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    In the many and various times of my life when challenges try to overwhelm me (there really have been MANY) I always seem to fall back on the comfort of love.

    The love of my family–love that I know I will always be there. The love of my friends, who have their own lives and challenges, but who generously find the time to show me their love. The love of acquaintances who surprise me with their unexpected show of love.

    The universal love that shows up spontaneously when I least expect it but need it the most. Like in a song, a poem or a rainbow. Or like the day my friend was driving me home from my biopsy and a sleek, fat, shiny black bear loped lazily across the road right in front of the car.

    Or, at dusk when the fog comes rolling in second by second like a quiet, but comforting visitor from the ocean or the sound of the surf roaring at night when there is not even a hint of a breeze,

    Sisters, we are all so embraced by love–real love, every single day. No matter what our challenges, no matter how fucked up our lives are and no matter how lonely, frustrated, scared or sick any of us are, we all are touched by love.

    That love has comforted me during this difficult time, and that love guided me through all the horrible, repeated staggered disclosures that helped me create my websites.

    My message to all of you, my dearest Sisters, is that no matter what your situation there is a rainbow, a song, a friend or your Sisters somewhere in your life that will help you through it all.

    I know that because I have been there.

    I love all of you so very much.

    Here’s one of my favorite (okay, okay, I have dozens of favorites–but this is my ‘today’ favorite) songs of love. Please watch the entire video, it is one of the best examples of extraordinary editing that embodies a sense of universal support. It never fails to give me chills. ~ JoAnn


    Okay, here’s another–(I’ll stop now):


    So true, so true and I loved the videos, thank you so much for sharing them, JoAnn. You just multiply the love, it’s what you do. 🙂


    I LOVE your post and your song choices. And YOU of course. 🙂


    That first video “Stand By Me” is awesome and outstanding!

    That song should truly be our theme song. We should play it loud everytime the sisters get together no matter where they are in the world.

    Thanks for this, JoAnn. It helped me today.


    Love you right back, JoAnn. It’s a blessing when hard times remind us of the good in life.


    Well, now you’ve got me crying! Damn, there goes my reputation as a badass. 😉 Love you Fearless AND Fearsome Leader JoAnn!


    Okay, a raccoon on my deck peeking in the sliding glass door of my office while I am trying to work is not love!

    I shooed the little bugger away. ~ JoAnn


    I had a raccoon in my garage the other night, we were about 5 feet apart. He came in for a little cat food because dumb ass forgot to close the garage door all the way. Frick! I have to do everything around here! I told him to go back out the way he came in and he did! Haven’t seen him since, but he was pretty darn cute.



    Love you too.


    I saw a beautiful coyote yesterday. Usually they are kind of scrappy looking but this one was stunning.


    Love them both. Thanks for sharing.


    Stunning. And I love you all so much. If I could sing I’d suggest a sister version of this!


    I love John Lennon and I really loved the first one!!!


    Yes, Stand By Me. It is our theme song. I don’t know how I would have got through the last couple years without you all. Whether I was lurking or posting, up or down, I could log on to the hood for some company. And the collective wisdom and sharing was more useful than years of therapy. Love you all


    JoAnn’s ‘today’ favorite song, with lyrics. Everyone here will relate:

    Telling Me Lies

    They say a woman’s a fool for weeping
    A fool to break her own heart
    But I can’t hold the secret I’m keeping
    I’m breaking apart

    Can’t seem to mind my own business
    Whatever I try turns out wrong
    I seem like my own false witness
    And I can’t go on

    I cover my ears I close my eyes
    Still hear your voice and it’s telling me lies
    Telling me lies

    You told me you needed my company
    And I believed in your flattering ways
    Told me you needed me forever
    Nearly gave you the rest of my days

    Should’ve seen you for what you are
    Should never have come back for more
    Should’ve locked up all my silver
    Brought the key back to your door

    I cover my ears I close my eyes
    Still hear your voice and it’s telling me lies
    Telling me lies

    You don’t know what a chance is
    Until you have to seize one
    You don’t know what a man is
    Until you have to please one
    Don’t put your life in the hands of a man
    With a face for every season
    Don’t waste your time in the arms of a man
    Who’s no stranger to treason

    I cover my ears I close my eyes
    Still hear your voice and it’s telling me lies
    Telling me lies

    I cover my ears I close my eyes
    Still hear your voice and it’s telling me lies
    I cover my ears I close my eyes
    Still hear your voice and it’s telling me lies


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