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March 7, 2013 at 4:46 pm #80279
ParticipantAnn, I’ve done a lot of reading in the process of trying to figure this all out, and one comment I keep coming across is
“Untreated addictions ALWAYS get worse.” It sounds like you signed on for the level of addiction that he was at when you met him and thought the two of you could have a marriage and a family , and that if you were both aware of it, and honest, you could work it out. That says something to me about who you are, compassionate, loving, hopeful, forgiving. But as the addiction or obsession or compulsion or whatever we call it, gets worse…. the rules you thought you had and knew… change. You find yourself with a man you don’t know, in a situation you can’t imagine. I think everyone on this site has that same experience, no matter what out stories are. Even if he stops “using” and gets sober, don’t confuse that with treatment or recovery. After they stop using, that’s when the really hard work is supposed to begin. You are doing the right thing for yourself and your children, we support you.March 7, 2013 at 6:05 pm #80280bonnieb
ParticipantDear Ann,
First of all I want to say that Im sorry for your pain. Like KMF said, you arent the only one here who has had trouble breaking away from this. Im not and wasnt stupid either. We all have our reasons–there seems to be a disproportionate amount of empathy and compassion in the sisters here. We all turn ourselves inside out trying to understand and help and lap up the tiniest glimmer of hope. The first rounds of discovery for me my husband was sorry, broken and contrite, did counselling etc. Later he just became cruel and actually blamed me–such a nice “thank you” for sticking with him!
Bottom line dear, is that your life is ticking away–every year. Not to mention the message your children may be getting. Yes it is hard to break it off. I guarantee that it is harder to stay (been there and done that) and ironically there is less reward/benefit.
We all have to do what feels right for us. But our advice is coming from a place of experience–cumulatively hundreds of years of experience! What a happy day it would be if just once on this site someone could have the lightbulb go off and the experience of the other sisters could save even one woman from years of heartache and crap!!!! Ann, you have had enough already….Maybe it can be you?
What do you say?!? With love and best wishes. Fingers crossed. ~BonnieMarch 8, 2013 at 2:34 am #80281annblack
ParticipantCourtney, thank you you nailed it. Thanks to some really poor choices he made early in the marriage we are broke and couldn’t afford a real counselor for more than a few sessions. He’s also living in a fantasy world that has the “magic pill” all ready to go – he just has to find it. As long as it reeks of “experimental” or “homeopathic” he’s all over trying to get it to work. He hasn’t gotten anywhere
I didn’t sign up for this level of acting out even though I knew it was a possibility. I’ve been through the ringer a dozen times over but we worked through it. After this latest revelation I just have some serious decisions to make.
March 8, 2013 at 2:40 am #80282annblack
Participantbonnieb, I wonder if you are still with your husband or if you were able to break away? How did it work out for you?
I’m so glad we’re currently separated. It is making this 100x easier on me to break the last ties. Quite frankly he’s so possessed right now that I couldn’t have a reasonable conversation with him if I tried. He’s on a 2 week time out from me and the kids. I’ll see where the time takes our paths in life.
Since he was with hookers I already have been letting it sink in that my life with or without him will never be the same as it was 3 days ago.
March 8, 2013 at 2:27 pm #80283lynng2
ParticipantOk, so he broke the law, was caught, refused to follow his orders, lied to you about recovery, screwed hookers (combination of broke the law, lied, and put your health at risk without a whisper of remorse), is financially irresponsible and has crippled the family financially and emotionally. You are fed up, rightfully so, and deciding what to do now. He is not going to respect boundaries, he does not respect the law even when he’s caught. He does not respect you. He does not respect or care for the children whose mother he is endangering. What risk is left for him to bring into your life?
The loss of him will hurt, you obviously have reason to keep trying for so long. However, with as much stability as you have now, please don’t sacrifice it for him. Keep building for yourself and your children, and watch him from a distance. His choices are made, you just have to see it play out.
March 8, 2013 at 3:05 pm #80284972
MemberBonnie is our SOS super heroine. She loaded up her shit and left him with some SA books.
It is not about “giving up on the addict in our lives” to address your earlier question.. It is about saving yourself. No one tried harder than Bonnie, Nap, Cindy, Jos, Teri, JoAnn, March, Trish, Lynn and other’s that I am leaving out. No one just walked away and shrugged their shoulders and threw in the towel immediately. Every sister here made ( is making) very difficult choices and they did not know before hand that their H was an SA. Getting away from a toxic person is not “giving up on the addict in your life”. It is ensuring that you have a damn life. Most of these guys have done nothing but prove over and over that they cannot be trusted to feed your goldfish, much less make a decent husband. That includes yours….
March 8, 2013 at 3:09 pm #80285lynng2
ParticipantThanks Bev, that did sting a little. I shared with a national TV audience the various things we were doing to work through recovery with my SA. If that’s not support, I don’t know what is. Talk about walking out on a (rotten) limb.
But, I’ve heard “How can you give up like that?” so often I’m starting to shrug it off. The answer is just too frigging long and ugly.
March 8, 2013 at 3:14 pm #80286972
MemberI can’t shrug it off. We have been victimized enough. I won’t have it here 🙂
Ann, I know you were not being insulting or belittling but those words are hard to hear when you have read the heartfelt agony of the sisters that have tried so very hard.
March 8, 2013 at 3:15 pm #80287lynng2
ParticipantLove you, Bev. And your energy 🙂
March 8, 2013 at 3:16 pm #80288972
MemberThat includes myself. When I found out all this shit. I put every ounce of my pain to the back burner and reached out for help for the father of my children. I have supported his recovery efforts the very best I can.
March 8, 2013 at 3:17 pm #80289972
MemberLove you too Lynn and I will defend you to my dying breath. You took this shit public for normal people by subjecting yourself to the AC show. You are a pioneer in the movement and I for one admire you greatly.
March 8, 2013 at 3:23 pm #80290lynng2
March 8, 2013 at 3:53 pm #80291daisy1962
MemberMe too Lynn!
March 8, 2013 at 4:18 pm #80292bonnieb
ParticipantDear Ann,
If you are hearing us coming on strongly, I hope you will also understand why. In many ways, as odd as this may sound, we are not LIKE you, we ARE you! As Bev and the other sisters have chimed in, the inclination of every single one of us was to put ourselves on the back burner and to try to help our partners. For most of us, it took several rounds of being battered with this garbage before we even considered making ourselves a priority. And if you go through many of the posts here, you will see how difficult that still is for many sisters. We are like loyal cheerleaders for a losing team. We dont give up easily. And you can also see the emotional toll it takes on us.
When you mentioned that your husband is looking for some “magic pill”, god did that ever ring a bell with me. My husband tinkered with his diet, exercised, meditated, even went back to school to get a masters in Chinese medicine looking to get his shit together. You know the ONLY thing he didnt try? Actually working WITH me, being honest and open and vulnerable with me!
I went through a decade of on and off acting out. Each time things got nastier and escalated. Never once did he come clean, I always would catch him, and god, I wasnt even looking! Like you, I knew about it before we got married, but he seemed so vulnerable and sweet. I was understanding and supportive…ugh.
Yes, in the end I did leave, and I cant begin to express what a relief and joy the past 10 months have been! I recognize that not having children with him made it easier. And Im not trying to trivialize what you are going through. But please sister–hang out here. Read the stories. See it for the mirror it is and take care of yourself. Whatever that looks like for you. But PLEASE make YOURSELF the priority. Trying to help and figure him out will drag you down.
~BonnieMarch 8, 2013 at 7:13 pm #80293allcat62
MemberAnne the girls are absolutely correct. To be honest when I first joined I joined for 1 month only as a trial. In the first 2 weeks there were many times I was hearing stuff I didn’t want to hear and I was not going to renew my membership. I have seen old ‘interchanges’ between new and old members and after them the new member has cancelled their membership.
I have had advice from the sisters that my husband will not recover but I am going to give it a go anyway. I know that if it doesn’t work out that there will be no ‘I told you so’ comments but rather lots of love and encouragement that I can be happy on my own.
I feel sad for the girls who have left because they wanted to hear ‘warm fuzzies’. They have lost so much.
I promise you will be supported no matter what decision you make. Much love to you, CatherineMarch 8, 2013 at 8:00 pm #80294lynng2
ParticipantThat is true, support for partners is our common thread, no matter how we feel about SAs.
March 8, 2013 at 8:35 pm #80295teneil
ParticipantI’m still with my SAH BUT I’m getting better at thinking about me first. I’m also working on an exit plan in case something happens. Whether our marriage works or not, I have to take care of myself and be okay. I can’t let my SAH drag me down anymore. It does help that at the moment he’s saying and doing the “right” things but I know that could change any moment. I want to be stronger and become less financially dependent on him in the mean time.
March 8, 2013 at 9:21 pm #80296972
MemberI wanted to leave the first second I started reading on the site!! I was scared to death. I thought “Oh No, not my H , not me, no no no no…”
This site saved my life. I figured I had stuck my head in the sand long enough. I needed to hear every word and I still do.
March 8, 2013 at 9:24 pm #80297972
MemberCatherine, I support you trying to stay with your H. I support anyone that wants to try. But, If you write that your H is F’n a hooker and he is being a jerk about it then I will be the first to tell you to make an exit plan.
Ann’s h is not only “actively addicted” , he is not even apologetic….Big difference.
March 8, 2013 at 10:38 pm #80298allcat62
MemberAbsolutely Bev. Ann should not stay in this relationship. As I’ve said before he is just a naughty boy and I don’t think you can make him into a decent man. My post was really about hearing things you don’t want to hear but sticking with the sisters anyway. If she makes a decision contrary to advice we will still be here but telling her the same old thing.
If my husband starts F’ing hookers again and I don’t move out I expect you to come over here and drag me away or drag him away and feed him to the dogs.March 8, 2013 at 10:55 pm #80299teneil
ParticipantI would definitely not move. You need to take care of yourself right now. He’s going to do whatever he does whether you move or not. What can you do for yourself to be okay with or without him?
March 9, 2013 at 4:12 am #80300annblack
Thanks for all your kind – and not so kind words. I really need the kick in the butt and it hurts a hell of a lot less than the revelations of the last few days.
“We are like loyal cheerleaders for a losing team” Yeah… I saw a cheerleader get knocked unconscious at a university game once. Not a pretty site. That’s how I’m feeling today.
Bonnieb – did he really go back for a masters in Chinese medicine?!? Holy cow that is right up my SA’s alley. Where do they get this from? He’s done EFT, martial arts, every oddball diet out there, paid thousands to a gym to “realign” everything, had individual counseling with some martial arts guru to clear his psyche, redirected his “energy” into writing, coin collecting, started a blog (all only lasted a few weeks), had his aura read, acupuncture, massage – which of course went down hill really fast. Yet the things he should do he won’t touch with a 10 foot pole. After what I saw the other night talking to him he should start with an exorcist and go from there.
At the end of the conversation I had with my husband the other night I told him not to contact us for 2 weeks while I get my head on straight and because I can’t talk to him “drunk”. He wasn’t getting anything that I was saying. He couldn’t even think of answers. We’ll see if he dries out by the time the TO is over and then I’ll be able to take the next step. Nothing I say or do right now will phase him. He is too far down the rabbit hole.
He sent me an apology letter today filled with all the same crap. I’m sure you ladies know how it goes – I love you, I’m sorry, Im not in a good place right now, I understand you’re upset but “this” is why I lie to you (yeah me keeping myself and the kids safe), he’s also outlined all his plans to be good… I can tell he’s too far gone this time to follow through with them all. This weekend is going to be another hell for him. I can read him like a book some days.
I’ve made arrangements with my current living situation for me and the kids to stay here as long as I need to get my feet under me and get settled. If I can stay here till Christmas that would help get me launched again. I feel so lucky that we have hundreds of miles between us already and have had so much time to get used to this separation already. The kids stopped asking about him months ago so the missing Skype calls at night haven’t even phased them. I’m planning on telling him in a few days that he can consider us separated – not that it will make much difference having been apart for 5 months already.
I’m sorry but I still haven’t reached the “I’m divorcing him” stage yet. It’s not something to just jump right into. Been there done that bought the book. I know what it entails, I know I can make it through it – I just am not ready to take that journey yet.
I’ve also made arrangements for a hotel for him when he visits here in two weeks. It’s too late to change those plans and it’s for my son’s birthday so I don’t want to disappoint him. No reason he has to stay here with us though.
Thanks again for the thought that the STDS could take months to years to manifest. That’s one risk I will not take with him. I’ve resigned myself to a life of celibacy. It’s a hell of a lot better than the alternative. I still can’t get over the fact that he had no intention of telling me about any of it – ever. That is the main force driving me through this hard time.
I appreciate so much your comments and insights. I am in a very good place right now – even if my partner is screwing hookers. I plan to stay here for a while and see how things sort out.
March 9, 2013 at 4:46 am #80301allcat62
MemberAnne you are doing exceptionally well. xox
March 9, 2013 at 2:16 pm #80302bonnieb
ParticipantHang in there Ann–keep reading and keep posting. This is a supportive place and we really do understand.
And yup, he really did study chinese medicine and is now a liscensed practiioner. Oh, but he ever once cracked open a single book about sex addiction, even though he acknowledged he was a sex addict. He didnt want to put himself “in a box”. Un Fing believable!
Take care.March 9, 2013 at 2:27 pm #80303972
MemberAnn, your plan sounds just right for you. You don’t have to jump right into divorce. You just have to protect yourself and your children. I said some of those “not so nice “words. I have had them said to me too. It isn’t that they aren’t nice, it is that they are the truth. When we are dealing with men that are willing to have sex with you while they are actively banging hookers then nice has to go right out the window. Also, I knew some of the truly nice sisters would come thru and soften my harsh edges 🙂
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