Home discussions Health I feel bad, but . . .

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    It’s 10:30 p.m. Monday night. SAH just came out of his bedroom and said he was going to the emergency room. Apparently while he was working on a well pump today, his thumb got smashed in some equipment. The thumb is black/blue and looks very painful (I’ve had one before and they do hurt like hell) but it doesn’t look broken or anything. I had him put ice on it but he said he needed to drill a hole in the nail to release the pressure. I know that sometimes helps, but I’m not drilling a hole in anyone’s fingernail. So he sat there holding his hand rocking back and forth in the chair when he finally stood up and said I can’t take it anymore I’m going to ER. I asked if he could drive okay and he said yes, so off he went.

    I feel bad, like I should have driven him there, but honestly, I don’t want to sit in an emergency room with him for hours. I suppose I would if it were more serious. I mean, if his hand was dangling off his arm, I would have gone!

    Good grief. I don’t need this right now.



    you did the right thing. you are right, you don’t need this.
    feeling bad about it is ok, too. just look after yourself, honey.

    he’ll be alright – as good as he ever was.

    detaching, and letting these guys look after themselves is a good thing.

    maybe do something kind for someone who deserves it? that might help you feel better..


    Hang on Claire. He will soon be sentenced and you will know then (one way or the other) what scenario you have to deal with. Living in limbo with such a huge thing hanging over your head is unbearable but you are almost there. I know you are a kind person BUT he is either leaving you by going to jail OR you are leaving him in some manner. Therefore, what point is there in you playing the loving wife?? We have enough trouble with these dudes twisting reality without US joining them in lala land? You are no longer his wife. He needs to find some other sucker to go to worry about his thumb and everything else related to him.
    Hang in there. Love Karen


    I think you did really well not to play a part in the “give me some sympathetic attention” game. Save your sympathetic attention for the children in this videos he watched.
    And perhaps they could drill a hole in his head and one in his penis to relieve the pressure there, as well.


    I’m happy he hurt his thumb.


    Dont feel badly, you didnt smash his thumb. Hes really a quite accident prone to say the least. I cant wait til Thurs has come and gone. Hang in there!!!


    He ruined your life. Smashing his thumb is small payback. I wouldn’t feel bad in the least.

    I would get into the pain that children feel when forced into pornography but I would vomit….

    I wish he had smashed every bone in his body.


    He’s “not needed” you for any of his other bullshit, even the legal crap that directly affects you. He didn’t need you to put a down-payment or whatever it is on an RV. He doesn’t need you to take care of his hurt thumb.

    You are okay, Claire. Your normalness is just giving you trouble when you have to deal with crazy. Just let it go.


    Teri, you are absolutely right. Thank you for reminding me. And Bev, I agree, I need to think of the pain those kids felt, what they went through and how their lives are forever changed.

    Honestly, I surprised myself that I didn’t jump to drive him to the ER. That shows me just how detached I am. I’m getting better ladies. The guilt that follows these types of decisions is what’s hard to handle, but that just proves how normal I am.

    He’s up and around this morning with a big bandage on his thumb. Alot of big sighs coming from him. Hope he doesn’t stay home all day.


    That injury’s gonna make whacking off difficult.


    It’s on his dominant hand, too!

    He told me this morning when trying to write something “you just don’t realize how important a finger is until you can’t use it” and then he laughs. Last night he was dying from the pain, the most pathetic scene. Very wimpy.


    I feel bad too Claire. I feel bad it wasn’t worse. I feel bad that Karma mistook his thumb for his puny little peter. Oh well. Better aim next time Karma. 🙂


    I realize how important my fingers are.

    I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have my middle finger. I use it everytime I walk behind him!!!!! And that’s the truth!!

    I told my therapist about that and she said “we all have our own little ways of letting our anger out!”


    What a baby.


    Claire, stay strong these next couple of days, you don’t know what he’ll try or do. Good grief, if he needed his nail drilled, he’s got two hands, he could have done it himself. My grandmother used to do it with the end of a straightened paper clip heated by the flame of a candle. March, as I read through this post, I laughed out loud twice at your comments. Keep them coming:)


    Maybe you should have taken him up on the drilling and then had a little “oopsie” with it, Claire.


    I actually told him last night that my Dad used to put a flame to a needle and pierce the nail, but OH NO, he knows everything and says there’s NO WAY a needle can pierce the nail. So . . . fine, go to the ER. He got home at 2:30 a.m. He lied to the ER doctor and told her that someone was waiting for him in the parking lot to drive him home so he could get a shot of morphine. And to top it off he got a prescription for Vicodin. What the hell does he need Vicodin for? Once the pressure is released you can just take OTC drugs. No wonder there’s a drug problem on our streets.

    Anyway, I’m exhausted, but wide awake if that makes any sense. Now the donkeys have acquired some kind of rash on their ears. The Vet can’t make it out, she’s swamped but she instructed me to wash the ears, rinse them and then spray a fungicide on them. If the rash isn’t gone in a week, call her back. Donkeys hate water. this will require tying them up and struggling with them every day, twice a day. Good grief. My poor donkeys will have wet ears in cold weather 🙁

    What’s next, go ahead, God, throw it at me . . . I’ll handle it. 🙂 Maybe I’ll handle it tomorrow, though!


    I don’t think God sent the donkey ear fungus or the husband. But whoever did was mixed up—the fungus was surely meant for the husband!


    Tragic error.


    Morphine for a drilled nail? Wow. AND an RX for Vicodin? And he drove home? He’s trying to kill himself before Thursday? If only.

    I LOVED the comment that you need your middle finger, Claire.



    Daisy Teri and Claire y’all are so funny!!

    Tomorrow is S day for fat head and I can’t wait. Hell, I’d bring popcorn front row if I lived closer and go with you Claire.

    And then if he got time the judge would scold me after sentencing for yelling “Woo-hoo!!! ‘Bout time!! See ya fudge packer! Don’t drop the soap!!”

    Sorry, my daydream drifted



    A courtroom cheering squad for Claire? I’m in!


    Too bad we can’t get skyped into the court room to at least watch 🙁


    I would be there with bells on if I could! We could bring bars of soap and hold them up when he’s lead away to jail. 🙂


    Claire, I know court is tomorrow and we’re all thinking of you and praying. My biggest fear is that your husband’s attorney will do something yet again to get it further delayed, in which case I am hoping the judge throws him in jail with your husband. God Bless, Claire.

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