I always translate all that to mean “this is all just a big pain in the neck, all this making amends and being accountable and having to be sorry all the time and having to come up with ways to prove I am sorry and dealing with the fact that she now has all the power and I see no way that I am ever going to get it back because the gig is up…..therefore…it would be much easier to just replace her and move on and find someone else.” Of course , they do not come out and say that. they say things like “No matter what I do, it will never be enough. This does not make me a bad person. When are you going to go and see someone and get some help? I don’t think you want our marriage to work. I’m trying really hard here. I don’t know what else to do. Its too much water under the bridge. YOU don’t even know if you love me anymore. ” and so on and so on and so on blah, blah, blah.