Home discussions Sex Addiction I am new in here

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    Hello, I am new my name is Lisa and I am 39 years of age. I am going to take time out to write my story. I am trying to take time out to within myself to figure out how to write the story without putting mysel in harms way mentally remembering some of it its been 10 yrs of pain wow 10 yrs of pain with a lot of happy times and lots of love and pain wow I cant believe I can say love in the same sentence as pain but I can be true to myself to say that with all the bad, I have had so many great things come out of this crazy addiction. I can also say that the pain is horrible and breathless and baffling and cunning and mean and harmful and gross and shocking without the pain I would not have my kids and I have grown to be a strong beautiful women and I surpise myself everyday. I am still in shock at times after all these years and sad but it has not broken me and has changed me but I fought hard to get out of the darkness…


    Thanks for stepping out Lisa.
    You’re beautiful btw, and in case you haven’t noticed, ALL the women are beautiful here. So that our first lesson! We are beautiful and desireable and sensual, inside and out.

    I’m glad you ” fought hard to get out of the darkness”. We understand that phrase. It’s a long hard fight, but the light is with us all.

    Take all the time you need to write your story, and in the meantime jump right in on a thread and say your piece or ask your question.



    You are a fighter! It is so good you found here, as a respite. Waiting to hear your story, too.


    Lisa, would you like to change your screen name to Lisa? I can do it or you can do it by going into your profile. ~ JoAnn


    Hi, and welcome. I’m new here too, and these women are awesome. This is truly a soft place to fall. You’re among friends who understand.


    There is nothing you can’t say here Lisa. We believe you and we get you. Walk towards the truth and the light…we are waiting here to help you heal. You’re in the right place. Welcome.



    Welcome. No rush telling your story. Some people want to start out telling it all, other hang back until they feel comfortable. This is a safe place where you can come to take care of yourself.


    Welcome to SOS! I hope you will find helpful information here on diverse topics. We tend to cover all angles and more if that’s possible. Really a very neat group of woman and very supportive.
    Love, Nap

    PS sometimes we swear.


    welcome lisa! so sorry you had to find us, but so glad you did. you are not alone! i have learned so much from these beautiful women, this is a place where many truths are told.

    take good care of yourself. that is the very most important thing for all of us to do.


    Welcome lisa! I hope you find comfort, info,support and the odd laugh out loud moment here with all of us who understand the pain very well. Karen xx


    Welcome Lisa!!

    Would love to hear your story! even in bits and pieces!



    Hi Lisa, I know exactly how you feel… We all do. I am glad you found this group. I have so benefited from the wisdom shared here. Wishing you healing and strength. – Mel


    Welcome, Lisa — you’ve found a beautiful refuge here. Sending you a big virtual hug.

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