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    go slowly, OK?


    Whoa Sisters, I don’t know what all of you are thinking, but I have ABSOLUTELY NO emotional connection to this man. I am not even sure I will continue it for more than a few dates, and that is to give him a fair chance.

    And…it’s not because of any red flags, I can tell you that he is one of the most authentic people I have met in a long time. At the risk of sounding really shallow, I think he may be too old for me. His back issue causes him to walk slowly, with a bit of a ‘hitch’ and going up or down stairs is a real problem for him.

    I am very active and I can see this being a problem in buzzing through airports, miles long walks on the beach, hiking, etc.

    But, as far as red flags, trust me, he is truly just right out there honest and authentic. Great extended family, good childhood, no evasiveness, laughs easily at himself, is kind, loves his children and grandchildren and opens his heart and his feelings with ease.

    So dear ‘mommies’ (Sisters), don’t worry about me, I have learned some very hard lessons over the last decade and I judge men very harshly at this point.

    But, I love all of you so much for being so protective of me. As I said, it’s nice to be on the other end. ~ JoAnn




    I know you value being active a lot Joann but if he really is a sweetheart damn that would be really hard to turn down being so hard to find, that is just my opinion. I was extremely active myself for so many years and then bam I was hit by a car accident that in itself did not stop me in itself right away but it was the turning point that led to the psoriatic arthritis never did I think just fifteen years ago that I would go from very active to hard to get around like I am now and in a lot of pain. Life throws a lot of crappy curve balls that you never see coming. It could even happen to you. You might be energetic and active now. How do you know you will still be like that five short years from now? Things like that can happen on the turn of a dime, and the longer we are on this earth, the more likely they are to happen. Don’t brush this guy off because of his physical limitations too quickly. We never know what happens to us tomorrow.


    When my daughters date, I hire a contractor, I get introduced to a single guy, I always look them up on the states circuit court system. I have found my daughters dates with multiple speeding tickets (so they take their own car) , contractors in Wisconsin and Florida who have liens against them, and a guy my friend tried to fix me up with has a court date in August for battery!! I use that site all the time, every state has it available for the public to see. You can also see divorce actions, bankruptcy filings, criminal cases, and use that knowledge to validate what your new friend tells you.


    Heidi, what’s that site? Give us the web address. Please!


    for Wisconsin all you do is google
    Wisconsin Circuit Court Access
    click on it and it will take you to a page that you click “agree”
    and you put in a name, etc and it tells you everything.

    Florida is tricky, their circuit courts go by the county you are in and every county has a different web site look.
    for Leon County (Tallahassee) its


    Florida always publishes less than Wisconsin. Just google your:
    “state” circuit court access. it’s public record.
    I feel like a total snoop now – but it is a great free tool.


    Good call Heidi! On a positive note, they were misdemeanor charges, not felony but he’s still not a good risk.


    Daisy apparently something went wrong with his long time girl friend. He is a nice guy – biggest deal breaker, his kids are 6 and 8. Been there done that!


    So, following Heidi’s example, I decided to look up my h in our local circuit court – he was arrested for solicitation last April – and I wanted to see if that was public record. The county where we live doesn’t have their system up yet so I couldn’t find it. However, I decided to search for his most recent long-term fuck buddy and apparently she was arrested in September on “grand larceny” charges and was sentenced in March (one year suspended sentence, meaning no jail time). Bear in mind, grand larceny is a felony. Lovely! Can I put something into our divorce papers that says “convicted felons” cannot be around my children???

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