Home discussions Light Beams JoAnn’s Vacation Photos

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    I have spent the day happily going through my thousands (sigh–yes I am a photo junkie) of photos, smiling and re-living the joy of my vacation. Right now I am on love overload for my children and for the wonderful life that I am so fortunate to have.

    I have put together some photo galleries for your viewing pleasure (or boredom). I still have more to add, so check back over the next few days for more photos.

    You can access these photos by using the menu on the right that says “Member Pages’ JoAnn’s Vacation Photos or just click here:


    If you have a slow internet connection please be patient, as it may take a while to load.

    Love and hugs to all.


    Thanks JoAnn!


    wow! You are a great photographer and that city was absolutely enchanting! I feel like I was there. 🙁

    Now why is it that your kids look only a few years younger than you?


    Hahahahaha! Thanks Lexie, I needed that. I love you.


    Wow! You were living the life of luxury over there. You’ll never find a motel room like that in the states! Beautiful pictures and good looking kids, too. Your daughter looks like you. Thank you so much for sharing. It was wonderful to see those sights through your eyes. I’m going to see my kid and my grandbaby (2 months old now) tomorrow. Can’t wait! Lots of love. CB


    Hi JoAnn,
    Thank you for the pics, i loved them. One photo you said that there are no words for this beauty…yes there are…they are “i’m moving to Switzerland”. Really i wish i could. Everything looks so crisp, clear and clean. So pretty. I hope to make it their one day. That reminds me, i need to start my dream book, and start my dreams.
    What a trip!! Love,


    My son and daughter both want me to move close to them. Thomas is always bombarding me with info on rentals and economic information to persuade me.

    It is very tempting. If the housing market were not in the toilet and I could sell my house I would be there in a flash.


    Love the pictures JoAnn! Thanks for the reminder that there is a Great Big World Out There – one that is FAR removed from SA!


    I absolutely love the pictures, JoAnn! Thank you so much for sharing them 🙂

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