Home discussions Light Beams i’m back

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    hey girls, i’m back!

    amsterdam was amazing. the music went really well, saw my amazing friends and got to know the scene there even better. what a great experience. i had a really really great time. hung out a lot, drank a lot. a lot. it felt great.

    now, of course, i’m back to dickwad and found a few betrayals when i was gone…

    i think his stupidity will be forcing my hand to act sooner.. just trying to be calm and smart right now..

    hope you all are well, i’ll catch up with your stories and threads as i can!




    Hello Lisa,

    Happy to hear you had a good time and let your hair down. We missed you though so welcome back! Keep your cool…no point losing it over a dickwad? 😉
    Karen xx


    Act sooner! Act sooner! Act sooner!!!

    My new mantra!!!! A few betrayals?? Surprise…..surprise…..

    Welcome back!!!


    Lisa, so glad you have a great time!!

    So dickwad has been no different? Don’t let that bring you down, it’s just confirmation of what you, smart sister, already knew. He can’t even begin to hold you down; you are a beautiful soul, an internationally acclaimed musician and a sister held in high regard.

    Welcome back!


    Welcome home Lisa!!

    Dickwad is of no consequence in your beautiful life 🙂

    Did you find the “indiscretions” or did he confess?


    Welcome home from us!
    I’m sorry it was a another kick in the stomach from him that greeted your beautiful, wonderful self.
    don’t lose perspective. HOld true to yourself. Honour your worth.


    yeah sisters!!!

    found an email with his parents discussing ‘slips’ that he hasn’t told me. hasn’t said a word to me about them since i got back yesterday. doesn’t really matter what they are. i’m pretty scared, but am keeping a good poker face. i’ll figure out the smartest plan as best i can..

    can you believe he told his parents, but not me? shaking my head and rolling my eyes…

    dw also neglected to tell me his employer offered that we team teach a course at ubc next summer. i wouldn’t want to do it, but you don’t hide opportunities from someone you love…

    oh, and the sound engineer… 😉


    😉 Yeay Lisa.


    oh, and the sound engineer… 😉

    just had to say that twice! 🙂


    So sorry about your DA and his “slips”. And galling that he reported them to his parents. There is something kinda twisted about that. Doesn’t he have a sponsor?

    But I am glad you had a good time and you are coming back all saucy and strong.


    SOUNDS like the SOUND engineer has the floor 🙂



    Welcome back!!

    I think that sometimes slips are important reminders for us. He is being sooo transparent (dumbass).



    the floor and so much more… 😉

    really though, it was a human connection – i-fucking-magine that! and the best thing, is i notice all these new healthy skills i now have! funny thing eh? like making sure i’m PRESENT. that i honour the other person. reading things, trusting my gut.

    it made the butterfly navigation a little easier. and definitely easier to not try to control things, or expect things to go a certain way!

    i did dissociate though, visited DA’s trauma on him. but i noticed it the next day and apologized.

    and it had such a respectful beginning and ending.

    perfect really. i can’t obsess about it too much (what can you do across the world) but it was still meaningful.

    just what the fucking doctor ordered.

    and being in europe made it easier for me to accept the coming downsizing in income and lifestyle. i have a beautiful house with a basement suite, a sound proof music room, a lane way house in the back. i’ll be able to afford a two bedroom apartment.

    but after hanging out in the centre of amsterdam, i think it may actually fit me better. ME. i’m a fucking musician for chistsakes, i don’t need a house in the burbs (well we aren’t exactly in the burbs, but it’s a little like that, tree lined street). i can maybe get an apartment by commercial drive, go for coffee, for drinks hear music, when i’m alone and i’m not with my son.

    i’m letting go of my idea of ‘family life’

    i won’t be that stereotypical family. i’ll be a single mom with a kid. no reason i can’t live in an apartment…

    i guess i kind of rambled there..


    and FUCK slips. fuck them. i don’t care.


    Your vaca sounds like it did something good inside your soul. Sorry you had to come back to DW, but you’re coming back in a better frame of mind, actually reframing your life. Telling his parents and NOT a sponsor , friend or you??? Ewwwww….

    Welcome back ,


    Welcome back, Lisa!

    While you were gone, my MIL (Mommie Dearest) helped my dickwad to book a flight to Phoenix to visit his homewrecking whore for Thanksgiving, so right now nothing much shocks me.

    I think you’re doing great, all things considered. Glad the trip went well, and glad to have you back.



    Welcome back and great to hear about your wonderful trip. Your life and talent sounds so exciting to me. You have a really neat ‘vibe’. Sounds like your ‘gig’ with the sound engineer was superfantastic!!!! I’m happy your had a really nice break and experience.
    Love, Napxo


    Dear Lisa,

    Your H…no surprises there. He was a liar and a cheater and he is a liar and a cheater and that he will remain. The only bright spot my dear is he will NOT be lying and cheating on you?
    We do form attachments to our homes no doubt, but I always think a house is NOT a life? A life is what you will build away from him and it will be yours even in an apt. Europe is a very good example. They often live in small spaces but in many ways they enjoy a better quality of life than we do. That’s because Europeans still place a high value on human interaction. People, not stuff, make for an interesting life. Besides…you have no way of knowing how long you might be on your own…… Now what’s up with this sound engineer?? 😉 Karen xx


    He makes sounds.


    karen, you are absolutely right. you said it so well and that way you put it gives me some extra strength. something i’m going to need!

    actually it would be me (the musician) who makes the sounds… ;0


    Oh my, Lisa, what a whirlwind trip in more ways than one! Glad you’re back though, sounds like someone’s gonna be cleaning house and throwing out some trash….


    Ok so what, no biggie. You end up in an apt. That doesn’t mean you will forever live in one. There are some really nice apts that will do until you get this behind you and you get back on your feet. Welcome it, as you seem to be doing, and keep planning moving forward with your son. I picture an amazing man sweeping you off your feet who doesn’t have a sa and then adios apt. One day tho. You deserve all the good things life has to offer. Keep reaching for the stars. Wishing you well.


    I live in the suburbs and I am not a musician and I find it so God awful stifling that I could scream!!!

    I would pay to get out of the Burbs 🙂


    I hear you Bev. I am not a Burb person either. I like to see life going on around me…I like the city center. Burbs are good for kids…that’s why we all end up there. 😉


    Amen, Bev!

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