I’m sorry I’m a really slow person by nature then with my PTSD I’m like a slug. I will try to write it faster. Sorry I traumatized you.
Love Nap
I’m not fighting it anymore.
I’m diane and I’m a co-addict.
My life online has become unmanageable and I am powerless to control NAP.
I’m going to make a rigorous moral inventory of myself now, since I have this Sunday off. But first I’m having some coffee.
😉 Yes, as Bridget Jones’s friends all said to her BEFORE the glorious Dr Darcy arrived to save her miserable life of spinsterhood “Come on and hurry the fuck up up, Bridget!”
I loved that movie.
Hi Karen,
I know i love that movie to.
NAP as you cans ee we are all loving the story. I think the membership has boosted just to see what happens. Or new people think we are crazy. We are just having fun.
Love ya all.
Hi Diane, thanks for sharing.
Hi Nap, sorry to hear about your PTSD. I’d give you some advice but I might get labelled codependent so I’ll just leave you to struggle… Ooh… But that might be me overlOoking or ignoring or downplaying so then I might still be codependent… Heck! Oh but if I do im rescuing and then definately co D! Damn you labels!!
I don’t know which way is up anymore!!