Home discussions Sex Addiction Not one for if you’re eating or of a sensitive disposition!!!

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    I’ve noticed in a lot of posts that the SAs don’t always seem to take good care of themselves/their personal hygiene, so I thought I’d start a rather gross thread about what the worst example you’ve encountered is. I’ve got a good one!

    My SA suffered from ingrowing toenails from an early age. A few years ago his big toenail started ingrowing. He left it and it became infected. Now when I say infected, I MEAN infected. It was so large his other toes were pushed away. It was red/purple, full of pus and bleeding (the blood and pus went all over the bed sheets on a daily basis!) but would this guy go to the doctors and get it sorted – NOPE! I begged. I pleaded. But no. He even started to walk with a limp it got so bad. It took him, I think, 18 months to go and get the nail removed and get antibiotics.

    Come on ladies – share the grossness!!!
    Bb x


    My h is very well groomed. I cant think of any time where he didn’t take care of his personal hygiene. Sorry I cant think of any.


    Mine is well groomed as well! Definitely one of the things that attracted me to him in the first place. (Good hygiene is at the VERY top of my list when it comes to someone I am interested in!) But this is kinda funny tho- – He was 33 when we started dating and is now 52. So…… Definitely looks a little different than on our wedding day, lol, and although he has stayed about the same in most places, his belly is HUGE. In the last couple of years, he has started to wear those boxer/briefs…. Where before he just wore colored briefs. Um, let’s just say that only a FEW men that I know of can pull of boxer/briefs!!! (and most of these men are younger than 52!) Last week when I snooped around on his private email before I went to Bed, I saw his last sent email was from about 15 minutes earlier!! He took a pic of himself in the bathroom mirror, in those ridiculous underpants ONLY, with his reading glasses perched on end of his nose And face scrunched up looking at phone trying to see what the pic looked like as he was taking it! Double chin and all!!! Ewwww…..

    PS…. Sending it to his latest victim of course!! I wanted to go in bedroom, flip on light and scream, REALLY DUDE????


    And btw, although my SA is very clean, he snores to high heaven! OMG!! Bringin down the walls!!! Sometimes I lay in bed and listen to that shit and just laugh, thinkin of the next Sucker who will eventually sleep all night with him and be horridied by the noises coming out of his mouth!!! Lol! They don’t even sound human!! He also has sleep apnea but will not address it! I keep thinking he might just drop dead!! Hopefully, while I’m still the beneficiary, assuming I’m still the recipient and not someone named Lola or whatever….. 🙂


    My husband couldn’t let his hygiene suffer too much because of his job, but if he was off for a week, or had a weekend with no work ie: when I would see him…..no shaving, no showers. And I noticed that in retrospect when he was acting out, his breath would smell disgusting to me. No one else noticed, the kids, etc. I don’t know why… What i do know is that after d-day #1 when he was sliding back into his addiction, my first tip off was his breath. I’ve never told him that.


    silver-lining, you crack me up. My ex was (is) handsome but very overweight. I’ve wondering how he is faring out there now that he is dating. I wonder if he thinks of himself as a stud. I love picturing your SA taking a picture of his middle-aged self to send to someone. Do these guys think they are God’s gift to women? You would think if you were going to be a sex addict, you would want to look halfway good naked and be good in bed!!!!!!


    My SA still looks good, for his age (he still has a full head of hair), but he really relies on that cold hard wad of cash more so than physical appearance. Very revealing about him and his “others.”


    My SA was meticulous about his appearance. Absolutely meticulous. It was all part of his con–the facade he presented.

    Now, I see him through the lens of what is true—he looks scrawny, old and grey. And I look beautiful.



    Yay for Diane!!!! Yes, I’m sure you do!!! 🙂

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