Home discussions Sex Addiction I needed him to………

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    I needed him to hold me and tell me that I was going to be OK.
    I needed him to love me. I needed him to feel bad for hurting me. I needed him to assure me that he loves me. I needed him to understand that I was in shock, and that I was afraid of what I had found out about him. I needed him to understand that I was angry. I needed him to be patient with my tears. I needed him to want me more than anything else in the world. I needed him to want our family more than anything else in the world. I needed him to tell me that no matter what, he was going to be there for me. I needed him to tell me that he would wait for me for ever. I needed him to tell me that he was willing to give up anything just to be with me for the rest of his life. I needed him to show me that he wanted to be with me. I needed him to show up at my door and tell me that he wanted me. I needed him to fight for me. I needed him to come over to the house often, even if it appeared that I did not want him to. I needed him to risk his own discomfort or possible rejection because his love for me was worth more than the hurt of rejection. I needed him to show the same kind of drive to win me back that he has for his business. I needed to be number one for once. I needed him to send me cards and letters telling me how sorry he was. I needed him to look at me tenderly. I needed him to reach out to me. I just needed him to be with me because he wanted to be with me. I needed him to understand and be compassionate about how his actions affected me. I need him to look at me with love. I needed him to be gentle with my broken heart. I needed him to understand how broken I was. I needed him to take care of me. I needed him to treat me with extra special tenderness, like a bird with a broken wing. I needed him to prove to me and to everyone that no matter what, he was going to love me. I needed him more than ever in our marriage to show the strength of a man. I needed him to wait for me. I needed him to want what is best for me. I needed time to heal. I needed time to understand what happened. I needed him to appreciate that I was working on getting past the pain. I needed him to show our children how a husband should treat a wife. I needed him to show our children how to make amends. I needed him to show our children how much they meant to him by fighting for our families togetherness. I needed him to show our children that human beings can make mistakes, but they can also make amends. I needed him to show our children how much he loves them and how much he did not mean to hurt them. I needed to feel like nothing else mattered in the whole world other than him and I being together. I needed him to fear that I would not love him. I needed him to fight for me because he wanted me to be his wife. I needed him to show that he was not going to give up on the hope that I would love him again. I needed him to talk to our friends and family members. I needed him to ask them for advice on what to do to help him win me back. I needed to know that he was going to do what ever he could to show me that I was who he wanted to be with. I needed to know that he wanted to take care of me. I needed him to know that I was not perfect either, but that was OK with him. I needed him to understand how scared I was.

    But how can I ask someone of these things when he is filled with so much shame of his actions? How can I ask these things of someone who is not in an emotionally mature place? How can I ask these things of a little boy in a mans body? Could I expect a three year old little boy to understand and reach out to me? If I caught the boy next door stealing cookies, could I expect him to understand the fear I had in catching him in my kitchen? No, he would not understand. This little boy would react in fear when I screamed in panic from finding someone in my home. He would run out the door and tremble with fear of what I would do to him. If I did get a chance to talk with him and I yelled and cried, he would not have the emotional capacity or intelligence to handle such a reaction in me.

    This is what we are dealing with.

    This immature reaction fuels our confusion with what we are dealing with. We really thought we were married to an adult man, and for many parts of the marriage, we were. We attribute his lack of ability to be present with compassion and support to arrogance and an addictive mindset. We are sure that he is so self centered and unaccountable that we try even harder to show them our pain. We want with every fiber of our being for him to be the man that we thought he was. We almost want him to treat us as delicately as if we were a three year old little girl that was scared, injured and hurt.

    A three year old little boy can not be there for a three year old little girl.

    Once we are aware of this, we hope and pray and encourage that three year old little boy/man to get the help that he needs to learn the emotional intelligence that is needed to move beyond this. We love this man and we want our families to be together. We watch in agony as we realize that the man part of who he is defends and protects that little boy inside of him. That little boy part plays to big of a role in his patterns of coping skills.

    And so it goes……………………………………………………………….


    That was beautiful. Thank you Cindy

    I have nothing to add, you said it all.

    Love You,


    so perceptive, Cindy,
    Realizing that we don’t know whether the person we fell in love with is actually real, or just another one of the fake things in this whole mess, rips apart the soul.
    That’s why we hold onto it longest. We talk about how wonderful they were on a certain day, or when we first met, or before we had children, or until we got cancer. We talk about it as if telling ourselves will make it the “real” man.

    One of the hardest questions I ask myself, and I ask myself regularly, is “what was most important to this man I loved”. The answer is never me, our children, our family, our marriage, our livelihood, our future, our present, our hopes and dreams, our goals. The answer is always that what was most important to him was protecting his secret life of lying, deception, high risk to terrible and terminal illness, high risk of job loss and home loss and no higher education for our sons, throwing me in front of the bus as his scapegoat for his mother, using me as his cover and emotional punching bag, betrayal, infidelity. Those were the only thing he protected. They were what mattered most. Even though he’s now sober, he still protects his sense of superiority, entitlement, apathy, secret keeping, and the right to do anything he wants without regard to how it impacts me or our children.

    These are very hard and painful truths. I think they will hurt me until I draw my last breath.

    But pretending it is not so does not make it hurt less. It just wastes the lives we have yet to live, by letting these men take up so much room that there isn’t room for the goodness that life has to give us, the relationships that could be ours, the joy of self-love and honouring our own worth, and the peace of living away from their cruel insanity.

    but hey, once again, IMO.


    really great Cindy, so true….and Diane loved your response….were never their priority.


    Thank you Cindy. So beautifully put. I wish my husband could read it, but then, that wouldnt matter, because youre right about the 3 year old boy. He simply cant get it…


    ((Cindy)) That was so amazing and so poignant. xoxo


    Cindy. How beautiful. You needed to be loved and cherished from a little boy trapped in a man’s body. We thought they were men – but their actions were that of a little boy – still stuck in their trauma.

    I really hope that your SAH finds someone to help him heal the wounded little boy. And to realize how much he hurt you and how stupid he was to throw away the best thing that he ever had in his life.

    But the good news is that you are now free from the hurt little boy that you never knew was there. You are free to take care of yourself and hopefully sometime in the future to even find a functional adult man to love you like you deserve to be loved.

    I pray that you find peace and love yourself – and don’t let the little boy bring you down or make you cry forever.



    Wow…in tears…
    Bonnieb, I had the same thought as you. Wish my h could read this, and then within seconds realizing the futility of this. Maybe getting to that point of realizing that futility is growth, in and of itself? (I’m all about baby steps!)
    Thank you, Cindy. I’m having a rough time these past few weeks, and especially tonight. This was a hard truth to read, yet it also spoke my heart.
    Big hugs!!
    Julie (zg)


    Thank you for your supportive comments about my post.

    Sometimes it just all comes spilling out.

    Diane – Your words were like a sucker punch to my soul. Not because of what you said, but because of how true they are.

    “….These are very hard and painful truths. I think they will hurt me until I draw my last breath….”

    He is, and always has been, self centered. This is something that I knew, but tried to make myself believe that it was not true. It is time to face the truth and wake up to the wonderful world of me!!!!!

    Zumba and Bonnie, I know what you mean. I was hoping that my husband would understand these things. I kept trying to get him to understand. Maybe if I said it this way, or maybe if I wrote it that way. Maybe if I have this kind of tone……. Your right…… futile!!!!! Zumba sorry that you have been having a hard couple weeks. I understand, I have too. I think I am digging out. How about you?

    Deb and Bev – I have been with you in spirit as you have been posting, and I thank you for all of your honesty and wisdom. I have not had much strength to respond to your post, but I am resonating with so much of what you are going through.

    Nap and Anneim – Your friendship and support mean the world to me.

    All of you are a gift to me.

    Thank you,


    Hi Cindy,
    Doing better, thanks for asking. Some weeks it’s 2 steps forward, one step back. So I’m really trying to stay in the moment, and if worse comes to worse, remember that tomorrow’s another day.

    Big hugs!!


    Cindy- Beautifully put. I remember feeling all that…
    But I am in a different place. I need him to take care of us financially, get the hell out of my life, and leave my poor suffering child alone. Hmmm….not very poetic, but it sure feels good.

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