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    I just wanted to start a new thread about something that will make us laugh. How about the gross things our H’s do. I’ll start.

    -When he belches he tries to say words and is real proud of himself when it sounds like it
    – Also, when sitting down and a belch is coming he leans forward and then let’s it rip
    – Also when he’s sitting he will lift one leg and lean over to let a fart out
    – Honest to Gawd, he cannot yawn without make some loud abnoxious noise.
    – When he makes something to eat, nothing get put on the counter, everything is dropped or thrown

    What about you gals?


    Well, I like to set a nice table for family dinners every night. Not formal, but nice and make everyone feel comfortable and happy to be there. That said, at first it was not really an issue, but I was surprised that SA insisted on cloth napkins at the table every night. He even wanted ones with embellishment, embroidery, etc. Weird, eh? For a man.

    He even pressed the damn things when I stopped because I figured unless it was a company event that was a waste of my time. I think he was trying to make me feel guilty in a passive aggressive way because he would do it when he knew I would see him, always. I never offered to help or stopped him. He even gave me napkin counts when he finished and complimented himself on how nice they looked when he would go put them on the table. I ignored him, all too passive aggressive for me.

    I broke though, when he said he didn’t mind ironing them “for me” and I blew up and said “It’s not something you do FOR ME, it’s something YOU DO. Do you think that’s my job description, here? Because I really don’t remember that part of the contract.”

    I have never seen anyone make a bigger mess at the table. I threw away more napkins, placemats, and even tablecloths that I couldn’t get stains out of. Looking back, the whole thing was so indicative of his lifestyle. Make the show of propriety, have all the props in place, and be a pig regardless and with total expectation that I would perpetually and wordlessly make everything sparkling for the next time he sat down to be served.

    LMAO, what a silly thing, but so telling when you break it down. What was I doing with that man in my life? Really? I think the “men are just like that” dismissal my mother gives, and I accepted for a long time, was a great disservice to men. That I could say, “No the hell they’re not, this is a different species altogether” means I have more respect for men, not less.


    My H clips his toenails in the family room. he also eats a banana every morning for breakfast and leaves the peel sitting in the glass of chocolate milk on the nightstand.

    I used to clean up 🙂


    My STBX would stand up when he wiped his butt then pull the toilet paper around to look at it.

    He also used to put his shoes on the kitchen table.

    He couldn’t read, watch TV, or look at a computer without picking his nose. He used to get mad at me if I asked him to get a tissue.


    OMG and the vagina thread was weird – can’t go here at all!!!!
    Shit – boogers, farts, and belching – I am officially disgusted with being human!


    teri, the toilet paper bit made me laugh…


    Your toilet paper H reminds me of my ex-H. He would smell the inside of his shoes after he took them off and then look at me and go “Phewwww!”. Like, what the hell did you expect? LOL. Thanks ladies, keep em coming.


    My sah didn’t do anything like that but he napped a lot. I know what you sisters a thinking…. “napping” …. but these really were… In the family room on the couch.


    I’ve caught him picking his nose and eating it… right alongside our 3 yr old.


    Picks his nose, compulsively picks the dead skin off his feet, cuts (sculpts) his hair every morning, leaves hair all over the bathroom sink…


    Pornpig (PP) bought this little recording toy which would record any noise you would make and you could make it immediately play it back with many different effects, echo, high pitch like a chipmunk, deep and low, vibrato, chattering, etc. He would hold it up to his ass and do a big fart and then play his fart back using all the sound effects. Immtature yes, but it actually WAS oretty funny at the time.

    For somebody who ate practically no fruit or veg or fibre he sure did have a lot of bms, really long noisy ones. eeewww I know that was TMI, glad I don’t have to deal with that anymore.


    No more shit! No more shit! No more shit!

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