Home discussions Thoughts I’d like to see if we could all do a brief check in.

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    Catherine you do sound calm and content. Passionfruit tart sounds heavenly as does socializing with good company. It all sounds like health. I enjoy the positive energy you portray and your optimism. Happy Extra long weekend. It is Sat morn here and the sun is shinning and it was oh so missed.


    Bev, it is the first time I read doubt in your writing about your situation. of course I’ve not read everything you’ve written and don’t know all your thoughts.
    Are these doubts new? Are you sensing something isn’t right? Tell us more…


    Thanks so much Zola. Yep this is tough. I need to find a therapist for my son. Just wish this was all over. But i know it will be worth it all in the end.


    Forgive me girls – skipped to checking in. I have time related tasks to complete. First is creating a list for sweet boyfriend. The list is for items he needs to bring to Yosemite when he leaves in a fews days. It involves bringing things for making repairs at the house but also for a gradual transition towards this being a part time home.

    I am loving being alone and having a big expanse, three more weeks, of time here – all ahead of me.

    I have promised myself to hike or bike each day so that I don’t work continuously except for meals.

    SA crap is receeding more. Have this constant sense of who would believe what really happened to my life? Will save my energy for those that can hear, like SOS. The others? Still wish they could understand, but they can’t. Surely a good thing.

    Immersed in making things beautiful here. Will putting a golden oak stain on outdoor furniture today.

    Moving towards a new life after SA catastrophe.


    I always have doubt in my writing Zola. I am full of doubt.

    Nothing is right. It could not be further from right.

    My H is not f’n hookers right now. But, nothing is right.


    I am sitting here alone, the con artist just picked up my kids, and I am trying to understand how could I allow a criminal like him to take my young beautiful kids away!

    I am preplexed as even animals will defend their babies against predators, but I can not.


    Thanks for suggesting this Trish. I read everyone’s post . I feel I understand “the sisters” a little better. My heartviscwith all of you.

    While my life is getting a new foundation, I hurt for the painful confusion this has caused my 3 adult sons. They are doing fine. Maybe this will get easier with time.

    Have been free of PTSD symptoms. Feel like I am getting more “brain power”. Realize how much time I lost because now I am interested in learning new things instead of just surviving.

    My daily hikes have been awesome here in Yosemite. Will visit with neighbors here tomorrow. They don’t know SA and that is such a relief.


    Easter Sunday and for the first time in an age the sun is shining! The table is laid for breakfast and then heading out to church. I am ready to live a risen life!
    Fuck that to SA
    Fuck that to the past
    As Diane says “something happened to me”
    I am forever changed but this will not define me
    I am excited for the future
    I still have to hand my son over for a week but I will pray like mad that he doesn’t hear or see anything of detriment to him
    I also still have to hand my credit card over to a solicitor to negotiate a final settlement but even that isn’t worrying me anymore because I firmly believe the worst has already happened!
    Thank God!


    Happy Easter and Happy Spring, lovely sisters. Going to my sister’s house today to see family and play with my cuddly 15-month-old grand-niece. And will stop on the way and visit my mom’s grave and wish her happy Easter and happy birthday (she was an April Fool’s Baby 🙂 ) and put this beautiful dark pink flower on her grave that I have no idea where it came from, but it just showed up in my yard yesterday all by itself. I love inexplicables like that. xoxo


    Happy Easter ladies. Spring is here…well not on the east coast of Canada. It isn’t spring there until June. 🙁 On the plus side it has a long, lovely Fall. Here in Singapore-hot, hot, hot. Too hot for my level of insulation I fear. 😉


    Happy Easter, everyone.

    So sorry, Harmony. I know that feeling well. Hug them tight when they get home and are safe with you again.


    Hi Sister – I am so sorry I’ve been MIA for a long time, but I have good news. I had separated from my husband on January 19 (he moved into an apartment). I had a very rough few weeks adjusting to the situation, overcoming my fear of being a single parent, getting my head around the idea of divorce.

    Well that was two months ago and I am in a MUCH better place. I am SO MUCH HAPPIER to be free of all his toxic shit. My kids are handling it wonderfully, and I feel I am been giving another shot at a happy life. I’m going to take it! I forgot what it felt like to be myself (I am by nature a happy person), I can’t stop smiling all the time, and the freedom from his guilt and gaslighting is just indescribable. I am free from prison – I never, ever, ever thought I would be. I’m going to enjoy being on my own and every minute of happiness that live throws at me now.

    We are partway through the divorce (attorneys retained and paperwork underway, but have to work through the settlement agreement, so another 2-4 months before it’s final.)

    For all you sisters out there that feel trapped but know in your hearts that it’s over – IT DOES GET BETTER!!!! Hang in there and message me if you ever want a voice reminding you that happiness is possible and you deserve it!

    Take care,


    Thanks for your update Clare. I’m very happy for you. You sound happy again!
    Love, Nap


    Hooray Clare!!


    Good for you. Thanks so much for letting us know. I have found that getting out is such a relief and incredibly liberating. It’s not until you do it that your realize how much they infect you with their toxicity.

    You got started with your divorce more than a year after me and it looks as though you will be done before me. That’s a good thing.

    Keep keeping us posted. I’m really happy for you.


    Kudos Clare!

    Keep us posted. It is so nice to hear good things 🙂


    Amen, Clare. I’ve been on a similar trajectory. Papers finally signed (he finally gave up on wringing more money out of me) and moving forward. And finding it easier to smile. Yep, I still have shitty moments, but they are fewer. And I am getting through the tough spots faster thanks to the great tools my therapist and my life coach have given me.

    Trish – we used to go to Corolla. I love it there. What a great place to catch your breath. I hope it’s a beautiful trip.


    Excellent new Clare. Good for you. xo


    What wonderful news Clare. I am SO happy to hear it. Funny…very few partners seem to feel worse without them. May an adjustment period, but seems that they all end up so much happier and less stressed. Then they don’t know why they didn’t bail sooner. Thank you for checking in.
    Karen xx


    Jos, what an uplifting post, I am so happy to see you so free

    Clare you are the heroine of the day, you made the right decisions and you moved right along

    Sisters happy Easter to all of you, we are all so powerful each alone and together we are the bomb .


    breathe out and continue onward – that’s my motto xo


    Little late on the check in. Hellish week. Most recent D day after 4 years since the first and 2 years since the last real “issue” is now about a month ago, and I don’t think the full story of this times lies and treachery came out until 2 days ago. Both girls in real trauma. the 20 year old decided that I am toxic and has removed herself. The 14 year old is angry, won’t talk about it, cries with me but won’t talk. My son, out of the house, grown and far away has had an “unrelated” melt down and was suicidal last week. SAH has been out of the house almost 1 month today. holding on by a string


    I’m so sorry for what you’re going through, Beth. Why has your 20 year old decided that you’re toxic? How is your son? I know you’re only holding on by a string, so don’t feel the need to share if it’s too hard. I just want to let you know that I’m listening and that I care about how your children and you are doing.


    Please know that your pain is heard and felt here. I am so sorry for all the difficulties around you right now. Please reach out a little farther and call someone if you need to. I am saying a prayer for you right now.
    Sending a tender hug,


    Beth, Thinking of you and sending you strength. Love, Liza

    “The sky is filled with stars, invisible by day.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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