Home discussions Thoughts Love Letters from my SAH – Read if you like ;)

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    I think I may vomit…..

    Sorry Sierra but he sounds like a lunatic. ( not that they all aren’t)….

    Does he talk that way?


    I knew you ladies would enjoy these..I don’t think he copied and pasted them. Like I said the only time I would ever hear what was on his mind or heart was on an anniversary card which was written similar but not as dramatic. He SO does not talk this way. It’s more like this…Me – crying ” Our son has Aspergers” Him – “oh…” Me – “can you help me get this lice out of my hair” Him – “I’m too busy..everyone want’s something from me” Me- crying “My aunt died” Him – “oh…” Everyone that doesn’t know what he has done thinks he’s amazing and kind and he’s very quiet/shy. He would never speak like this out loud. And Terri, gay is the one thing I think he is not but who knows? Courtney he is NOT a creative writing professor. He’s a Network Engineer..the perfect career for a cheating romance novelist. I think there is a happy medium called a mentally healthy man. Hopefully they do exist 😉


    Apparently not on Match.com, eh JoAnn? 😉


    Do we have any English professors here who could run his letters through a plagiarism site to see if there’s any matches. It would be hilarious to show him the proof if he copied them. 🙂


    I bet he did too. Nobody writes that stuff for real.


    Hah! That reminds me of a friend of mine from high school who called bc he wanted to read me a poem he wrote for his girlfriend (a friend of mine) to see if I thought she’d like it. He started reading me the lyrics of an obscure Andy Gibb song (and I was a big fan)…

    I’ll be your singer and your song
    For all the love you brought along
    I’ll be your day, I’ll be your night
    I’ll see that everything’s alright
    I’ll turn the ocean into sand
    Like my heart at your command
    I’ll make the raindrops turn to snow
    And then everyone will know that we’re in love

    Yep, I called him on it.


    Where would Sierra’s husband find such drivel?



    I don’t know Liza..the guy with MS who occasionally needs help sounds like a prize pick to me!


    Sierra . OMG. I have never heard another woman say that her husband says “everyone wants something from me.”. That is my H favorite line. As if!!!


    I am trying to decide what is weirder. This guy’s love letters OR Jo’s husband’s email which sounds like he is talking to a business associate? These guys are bloody strange and that is putting it mildly. If a man sent me a letter like that I would burst out laughing.


    Anyway…I am going to take up with the guy in the burgundy shirt and necklaces on JoAnn’s profile. He is EXACTLY what I have been waiting for my whole life. 😉


    OK – they all look like serial killers – I have been falling all over myself reading your comments – this is a standup routine in the making, group comedy SOS style. I knew there was a reason I didn’t want to be born again:-) Meg (I notice I am deleted:-(


    More like Hallmark for sa’s.com


    Sierra…this is exactly what I was referring to when I said my SAH treats me like a queen but leads a sick double life. It does quite a number on your head. I have eerily similar letters that he wrote me..not quite as poetic as yours but just as nauseating.


    When reading those letters yesterday, I too, thought he plagarized (at least in part) so my curiosity got the best of me & I took a few choice sentences and googled them but didn’t get a match.

    Sierra – outside of the creepy love letter writing, our h’s could be twins. Their response to difficult situations is so bizarre – I realize now it’s b/c they have no emotions or they are buried so deep they don’t know how to access them. About two weeks after D-Day last 8/31 (oh great…anniversary of that is coming up!), my youngest daughter had lice. H. left the house in a hurry at 8am but called about 5 minutes later b/c I think he realized his mistake in leaving w/out helping. I think he was surprised when I actually told him, yes, I need you to come back & help. That afternoon, he called to say he had to “work late” (on a Friday afternoon). Months later, I find the record of him having been at a bar. Yep, 2 weeks after D-Day when he was allegedly trying to “win me back” and “save his family”. Forget the fact that he was fucking his whore the whole time…he couldn’t even figure out how to be a good husband.


    Or father…


    It does sound like we are married to the same guy FC. I often say emotionally challenged I could handle. Emotionally challenged and a raging cheater I cannot. I realize he was so disconnected with me and the lice thing because he was acting out. I didn’t know that at the time…all I kept thinking is shit, if he can’t handle lice what is going to happen if god forbid I get cancer and I need someone to be there for me then? Assholes…


    So true! I hadn’t realized how emotionally distant he had become until I reflect now on events of the past 2 or 3 years. I think that is why the separation hasn’t been that difficult for me (it’s been about 4.5 months) b/c even though he was here physically, he wasn’t “here” emotionally.

    And, Teri, that is spot on.


    Not a good husband, not a good father but Definitely a good for NOTHING as my Dad would say.

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