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    March wrote this gut wrenching story of her years of trying and trying to fix her marriage. I’m sure we will see ourselves in her story, I know I did. ~ JoAnn

    After dating him for three years, which I thought was time enough to really know him, I married SAH (Sex Addict Husband) in 1999. It felt like a risk, because I’d been married before to a man who had a secret life, who kept a family only to make himself look good. I’d had three beautiful children with that man, but he didn’t care about any of us.

    SAH was fun, sexy, thoughtful, and kind. Six months into dating, he asked if I’d consider having another baby. He had a plan: to get married around 32 and have a family. He took my kids camping and built them a treehouse. He listened when they talked, treated them as though they were valuable, important, something their biological father never did.

    I remember there was an old man in his neighborhood who we’d see occasionally. SAH would get this wistful look on his face and say how sorry he felt for the man. “He must not have any family,” he’d say, “He’s going to die all alone.”

    Shortly after we married, I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. I was so excited, believing I was in for a wonderful experience, a real partnership full of joy and plans for the future. From the beginning, things were different. He was put off by my being tired, sick, and moody with hormones. He was turned off by my growing body. I was disappointed, but I figured I could live with it, that things would go back to normal after the baby was born.

    When my daughter was five months old, in May, I caught SAH having cybersex. At the time, he denied it being a habit or pattern. He claimed it was “just once.” But I saw in the computer history that it had been going on since at least November. I was crushed to discover that while he had been rejecting me, he’d been getting off on faceless, bodiless women.

    Quite a blow. He didn’t appear to be very sorry, either, and minimized what happened. It wasn’t so much the cybersex as it was the lying. I’d never thought of him as being capable of such dishonesty. I believe I would have left him then, I was so devastated, but because of the baby and my kids, I felt trapped. I was on my way to a bitter bout with postpartum depression.

    I went back into therapy. My therapist, who knew my entire history–my dismal childhood, my sister’s death, the awful marriage– told me, “Just because someone tells one lie, March, it doesn’t mean he’s a liar.”

    SAH and I started seeing her together a couple of years later, when stress over the house and kids overwhelmed us. The counseling was a not-so-successful enterprise overall, but positive in one regard: At one point, she suggested that both of us were spending so much time blaming each other, neither of us had bothered to examine our own part in the problems.

    I made up my mind, then, to let the past go and do my part to make things better. That was in October of that particular year, and by the following March, I was back to my old self, feeling good about life and my marriage. He started looking for a new job and I helped him with his cover letter and resume. We went suit shopping, shopping for ties. The night before my birthday, on a Sunday, we went to my mother’s for dinner. SAH and I sat on the couch and held hands. I felt happy and at peace for the first time in years.

    Later that night, I noticed SAH checking his cellphone and smiling. It didn’t really register at the time, but the next morning, my birthday, while he was in the shower, I had a weird feeling and looked at his emails. I discovered an exchange between him and his assistant at work that would undo and unravel, everything I had worked so hard to regain.

    They wrote about how he was going to let her use his credit card to go shopping and how he’d come over and let her try things on for him. That morning, on my way to work, I had to pull over in a church parking lot and cry. Then I went to his office. I needed to see the two of them together. I thought I’d be able to tell if they were having an affair. She made some comment about my coming there being inappropriate. He just stood there like a deer in headlights.

    Because his current employer offered him more money to stay, SAH ended up passing up the new job offer. This was difficult for me because it meant he’d continue working with that woman every day. He assured me it had been nothing but a flirtation; that I had nothing to worry about.

    Every day he left the house for work, I felt ill. I tried to believe that he hadn’t crossed the line. In my gut, maybe I knew, but I wanted to believe him. Part of me still held out that he wasn’t capable of cheating, but I had constant nightmares and couldn’t let it go.

    My questions led to my being subjected to months of verbal abuse and gaslighting; he often resorted to screaming and breaking things. He called me “relentless” for begging him to tell me the truth. He accused me of loving drama. We went for more couples’ counseling, where I was told I was hyper-vigilent, unreasonable. Three therapists later, we were still fighting in the parking lots afterward, he so resented having to go. I just wanted to fix things, wanted everything to be okay.

    Mostly, I wanted the truth.

    Eventually, I came across a quote on a friend’s Facebook page. It said, “I’d rather be made a fool of than be suspicious all the time.” I did what I’d done before: made a conscious effort to move forward. This time, it took the help of antidepressants. They kept me from obsessing.

    The assistant landed in a mental hospital for a while and then moved back to her home state of Michigan. I was glad. I began to “behave.” I was pleasant, more easy-going. I started liking my life again. I looked for ways to connect with my husband, took up mountain biking, played racquet ball.

    Meanwhile, he planned wonderful trips for us–cabins in the mountains, camping, vacations at the beach. We took my daughter and her friend to the Apple Festival. We took my daughter and my son to Disney World. I was enjoying my life again.

    My husband was home by 5:30 every evening. He coached our daughters’ sports teams. We went to high school football games and watched my son in the drum line. We both loved the smell of the grass on the field and the way it took us back to our own marching band days.

    We stopped fighting. We’d have arguments, but we’d somehow turn them into jokes. We could agree to disagree. If I had a question about anything he did, he answered calmly, wasn’t defensive. I kept a blog during these years of rebuilding. It was hilarious. My family and friends looked forward to reading it every day; they got mad if I didn’t post. This was a time of personal growth for me, of processing my past in a new way, of reframing my life story. I was happy again.

    Then, one day in early December, 2009, SAH went to an SEC championship football game and I attended a poetry reading at GA Tech. When I returned home that evening, he was already in bed. I climbed the steps up to our room, and about halfway up, detected an odor that turned my stomach, one that reminded me of my first marriage.
    It was the unmistakable smell of stale cigarettes and money, the smell of a strip club. “Where have you been?” I asked him, feeling sick. He was half passed out, though, wouldn’t answer clearly. I picked up his cell phone from the bedside table, found text messages between him and that same assistant, who had come back to Atlanta unbeknownst to me. They were chatting about lap dances. I wanted to die.

    The next day, SAH admitted he was a sex addict. I learned about this in the parking lot of the local park where I took my daughter to play. Little boys and girls played on the swings, slid down the slide, as I heard about porn and sex chat lines and surfing Craigslist.

    It would be nearly a year of incremental disclosures. About chat lines on the way to and from work, all night during business trips, about hooking up with the assistant on his lunch hours. Finally, the biggest blow–that he’d taken the assistant on his most recent business trip. He had been “acting out” for our entire marriage.

    Everything changed. My whole life for the past ten years became a lie. It was all taken from me. All that time and effort–all the love I could throw at the problems, for nothing. All of it a sham.

    Who was this man? What had I done? What was wrong with me, that God would punish me this way. I’d followed all the rules, kept my promises. I’d endured so much for so long, and for what? I was in shock. For me. For my children. And for my husband, who was so damaged, so sick, and, I hoped, redeemable.

    I set my sights on getting through Christmas. First, was my daughter’s birthday. I didn’t want the kids to suffer. All I could do was go to work, come home, and try to stay alive until 8 o’clock, when I’d let myself go to bed.

    Sleep was my only relief. My heart raced mercilessly, my skin tingled constantly, I lost weight. I had to go to the doctor and get tested for STDs, HIV. I had to change antidepressants. I still can’t look at family pictures from over the years without thinking about what he was doing during all those times of school plays, and ballgames, and vacations, and Christmases, and birthdays…

    He promised to change, promised he’d do whatever it took. It was the first time he’d ever taken responsibility; the first time I’d ever seen him genuinely sorry.

    He found a counselor who specialized in sex addiction. He attended SA and worked through the 12 steps. I tried to make it easy for him by letting him stay in the house, keeping the family intact. But living with me wasn’t easy. Not for him and not for me.

    Trauma on top of trauma on top of trauma becomes complex PTSD, and therapy, medication, and EMDR can only do so much. What I needed was safety. I needed to know he was safe. And for me to know this, he’d have to talk to me, let me in; let me know his thoughts and who he really is. For a while, there was progress. We’d have interesting discussions about God. I learned the truth about his childhood, that it was not so unlike my own, though he’d always thrown mine in my face. He became humble, reflective. He would think before he spoke. He was slower to anger. He seemed grateful for small things.

    But how do you recover from this if you are me? While I was planning a big production with Baton Bob to surprise him with for our anniversary, he was making plans to meet his secretary. While I was making reservations to take him skydiving for his 40th birthday, he was on a plane to Boca Raton to spend the night with her. He was with her in the morning and sex with me the same night.

    How does someone reconcile this? I did it by reminding myself how sick he was—by looking at the reams of paper with the call history, by reading every book on the subject I could find. I did it by watching him closely, everything he said and did. I tried everything, but my heart was so broken this time, the ground sinking beneath me, nothing solid I could count on. Everything was up for grabs, nothing was real. Life was a fiction. I was just a bit character in his private story, part of a subplot.

    And somewhere along the way, he started doing less. He hated the meetings and didn’t go as often. He cut back on the therapy. This made me nervous. He took a polygraph, though, and passed with no problem. It was a huge relief. But after that, even less walking the walk. There was only talking the talk.

    Once a month became not at all. I told him I couldn’t live with a recovering sex addict who didn’t go to meetings or therapy, threatened to leave him if I couldn’t SEE him doing things. I was emphatic that I could no longer simply believe what he said.

    I didn’t follow through. I consoled myself that he’d take another polygraph and I’d know then whether it mattered that he went to meetings etc.

    Then he failed the second polygraph.

    Now I have nothing but my fear and his word. Unfortunately, my fear trumps his word. I don’t have the luxury of believing him anymore. He risked my life, he stole so many years. A man who marries a woman with three kids, has a child with her, and singlehandedly brings his family down this way is capable of anything.

    No matter how much I want to believe the best of him, trust that his Better Self has triumphed over the evil, I need more than words to stick it out. If he can’t appreciate this, can’t understand it, doesn’t want to give me what I need, then, no, he doesn’t love me. Or, I don’t feel loved.

    I have done and done and done and done. I have endured years of treachery. I asked for something I can see, point to. I asked him to start going to meetings again–and to get back in therapy. Who can blame me for that? Who can fault me for doing the only thing I know to do to protect myself, as small and impotent as that thing might be?

    I don’t think my children will. I don’t think God will. But SAH does, and he refused.

    So I have filed for divorce.


    Hi March,
    Thank You so much for sharing your story with us. Mine is similar and I eas married 25 yrs. We are also divorcing. I could identify with the love and drive you gave to save the marriage. Mine too really wasn’t devoted to sobriety or recovery. He is too sick to be with and I feel too I was used as a curtain for his addiction. It was a very sick love and I’m glad it’s over. Mine can find comfort with his prostitutes, massage parlor sex workers, random Internet hookups. He’ll never have any part of me ever again. So sorry for your pain March.
    Much love, Nap


    Right back at you, Nap.


    This post took my breath away, March…
    The problem is and for me too… Once someone has lied to me and repeatedly, I know that he is capable of doing it again and again, and he will find a way to justify it.

    I admire you for choosing you and no one can ever fault you for anything.

    Love ~ L


    Hi March!!! So happy to meet you!!
    Your story is amazing and you are an amazing person to have done what you did do, made it through what you did…and had the courage to do what you needed to do!!!
    To save you and your kids. This is the true story of what really is.

    My story is so similar to yours, its crazy weird. I too was married before. My h did not give a crap about me and the kids. I was not abused, but we were neglected to say the least, emotionally. He was void of emotion in the end. He said he did not love me, the kids, no one.

    So we divorced. Then i found SAH, kind, caring, loved the kids, was like their dad, and paid attention to them as their dad did not. We too got married after three years. I also ended up pregnant shortly after. I did want another kid, but not soo soon. SA barely worked, and he needed to start a career for the family. he never did. I worked and was also pregnant and still took care of the house. Over time, he did less and less, was lazier and lazier; in the end made no money.

    We went to therapy before we were even married. It was there the tehrapist told me i had trust issues, i went on anti-depressents my heart raced as i went to bed. The loud beating of my heart alone kept me up at night. I would look forward to sleep, becasue it was then that i reset and the anxiety and hurt of the day would go away. When i woke up i would be fine, but then the stress of the day, and him…would make it awful again. I had started drinking more to make it go away; and that is why i got on anti-depressent as i had finally realized what was happening. I was drinking to get away from my marriage and my life.

    But still in continued to think it must be me. He is so sweet, kind, perfect; i am the sick one. There is soemthing wrong with me. Over time I would catch porn from time to time. NBD i thought. Although he would deny it. Weird. But there were also times, often, i could not reach him at work. He would always say oit must be his phone.
    fine, i guess, how do i know. His job went down the tubes, he never tied. In the end i found that he was viewing porn while watching our daughter. There is no forgiveness for that. Ever.

    I had constnat nightmares that he was cheating on me. Almost every night. I never found evidence that he did nor did he ever say he did; however i gotta go with my gut. I denied my gut for so long, i could not deny it anymore. I also found a hooker call card in his wallet, he said it was a college prank. College was 15 years ago. Plus who carried that crap in their wallet? Really. Loser.

    But march i wanted to let you know, i feel your pain. You did nothing to deserve this. But hopefully you will find a way to use this pain to bring more into your life. To learn more, do more, be more aware, and spring board your life into something you can truley enjoy again.

    And no one will fault you for this choice. Who cares about SA, he is a liar.

    I also wnated to share that my SA was kind and loving, kissed me, hugged me, never seem like he would lie to a soul. But he lied everyday. Its really sad that there are people out there like this. I wish we were neighbors!! We could talk. But now we are sisters!!

    Sending love and hugs your way!!


    I just wanted to add, if you met
    mine you would think he’s nice, sweet, and charming. It’s not real…… none of it. They just use it to get what they want, who they want, when they want. Mines a sociopath for sure.


    i just really can’t understand what is with these men. i am so at a loss right now. i wish i could throw up or sleep, or something,and, March your story makes me feel the same way. do we only ever find peace once we have left them and moved on?


    March, wow, as Lexie said, your post took my breath away. I am so proud of you and in awe of you for your strength and courage. You inspire me.

    Big hugs to you!!
    Love, Julie


    Thanks, all.


    Hi March~

    Your story is so difficult to read as I am going through the beginning of the awful journey. You have been strong and it does sound as though you have made the right decision. I only hope that if that time comes for me that I too will make that choice. Good luck to you and your children.



    Oh March 🙁 I am so upset FOR you. Why is it I feel like the strangers here care so much morw then the ones we vowed to spend our lives with? You’ve been through so much and done so much more than anyone could ever ask or expect. I wish I had some words of comfort for you. 🙁


    Dear March,

    I knew it would be bad, dear heart. I knew because I rocognized the pain and rage in your posts long before you told your story? I knew you had been wounded again and again. I don’t think a woman comes back from that kind of treatment NO MATTER WHAT THE SA DOES? It is simply too much on top of what was already too much. I feeel ABSOLUTELY confident to say you are doing the right thing and it is the ONLY viable option in this case. A man like your husband is dangerous and will continue to be dangerous. I remember back when I found out how little I knew my husband? I remember feeling like I must be the only woman who is in this kind of nightmare. I have learned on this site that I was NOT the only woman living this nightmare BUT some of us(most of us) have beeen traumatized over and over again? No wonder it takes us time to see the forest for the trees. I think the other really big lesson we learn here is that love is NOT enough to make a marriage work.Without trust and respect it is dead in the water. Also we cannot love them if we do not love ourselves and vice a versa. They cannot love anyone without the ability to love themselves either?
    Mary, Kim and Warrior Mom….now you can see that we do not caution you because we are hard and bitter and hate men…..we caution because we have tried and tried and all it got us was more pain and more betrayal? We want to spare you the samepath by advising you to beleive ONLY what they do and to discard what they say. They can keep up a pretense for a long time BUT if you keep the heat on they will not keep it up indefinately and then you will know? Myself….Iwould polygraph everyone of the pricks before i would waste a second on them….but thats just me.
    I am sorry March…REALLY sorry. Karen xx


    March your story is heart breaking and JoAnn is right when she says we can all see ourselves in your story. My world is about at the point where he won’t go to meetings or therapy anymore, he decided to “fix” himself. As I was reading your story (you are very well written) I was hoping your h could manage it like he thought. Dang. I agree also with your part of wanting him to be ok. Which I don’t understand because he doesn’t really care if I’m ok. (I do hope he can keep his job as I am going after as much support as I can get). I am glad you figured this out after 10 years. This year would have been my 30th. He confessed that 1st affair was 3 weeks after we were married.

    What a giant waste of what could have been wonderful. Lets have a toast for the douche bags!



    March, I don’t know how I missed this post of your story, but I did. So I’m late to the thread, but golly it’s a real humdinger—you have really been down the SA road to hell.

    I am so very glad that you have been finding clarity about what you need to leave behind, and what you take with you. And it looks like the SA stays behind. Don’t fret too much over the time you “wasted”, there is lots of time yet. And it will be yours.
    It’s hard to fathom what else we might have done, because most of us aren’t wired to just walk away the first whiff of it that we get. We try. We work at it. We do what stupid therapists suggest. But we don’t have a real partner in any of it. The whole “recovery” enterprise just becomes another de-focus of the life he is still hiding, and the life he’s suspended until the dust settles.
    I remember on JoANn’s other site, when I was writhing around trying to make a go of it with my SA in 12 step and therapy, but still being emotionally beaten up by his narcissism and emotional unavailability, some one just told me to walk away and start a new life because there was a good one waiting for me.
    I was shocked at her response. I wasn’t ready to do it. I still believed that if I just stayed committed, our love would eventually overcome this horrible challenge. Why was she so sure about this?, I wondered.
    Now I know. Because she was right. I needed to stop it. It wasn’t going to work and it didn’t. He “got sober” and still couldn’t tell the truth, still ignored my feelings and discounted my experience, still chose his new mother (the therapist) over me every time. Then I realized I would spend the rest of my life pandering to the two of them and still wouldn’t earn the right to be counted as someone in the room, never mind in the marriage.
    It has been very painful to stop loving him, stop caring about his life as if it mattered to what went on in mine. But there is a life for me. She was right. It’s a good good life. And it’s mine. I will always care for him in some way, but never will he have the power to ruin my every day again. He just can’t be trusted with the power. And neither can his 12 step crap or his therapist. They are all about the infantisizing of adult men, and the scapegoating of their female partners.
    But hey, that’s just my opinion. Like the woman who responded to me on the other site. Just one woman’s opinion.


    Diane your posts speak volumes and they are so great in so many ways. Thank you.


    Oh March. I too recognise me in there… the pregnancy, the finding of the cybersex, the repeated lies. Diane, I pray you re right about the new life. I’m a year in and sorting out the finances in our divorce.
    He phoned me today to find out where we were and I just broke down in tears. He has sent text messages to my friends and parents asking to talk – presume a step 9 thing – making amends. Ha! But then you know how he put it – “I’ve been dealing inappropriately with stress and with PTSD from when my GF died” Inappropriate is just over the line of decency – sex addiction and visiting prostitutes is miles over the line… FFS! So anyway – guess he’s still minimising and telling me I have to let go of stuff… hmmm. Think they ever change? I think not!


    So much wisdom and comfort. Thank you all. Here’s a funny story I can’t share with just anyone. I learned during my first divorce that it’s a good idea to record every conversation with the H. So, last night, once again, I hid the recorder for the coming conversation regarding–yes!–finances, custody. He was balking at things such as my getting half his Christmas bonus this year, stuff like that, and I started to raise my voice. He tried to shut me up (It’s always ok if he loses his shit), because “I always had to hear my parents fighting.” So tender, thinking about the children (And, just FYI, the child was long asleep and I wasn’t being too loud). Anyway, I hissed, “Oh, did your mom yell at your dad for sticking his cock in the mouth of some man he met off Craigslist?” plus a lot of “I SHOULD KILL YOU”s. Had to delete the tape ASAP.

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