Home discussions News, Events, Happenings and Links Interview With Rob Weiss

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    I was scheduled to have an interview today with Rob Weiss at noon my time. He called and graciously asked if he could postpone the interview until next week as he had forgotten that he would be in the middle of a huge training conference with Patrick Carnes in Los Angeles.

    So, we chit chatted for a while and I said that I would love to interview Patrick Carnes (grrrrrr!!!) and Rob said that he would put me in touch with his people and get something set up.

    So my dear Sisters, our name will be out there. We are a force to be reckoned with and we will be heard.

    If you have any suggestions for question for Rob Weiss, feel free to add them below.

    And, I do promise a lengthy post on ‘What About Larry?’ that I know you are all waiting for.

    Love and hugs to each and every one of my dear Sisters.



    Thanks for the update! I had the interview on my home calendar!

    You go girl with Patrick! I have talked with his admin. assist. and she is a wonderful gal!

    love and hugs to you, b


    Wow–sorry for the delay, but this could be a blessing in disguise–another opportunity!! Looking forward to the interview(s)!!
    And yes…would love a Larry update, not out of nosiness, of course, but concern and love for you.


    Hi there,
    What about a question from the recent ASAM report you shared with us? Something like, how does it impact his programs, or indicate some rethinking needs to be done?


    Great news, JoAnn!

    I’d be interested in knowing more about the statistics in regard to the recovery rate. For instance, if a program is followed, meetings are attended, therapy ongoing, and medical treatment is obtained, does that usually raise the success rate? And also, are there any other causes for SA other than childhood molestation, lack of nuturing from parents during childhood, or PTSD caused by something traumatic in their life? Are there any laws being drafted to control or monitor, or even investigate porn on the internet? Just like parents must talk to their children about not talking to strangers, illegal drugs, unprotected sex, will there eventually be programs to discuss pornography? I mean; if we have to watch commercials for women’s menstrual pain and men’s erectile dysfunction then why can’t there be commercials for antidepressant drugs to help with sex addiction or JUST SAY NO TO PORN targeted at the youth. Okay, I digress. Just thinking about the next generation totally frightens me.

    Wouldn’t it be nice, though, if all of us sisters could be in the same room with you (as an audience) during these interviews?

    Way to go, JoAnn. So very proud of you and all you have done to bring this problem to the forefront.

    Much love, CB


    No digression, CBS– its ALL relevant. I think that i have heard something about porn having to have a suffix of

    .xxx instead of .com and then, perhaps a computer could come with the ability to block all .xxx, however its impossible to monitor it all.

    As for recovery. There is 6 month recovery and 1 year and 5 years, etc., but what about life-time– recovery?

    Is it even possible?

    and i mean REAL provable recovery. not the fake kind of just hiding it better, but still acting out in secret. 🙁

    that’s what scares me the most. its the secrets and lies and the powerlessness we have against it all.

    And then… for us… how do we move on? how do WE learn to EVER trust anyone ever again? Are we ourselves, doomed for life?

    what a horrible thing to do to someone you claim to love. its nothing but pure unadulterated evil.

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