Home discussions Light Beams It’s Fall!!

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    The sun is shining brightly and the air is crisp here in New England. I love this time of year. My daughter and her beau decorated our house for Halloween. She said “Mom I put some of the kiddie stuff out for Landon and Madison”. (my grandkids) The leaves crunch beneath my feet when I walk the dog. My gardens are going into hybernation. Every night I light my candles and watch the fire in our woodstove. These are some recent light beams.


    I agree. I’m originally from eastern Ontario and grew up with the same kind of fall. Here in Calgary Alberta, winter has already landed.
    Do you know that beautiful song “When fall comes to New England” by Cheryl Wheeler? Here’s a you tube link. Enjoy!

    hugs, Diane.


    ……Leaves are Irish Setter Red……


    Love fall tooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    It’s a beautiful day here in Ohio too. Got out and finished cleaning up my vegetable garden for the year. The only thing left are my herbs and a few remaining leeks and onions that will be going in the soup pot tomorrow when it’s supposed to be cold and rainy again. Sunny days like today do amazing things to lift my spirits. I’m about to crack open a beer and sit on my deck and enjoy the last few hours of sunshine.


    Well Diane I’m getting the weather you got 2 days ago. I’m in Thunder Bay on the north shore of Lake Superior. Actually about 45 minutes north. It’s snowing at my house however the city gets the lake effect so it’s much nicer there. I lived in southern Ontario for a while too .I really miss the maple leaf. We are like you here we only get birch or aspen yellow unless you plant a maple tree. When I lived in Calgary I had a maple tree and was told to freeze it in in the fall otherwise the Chinooks would kill it. I really miss Chinooks too! I’m jealous of everyone else, fall was gone a month ago here. But I am thankful for such a beautiful summer.


    Loved the song and thoughts. Snow!!! Yikes I am not ready for that. It was a beautiful summer.


    I love fall too!!! My favorite time of year.

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