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    I don’t know Steph, sounds pretty tempting! Sex AND Dinner? 😉


    Shaking my head. For about 10 seconds I thought there was a little spark of human being in troll boy but no…then I got to the “can we have sex” line. Sigh…

    Liza – LOL But you just know he’d want her to COOK the dinner, do the dishes, clean the place up and would then berate her WHILE having sex. Such a slug.


    I would be soooo tempted to text him back and explain in detail why we were NOt ever going to have sex agin. I would start with the details about his abhorrent , pathetic, laughable sexual ability. 🙂


    Yes, and say “there is someone I want you to meet, your right hand, he’ll have sex with you, and you can rub your own nipples with your left hand.” ( sorry had to put that in there).


    Take a picture of that text, Stephanie, or download it and save it. It is concrete proof of what ass he is, if you ever need it.


    Stephanie – straight out of the handbook – exactly the kind of crap I get. Hugs to you and extra kudos for recognising it for what it is. Xxx


    big hugs! and stay strong. He is a complete and utter ass, just like the rest of them.. I wish we had an island we could put them on


    Wow – “can we have sex?” – what a romantic! Not! He’s such an ass that he honestly thinks that texting you a few sincere-sounding sentences should then immediately lead to asking about sex.


    It will serve us all well to remember that these guys “communicate ” using sex. I am sure that was dipshit’s way of saying ” I’m sorry and I want you back” in SA speak.

    They do not communicate like real people. They do not know how.


    WOW! Just WOW! Keep that text somehow, like Teri said. It’s classic. Should be published.


    Stephanie, I am so so sorry! Truly he is a sack of shit! I know it hurts, but am glad he showed his true colors. Please remember how quickly he turns when and if you ever feel that horrible pull again! I love what Harmony had to say about not listening to a word he says. Please please dont give this man an audience! You are wonderful and deserve so much. Right now even when you are feeling strong, you are still vulnerable and you need to protect yourself from the demented garbage in his mind, lest you buy into any of it. It does indeed take two to tango, but he wasnt dancing with you! Dont allow him to pollute your self image with even the tiniest bit of his distorted “truth”. Hugs and good wishes to you! Your new life with be brighter!!!


    Steph, tell him to take his load of bullshit down to the dump, next time he gets ‘down in the dumps’.


    You know Steph douches like this are a dime a dozen thank your lucky stars you are rid of this giant oozing pimple and your kids are supporting you, they are all you need right now, a new better life awaits you.


    Actually Steph something just came to my mind from a plot in Seinfeld, it was hilarious, say yes, get him down to his skivvies, cuff him to a bed in some random motel somewhere, and then just leave! lol~!


    Stephanie – you are my inspiration…you are handling this all so incredibly well. It’s so hard when we are still in situations where we have to interact with them and hear their gaslighting. It is confusing. We are hurt and susceptible to it, I think it will take a while before we believe we are worth care and respect, and we don’t need any more of their bullshit clogging up our brains.

    My STBX is pulling the same kind of stuff when I exchange our kids. Crying and sending me emails telling me he wants his family back, he misses us, he’ll do whatever it takes, etc. – then I find out that he is going to Peru in two weeks to visit one of his girlfriends. I will never understand how their minds work. I am just trying to get as far away from it as possible. I know you are too. You will. Eventually he will give up and move on to easier prey.


    Good grief Clare…begging you and planning a trip to hook up. He is such a prize ( jerk).

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