Home discussions Sex Addiction musings: SAs and empathy

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    What do the sisters think?
    Can empathy be learned?
    do some SAs have empathy?
    i am trying to piece together a bunch of disjointed thoughts so apologies in advance if this does not make sense. i have done a little reading about empathy.
    based on what i’ve read, it sounds like the ability to empathize is basically formed or not formed at a very young age…
    based on what i notice – my SABF just does *not* feel (or even notice) what i’m feeling a lot of the time. and it’s not only when he’s trying to be an asshole! but you know how most of us feel awful when someone is uncomfortable or in pain? i realize that he doesn’t have the same depth of feeling. not that he doesn’t have any compassion, but he can be very intellectual and matter of fact about sad events, like loss, grief, illness. really strange. yet, he is the type who will totally tear up at It’s A Wonderful Life. and some of you may remember, he does pastoral counseling and has done case management for years- he genuinely cares about people… at least when it doesn’t run the risk of negatively impacting him. Hm.
    in “recovery”, he has become increasingly self-aware and able to be present, but it’s like there’s still a disconnect. i don’t know if he is capable of doing something for the pure joy or pleasure of making someone else happy/feel good, as opposed to because he thinks he is “supposed to”, or negotiating some kind of reward.
    narcissist? definitely somewhat. how can you have empathy and fuck someone you supposedly love over so much? is it even possible for those to co-exist? does breaking down compartmentalization & defense mechanisms help SAs get in touch with empathy? or is empathic connection with an SA just a lost cause…
    would love to hear other sisters’ thoughts, musings, and experiences on this.


    Very good question and interesting observation. I don’t know the answer. These guys are so screwed up. Gollum was always great at doing the “little” things like buying me chocolate or a treat he knows I like. Bringing flowers. But, he always wanted alot of attaboys for doing it and I never felt an emotional closeness to him. He is terrible at talking about anything to do with his feelings. And being intimate with him always felt like he wanted a performance on my part. So no empathy there. I felt he was using me. To others he seemed so caring and loving. My friends who I just told, are floored. He ACTS the part, but I’m not so sure it is really there. He most certainly compartmentalized extremely well, as most people considered him a very religious and responsible man. Just my thoughts.


    I got nothin….


    my ex boyfriend and father of my son “played the card of a VERY EMPATHETIC ONE!) That’s how he sucked me in. Crazy thing is he is not really at all. Infact it’s scary. He is narcissistic and sociapathic it seems- yet he is smart enough to know how to “act empathetic or pretend” I could be wrong or crazy or looking into it all too much- but this is truly how I see it. I think they must all be different- I don’t think you can just put them all into a group- BUT the ones that are narcisstic- they would seem to be the ones who are not likely to be empathetic.


    Yes, I think empathy can be learned, and we teach it to our kids (directly and indirectly) when they are young. But some people (like sociopaths) don’t care about other’s feelings or have contempt for their feelings, and other people never received empathy, never learned it when young- or didn’t learn it well, and so never or under-developed that part of themselves. It’s a lot harder to learn when you’re older- sort of like learning a second language, I think. Just my opinion, not really sure it’s factual.


    in my experience, my opinion – no.


    Artemis that is a very interesting question. My husband does feel empathy. He is a very kind, compassionate and understanding man. Unfortunately he also subscribed to to theory ‘what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her’. His downfall.
    It is interesting also that his friend (I believe another SA) is very much like your husband. Very matter of fact about others loss and grief. His own daughter in law ran off to Singapore with her son’s child (his grandchild) and he shows no sadness or sympathy for his son. All I have heard are some ramblings about different cultures.


    Artemis, this is exactly where I am hung up! Thanks for posting and bringing up this topic…running to work, but pondering today and plan to post my struggle/observations.


    “I don’t know if he is capable of doing something for the pure joy or pleasure of making someone else happy/feel good, as opposed to because he thinks he is “supposed to”, or negotiating some kind of reward.”

    My SA — I don’t think he is capable of that either, Artemis. He will do something if there is a reward in it for him. On the very rare occasion he buys me a gift, all I hear about is how great it made him feel to buy it. The motivation behind it isn’t about me feeling good, it’s all about him.

    I guess in my opinion, if they learn empathy as adults which involves a lot of work, they can be taught what to do to put themselves in another’s shoes, but it will never really come natural.


    Great post ( as usual) Artemis. I have mixed thoughts about empathy in general. If you just look at empathy among “normal” people than it is still very subjective and dependent upon the individual. I believe I am empathetic but there are times when I read or hear or see something and it barely registers with me. I might give it a slight nod and think “oh wow, that’s terrible. Sucks for them…” type lip service. Other times I can actually feel the pain of another and it hurts. So, I think judging empathy is very difficult. It can be easily observed in kids. They are not affected by life yet and they are open and honest with their emotions. We teach our kids empathy. My kids will be judging the guy in the car next to us at a stop light ( His car is trashed, he’s smoking, he has a tattoo, he is playing his music loud, he is ugly, fat, old, etc whatever). I have always responded with the devil’s advocate approach ( what if he just lost his job? what if his best friend just died? what if he didn’t have parents that cared for him? what if he is a really good person with bad taste in music? )

    Anyway, you get the point. Children are easy to judge as far as empathy goes. SA’s not so much. I have seen empathy from my h before and after d day. Does he REALLY have empathy? I’m not too sure. I believe he is trying to learn it but I don’t think he gets it. He gets it intellectually but heart felt I don’t think so. He has true empathy where the kids are concerned. That is the only empathy that I would say for certain that he has. I think even that comes from a place of him remembering his torturous teenage years and trying to make the kids’ lives better. I have noticed he is extremely empathetic when he can relate to the “happening” on a personal level. If he can drag up a memory about himself that relates then he does get it.

    Empathy is like anything else. It has different levels of evolvedness ( I couldn’t think of a word 🙂 ). But, like IQ, or self awareness, or critical thinking skills, or coping mechanisms, or defense mechanisms, or self esteem…….There are just different levels.


    People with Narcissitic personality disorder and Sociopaths have no empathy and never will.


    Many of these guys are NPD and some are true Sociopaths.


    And some are just regular, run of the mill, common assholes. No diagnoses needed 🙂


    Yep that’s right Bev and they have no empathy either.


    Bev – good points about empathy being subjective. I wouldn’t say that my h. has zero empathy but like Artemis, it seems like he “goes through the motions” or does things b/c that is what he’s learned he’s supposed to do.

    Another question would be “do these guys have emotional intelligence?” One of the things that I was most attracted to about my h. when I met him was his intelligence. I would just love to listen to him talk and I thought he was just was so articulate & intelligent. But, over the years, I found that I grew in my intelligence & confidence – being a Mom certainly facilitated that – and I found that his intellect was less & less noticeable. Maybe that is b/c he uses all of his smarts to figure out ways to fuck whores, who knows? But as my therapist said recently, I grew in my emotional intelligence and he stayed the same. (I would argue that he actually probably even slid-back).


    I am very empathetic, to the point it’s not only the emotional component I feel, but I literally feel sharp shooting physical pain through my body if I ever witness someone injured. I always thought everyone was like this, apparently it’s only about 30% of people. Anyone here experience the same?


    I am old Victoria. I learned long ago that there are some people that do not deserve my empathy. It is a self protection thing. I had to learn it…I completely tune people out when the signals get too overwhelming and I end up feeling their pain.


    My H was incredibly emotionally intelligent and it often surprised me how well he could read body language. At least while he was in love. That deteriorated to being incapable of caring when I was in pain. Everything became about him. Two things I would say in response to this question.
    1. Emotional intelligence can be learned but empathy cannot. I think SA’s can recognize how wrong what they’re doing is. They don’t care. Empathy is a quality of character and I believe Karen (KMF) said that these behaviors are a sign low character…and you can’t change low character.
    2. I had a counselor who without knowing a single thing about any of the rest of this told me to leave my h after counseling us both. (Wish I had listened). It was because my guy R had a lot of baggage but as my counselor pointed out…not everyone throws their baggage onto others. SA’s are famous for throwing their crap on someone else. That is also a character flaw. The lack of empathy is always going to be this guys norm. Even if he learns emotional intelligence it is not going to make him a good guy.


    This is also a great article to read on people who are character disordered….



    Indeed some people do not deserve empathy, Bev.

    You may tune it out, but at least you can feel it.

    Above, with regards to experiencing physical pain when observing physical injury, it’s immediate and split second, no option to choose it or be selective.


    Wow, so many good points in here. Empathy is subjective. Deconstructing Empathy vs emotional intelligence. Totally separate from SA, all the Men are from Mars/Women from Venus crap basically says that on some level women & men are different in this way. i have never bought into that way of thinking. Maybe in part because i live in the Bay Area. If there ever was a land of emotionally intelligent men who are relatively in tune with their (and other people’s) feelings, I live in it and witness it with a lot of my partnered/married friends.
    just chewing on all this. thanks for all the great thoughts. About to go read the chumplady piece KatF posted.


    I think I need to move to the Bay area then! I am dreaming about where I should relocate and start a new life.


    To me the indicator that tells me that they don’t feel empathy is when they are caught and they say “I didn’t think I was hurting anyone,” or similar. It sounds like they are stupid or delusional, but I think that maybe they are telling the truth.

    I know there is at least one brain study that shows that the brain structure associated with empathy is smaller in them.


    I believe that too Teri. When they say that, I think they are actually being honest….

    It does conflict with their intelligence though. My h ( and doc e) are not stupid so you know that they knew it was bad ( why cover it up). My H said that he thought of it like he didn’t play golf and join the CC or have a ski boat or buy anything extravagant for himself so it was okay….I remember thinking “he is stark raving crazy”. I was right 🙂


    My SA could switch his stunted form of empathy on or off when it suited him. He couldn’t bear to watch those adopt a third world children commercials, but if I teared up and said I missed my deceased mom he just glared at me coldly. You see he secretly blamed me for all the problems in his life no matter how ridiculous or far fetched, that’s how he justified his screwing around. Yet sometimes, he would bring me cheap grocery store flowers for no reason maybe because he felt “guilty” for visiting some massage parlour slut. Who knows how his messed up mind worked. I’m pretty sure he also subscribed to the “what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her” mindset also. Because of that incident where I caught him torturing the mouse, and his penchant for extremely violent movies, I am pretty sure his empathy meter is fairly low.

    Mine is high, almost too high. I tend to care too much, feel too much, get too involved, when I need to care for myself more. My sociopathic daughter knew just how to take advantage of me time and time again and I have finally had the strength to disengage from her and enforce my boundaries, she didn’t seem to get it at first but slowly she is now.

    A few weeks ago, I was doing my fitness walking at the mall and and I passed this young man who was sitting on a bench with his head in his hands sobbing and as I walked along I though I just can’t keep going, so I went back and said “are you okay, he seemed surprised, so I sat down and we talked for a whiled and it wasn’t easy to get it out of him he seemed a little embarrassed so I didn’t press to much, but it seemed he worked for his family and they were pretty domineering and oppressive and he was fed up but didn’t know how to stand up for himself and was miserable. He wanted to get out from under them and maybe make a new life for himself. I told him a little about my life and how I broke free from my horrible situation and said you basically have to say enough, make a plan and just believe in yourself and make it happen. I hope I gave him something to think about. I just hate seeing someone suffer, that is just how I am. Too damn empathetic.

    Last summer, when my damn sa left, and I was sitting in my car and I was in a parking lot in my car, sobbing my guts out and wondering what the hell I was going to do, I wished someone had come up to me and said a few kind words to me, that’s why I felt I had to do that for this young man.

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