Home discussions I just can't do it anymore

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    My son’s transmission blew out yesterday. I have no idea how he will pay for repairs. I don’t have thousands of dollars to spare.

    My son doesn’t pay any rent, I don’t ask him for a thing. He does not go out of his way to make money for himself. He works part time at Lowes……and he barely makes enough money to pay his phone bill and auto insurance.

    I just can’t support a 30 year old able bodied male anymore- not on my Walmart wages and my bag of chump change/alimony. My son will not make an effort to find a second job. Most of the time he plays video games or reads books. Everyday…I stress about money….everyday…I try to find a better job. Yet he makes no effort to even notice how hard it has been for me.

    I am seriously thinking about asking my son to move back to IN with Dancing Dick and his new janitor bride. I just can’t do this anymore. I am barely staying afloat financially.

    I don’t know what to do. I just cant pay my son’s way anymore. I want to send him back to Dancing Dick……who was never a good father ….ever! But he makes over 100K a year. I feel so awful ….but I just can’t afford my son.

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