wee guillotine. Oh and being a bioresearcher, I’m sure you can come up with something for a chemical lobotomy too – one that allows them to still work and support their families, of course.


    My H managed to google everything except help…small four letter word. Nope…couldn’t do it.

    It’s my sticking point with this whole fucked up sordid mess. You knew you were wrong ( you hid it). You knew you couldn’t stop ( the money proves that). You were shit faced stumbling drunk and you googled “hooker” on your fucking phone for Christ’s sakes. That’s hard. Drunk, google, find hooker, call hooker, go to hotel where hooker is,get cash out for hooker, get it up for hooker while drunk, fuck hooker, drive home and lie………impressive. That’s a lot of steps for a drunk. So, when your sober, you can’t google “help”?????


    And , to top off my rant, my H is a LOUSY drinker. He doesn’t even drink any more ( for a year now since his CSAT said no no ). He couldn’t drink worth a damn. So, to do all that drunk is really stretching it for him.


    Bev you are hilarious.
    Daisy I love the idea of the chemical lobotomy especially keeping the part of the brain responsible for working and supporting families intact.


    In so many ways, these guys are uber LOSERS.

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