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    He’s in for a surprise. He reminds me of mine in a way. After I was thrown out and living in a hotel, he told me I could use his attny, then he wrote out our divorce settlement on an index card. This is what it said:

    “I, asshole, give my wife, Nap $2000 a month for three months total. If she finds a job before the three months the money is to be repaid”.

    He signed it and I wouldn’t. He got really angry, again. Needless to say I got my own lawyer and more than $2000 a month for 3 months. These guys are clueless.

    Thinking of you Janet and hang in there. Go for everything you can get 🙂

    Love, Nap


    OMG, what a fucking idiot, NAP.

    Janet- you go, girl. Give him hell.


    Janet – I know you will SHINE! The conference looks like just the thing you need right now. I’m so glad that you are focusing on yourself and contesting the divorce.

    We are cheering you on….



    Nap — what Teri said.

    The conference was great, but it was a heck of a long weekend.

    My dad has gone through a myriad of health issues in the past two weeks, and has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. He’s home but very tired. DA and I drove to Mom and Dad’s house this afternoon (about 40 miles from here) for dinner. DA hadn’t seen my parents since March. Mom actually invited both of us to come up — I think she’s worried that Dad won’t be with us much longer.

    I had initially planned to give DA the papers today, but it was just too much to deal with after getting home this evening. I don’t want to lower myself to his level and wait eight days to tell him, like he did to me after filing for divorce. Although the idea of him going to the courthouse on Friday and finding out that I already contested is tempting . . . naaaahhh.

    Tomorrow is my deadline, so he’s probably thinking I haven’t done anything. I should give him the papers tomorrow, but I won’t see him until late at night (he works late and I’m going to Therapy Works.) I really don’t know what to do.

    Prayers for my mom and dad (Jerry and Emily) would be greatly appreciated right now.


    Hang in there Janet, the end is in sight with your SA. God, but it sucks having SO much to deal with at one damn time. I’ll be sending prayers for your entire family! Don’t forget to take care of yourself, OK? Love, Liza


    Janet – I am so sorry about your Dad. My prayers are with you and your family. It just seems like when it rains it pours.
    Don’t worry about your asshole husband and when to tell him. A surprise might just be what he needs! No mercy for the wicked!
    Take care of yourself and hang in there.


    Janet – I don’t know how you sit in the same car as your DA….you are a very emotionally stable person. I’d love to be a fly on the wall when he sees that you have contested his crap. You go girl! I hope you got confirmation from the seminar on how you deserve so much better.



    Dear Janet,

    Don’t worry about lowering yourself girl. You are NOT capable of sinking to his depths.
    Terribly sorry to hear about your Dad. I know you must feel like you cannot stand one more thing going wrong. 🙁 I often think about Life and the trials and tribulations it delivers to us? Then I think about the unnecessary agony our husbands choose to bring into our families and homes…so unecessary…so stupid. It reminds me of a famous piece (cannot think of the author) by a man who makes a list of points to live by. At the top of the list is the simple sentence “Marry well.” Says it all really. 🙁
    I will pray for you and your family.Keep going. Keep the faith.
    Karen xx


    Thank you all so much for your love and concern — yes, I know I deserve so much better. “Marry well” — didn’t we all think we *were* marrying well at the time?

    He’s going to be surprised regardless . . . but I don’t know that I could make it through the week emotionally knowing what he’s thinking he’s going to do on Friday.

    Today was another one of those exhausted, sleep deprived, nauseous mornings. I stayed home from work.

    I just found this in his e-mail:


    From CowPatty late last night ~

    Hi Jack,
    I remember tomorrow is the day you were going to finalize your divorce. Since I didn’t hear from you today I was wondering if that was on your mind.
    I also realize you only get one day a week to get
    things done, then head back to your long workdays.
    I painted some, did a little cooking and reading.
    Hope your coming week goes well.

    His response, before he left for work early this morning ~

    Good morning Patty,

    Yes, by law I can finalize my divorce, but we’re shooting until this Wednesday with the following day to wrap things up. I’ve got my “default divorce” paperwork and will go this Friday at 8 AM to get on the docket. I was told over the phone at the county law library that the process is fast for no fault divorces with no children. Yay!

    I’ve not stopped for a minute it seems. I was at work Saturday morning and my mother-in-law called me to tell me that she thought we should come up on Sunday to see my father-in-law for possibly the last time. We spent half the day late into the evening just visiting. He’s a heart patient and has congestive heart failure now. He say’s he’s tired and is “ready to go.” They’ve been good in-laws to me.

    Thank you for thinking of me. I’m exhausted and thought about you and how you spent your Sunday. My feeling was that you relaxed and that’s what you said in your email. That sounds soooo good. I need some relaxation. I will give you a call tonight on my way from work which should be in the 8-8:30 PM range.

    Hugs and be well,
    Just me. 🙂


    I know it’s difficult to believe, but we actually get along just fine 99% of the time. That’s what he doesn’t tell anyone, though he admits it to me. That’s the tragedy of it all . . . and the depth of his sickness. He’s led his family, his girlfriends, and his guy friends to believe that living with me is sheer hell because I have XYZ personality disorder(s). He’s a psychologist now, you know. Talk about your classic projection. It would be laughable if it weren’t so pathetic.

    In his mind, my family could be planning a funeral any day now. Never mind the emotional impact that this is causing my mom, my brothers and me. Never mind that my parents have treated him like their own son. Never mind that he’s even admitted to others that my dad has been a better father to him than his own — whom he hasn’t spoken to in three years, because he himself was a lying, cheating, womanizing porn addict who hurt his mom terribly.

    All he cares about is getting his fucking no-fault (NOT) divorce. “Yay!”

    He’s throwing everything away to pursue this woman who doesn’t even want him. I’m not delusional — believe me, I’ve seen enough e-mails and texts between them to know whether she does or not, and it ain’t there. He’s operating under the impression that as soon as he’s divorced, she’s going to come running into his arms, and they’re going to live happily ever after in some sort of romantic fantasy. Wonder what she’d think if she knew that he was browsing profiles of swingers in Prescott and Tempe at the same time he was looking for a flight to go and visit her?

    He just called me, and I did a lot of crying. I said nothing about the papers, so I still have the same dilemma about when to tell him. It occurred to me to leave them by his wretched laptop when I go out this evening, but I hate to do anything so cowardly. Would it be just as cowardly to tell him over the phone — before he calls his precious CowPatty this evening? He’s going to call me again around 5:30.

    There’s a chance I’ll be home before him, but either way, it will be late. It’s going to be a long night, and a long week.

    He really shouldn’t be too surprised. I’ve told him all along (though not lately) that I will contest his terms, because after the hell he’s put me through the past year (and this AFTER letting his porn addiction wreck our marriage already) he does NOT deserve 50% of the house — our main asset and my main concern.

    I wish I could say, “My dad could be dying, and all you care about is your fucking divorce,” but the fact is, he’s barely even said the word to me since having the papers served. I don’t want him to know I have access to his e-mail. People tell me not to read it because it upsets me, but I have to keep up with it in order to stay a step ahead of him. And although I might not be able to use some of what I’m gathering legally, I can sure use his words against him on a personal level. Plus those of the people he writes to . . .

    Thanks again, ladies, and I’ll take everything you’ve said to heart.


    Oh, Janet, again all I can say is I’m SO fucking sorry this is happening to you. How painful that email must have been to read. I don’t even know what I’d do if I were in your position, but trust me it would definitely be a whole lot less charitable than you continue to be. You’ve shown REMARKABLE restraint, Sister. You are one class act. Love, Liza


    Blech Janet. I’m so sorry. That was so painful to read. The whole thing makes me sick. My suggestion would be to do it the way that is best for you and you feel most comfortable with. Has he ever been violent and are you afraid of him. If so I would take that into consideration. I would be so tempted to say nothing and let his ass find out on Friday. Why do him any favors? But I really think do what want to do and I think your are really strong Janet! So sorry for the pain he’s causing you.
    Love, Nap



    What a fucking ass he is to do this with your dad so sick. Honestly, I would either have him served at work by a processor or let him go in the courthouse and have the rug pulled out from under him.

    Pack him a bag, leave it at the front door and tell him he’s not welcome any more.

    I am no mood to be sympathetic to these guys today. You don’t deserve this.


    Liza, I’ve probably shown way more restraint than I should have, but it’s been a day at a time sort of thing. If I had a crystal ball, I’d have told him to leave a year ago. Or if he’d just told me back then that he was in love with another woman, I’d have told him to leave. Why didn’t he? Because she doesn’t feel the same way about him.

    Nap, I don’t know how strong I am, but I’m trying. No, he isn’t violent and I’m not worried about my physical safety. On the other hand, he’s allowed people to think that I would “do something” to him. It’s ludicrous. I’d like to see him suffer, naturally, but I’ve never had the inclination to physically harm a hair on his bald little head.

    It’s tempting, Teri.

    I haven’t thrown him out yet mainly because I’m trying to get as much of his pay as I can while he’s actually working, and because he’s supposed to fix my crappy old car. It’s up for inspection this month and has barely passed in the last two years because of an oil leak. Funny, he always said it needed to go to a mechanic, and all of a sudden he says he’s capable of getting to the leak. He was just about to start on it a few weeks ago when he got a call for work on a TV show, and then got hired on a movie. If push comes to shove, I can take the car to a shop, put the repair on a credit card (though I’d hate to get gouged), and then he’d have to pay for it.

    If things get ugly I’ll tell him to leave. If we can be civil he can stay a little longer, especially if he’s still working in Austin. If his work here ends, he can go and live with Mommie Dearest in Corpus Christi. She wants her little monkey there to be her live-in handyman, anyway. Never mind that she’ll drive him crazy in about three days. That’ll be HIS problem.

    There’s nothing to be served. Jack had told me that I had to sign the papers in front of a notary, and the attorney said no . . . you need to go to the courthouse yourself and file them.

    Turns out that the notary thing is only for the NO FAULT form. Wishful thinking on his part.

    I signed a General Denial. The signature area states: “I swear that I gave a true copy of this document to Petitioner or Petitioner’s attorney (if Petitioner has an attorney) in person, by fax, or by certified mail, return receipt requested.”

    Obviously at the time I signed — in front of the clerk at the courthouse — I hadn’t given DA a copy. But because of the wording, I feel that I should, ASAP. If he were to find out at the courthouse, they could say I legally signed a document stating I gave him a copy. The attorney said that he’s supposed to sign it upon receipt, but there actually isn’t a place designated for him to sign. So, in person or certified mail? Maybe both.

    When DA called the law library about his default divorce paperwork, he was wasting his time. Maybe he should have called the courthouse first to see whether I’d filed my response, instead of ASSuming I’d just let it go. He actually thinks that I won’t do anything because (a) I’m busy with work and worried about my parents and (b) I’m a procrastinator. Procrastinate THIS? It’s only my life, my home, money. Seriously, dude?

    One of my co-workers says that all the years of porn use have messed up his mind. She might just be correct.


    Well, he told me he’d be off work around 9:00 and would call before he came home (he’s about 20-25 minutes away in night traffic.) He made two one-minute calls to CowPatty at 8:15, probably to tell her he’d be calling later than initially promised.

    He called me at 9:20 and was at the grocery store, a mile from here. He “forgot” to call me before leaving work . . . yeah right. I’ll check the updated phone records tomorrow, and they’ll confirm what I already know.

    He just ate, and I’m ready for bed. No papers tonight; it’s too late. I’ll give them to him before I leave for work in the morning and I won’t feel bad about that whatsoever. He’s upset me a few times right before work in the past year.

    His call time isn’t until 11:00 and since he usually works 12-hour days, I’ll probably barely see him tomorrow night. That’s fine by me.

    Time for some good drugs and hopefully a decent night’s sleep!


    I’m behind you GF. Have a good night sleep.
    Love, Napxo


    Sweet Dreams, Janet, of your NEW life! Love, Liza


    Janet, sending you some pixie dust for tonight, and something more for tomorrow. I’m sorry about your dad. Do your best with this whole divorce thing. Don’t back down. Stand up for yourself. Make your dad proud.
    And I agree, cow patty has no intention of falling in this man’s arms, especially once the money starts going in your direction. She’s just bored and enjoys toying with another woman’s husband. Makes her feel better about herself. But any way you spell it, cow patty is shit.
    Hugs and kisses,


    Thinking of you Janet,

    This is just a terrible situation and we all understand your pain. So sorry. Continue with your strength dear friend, your doing well.

    I am crackin up with Diane’s remark about “cow patty” Shit is shit!!!!!!


    You said it, Diane! She uses him to feed her sorry ego . . .

    As suspected, he called her at 8:45 last night and talked for 35 minutes, right up until he called me from the store. Moron SOB.

    He’s in bed watching the news. I’m off to work. Will leave the papers by his computer so he can go back to sleep.

    Thanks, ladies.


    Oh Janet 🙁 Thinking of you….. Karen xx


    You sound good in spite of everything. Take good care of yourself as you fight for yourself. I can’t imagine how hard it would be to read those e-mails. I’d like to be a mouse in the corner when he read your papers. You’ll be the victorious one no matter how it shakes out! Love, Debora


    I wish I could see his cheatin face when he sees the papers. What a bafoon he is! As Diane says CowPatty is a turd and needs to be flushed, never to be seen again.


    Let us know how it goes, Janet. Will be thinking of you and hoping things go well. Hang in there. You are strong, stepping up and fighting for yourself.


    I am thinking of you cheering you on. You seem so intelligent and wise, and your picture is beautiful. If he was ever in your league, you have clearly outgrown him. The relationship with Cow Patty must be very painful for you. But when he starts talking about your beloved parents to a woman who would have this relationship with him, whatever that is, how dare he. How dare he bring up your parents to make himself look like a better human being in her eyes. How dare he talk to her about the people most dear to you, the wife he has betrayed. I found emails where my husband did something similar with my family and in a crazy way those hurt more than anything else I found. I haven’t forgiven him for anything, but if I find a way to start that process, that will be the last thing I could forgive him for.


    I don’t understand why Cow Patty listens to his drivel??? What’s in it for her?

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