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    Sooooo maybe I shouldn’t have, but I did.

    I reached out to his ex girlfriend. I don’t entirely know why or what I want to gain from it.

    Before me, Scummy Perv was in a 4 year relationship with a woman named “Susie” (won’t use her real name). They broke up about a year before I met SP. they had been living together, pretty serious relationship.

    I remember asking why it ended. “She was mean to me and once she even hit me in public” (why did she hit you?) “she was just a paranoid jealous person and didn’t like when I hung out with my friends”…

    His friends seemed to corroborate that story. No one really liked her. His parents didn’t like her. It all made sense, I felt satisfied and we dated, got engaged and then got married.

    One day after we were married I was cleaning and found a male wedding band (not from our wedding). I asked him about it (what the fuck- was he married to her?!). “No, no, no – Susie was just a person that liked all that “promise ring” stuff and she got it for me”. Alright. Seemed like a stretch, BUT she was the super sentimental type. We had to rid our house of LOTs of personalized gifts she had given him in their relationship. I let it go.

    Fast forward to his application for law enforcement (married already). He gets a phone call- they have follow up questions about the polygraph. When asked if used prostitutes, “no” but….. “I did take one home once when I was traveling for work in panama, but then I came to my senses and told her to leave but she wouldn’t unless I paid her so I paid her and she left and we didn’t have sex” hmmm. Fishy. Also, while you were in Panama you were dating Susie. But you said you’ve never cheated on anyone in any relationship. Fishy.

    Now I’m just flat curious. What does she know. What did she discover about him. Clearly he was doing this in their relationship too. It took her four years and she left…. I took 4.5 years. I’m seeing a pattern here. The difference is that I married him… (then again, maybe she did too?!?!).

    I found her online and sent her a message. Just brief – “this is maybe weird but Id like to talk about SP if you’re up for it. I just left him because he was a serial cheater and I think you may have had a similar experience.” … not sure if she will respond. Not sure what I’m trying to gain. I guess I just want to know what she knows. What other lies has he told me.


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