Home discussions Divorce OMG, OMG, OMG!!!

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    I did a little research today on divorce attorney’s. I found one that I liked online and there was a place to contact them for a free consultation.

    There was a small box that said give a “brief” explanation of your situation and here is what I wrote:

    “My husband and I were married on 10/20/2006. We dated 4 years previous to that. I had no idea that he was a Sex Addict. I found out about his addiction in August 2010. We immediately got him into treatment. He was also diagnosed with PTSD related to his work and began having trouble dealing with his emotions at work. He said something that offended someone and his work put him on Administrative Leave. During that investigation he decided to retire early and did. Shortly thereafter he was given a restraining order from his previous work and he was required to turn all his guns into the sheriff’s office. He lost the restraining order case and it is still in place for a couple more years. Fast forward to May 2012, our home was searched by the Dept. of Homeland Security, my husband and I were separated and interrogated, I knew nothing of what was going on until they told me they had reason to believe that there was child pornography in the home. They did find evidence of that, arrested my husband and took him away. I bailed him out. Fast forward to today, his case is still pending, looks like it might go to trial, we are not getting along well . . . I need some advice on what my rights are. I’m 54, haven’t worked for over 7 years. We live out in the country with animals and no weapons to protect ourselves. Never in a million years could have guessed I’d be in such a situation.”

    Now, I’m scared shitless! But bold enough to type this to you with him sitting accross from me in the living room!!!



    Sitting here thinking that atty has never had such a packing response before. Wow! That should get the ball rolling.

    Claire, you have been through so much and I hope you are led to the right representation. You deserve a real life. I’m really glad that you are moving forward to freedom. XO Debora


    Wow! I hope this attorney is a Pit Bull! Keeping my fingers crossed that you get a good response from them. If not, do not be afraid to contact many more. Every one that you contact, your husband can NOT retain – so call or write to them all!


    Claire! That was so brave of you. Let us know what you hear back.



    Good for you Claire. You’re taking charge of YOUR life and that has to feel good.
    Love, Nap

    PS we are all stronger than we think we are.


    Good luck Claire!


    Go Claire!


    Just make sure they will call you back in an appropriate amount of time if you ever call them should you decide to retain him.

    Getting out isn’t easy. I’m glad you are looking into it.


    It’ll be interesting to see if I get a response. Had to laugh at Debora’s comment about a packed full brief explanation! When I re-read it I see that I tried to get too much info into one little box! And that’s not even all of it!

    At least if I get a free consult, I might feel better about what my options are be able to start making plans and/or decisions about my future.

    Thanks for cheering me on. Big step, that was.

    Much love, Claire


    Great job, Claire, I am so glad, and hope you get a consultation very soon. Step one, contact. Step two, consult. Step three, whop his ass! Step four FREEDOM!



    You are ready Claire, you may be frightened, we all are, but your heart is gently nudging you along toward what you know is right for you.

    Listen to your heart. Your mind is already there.

    We will be here for you Claire. You deserve so much more than to be associated with a child porn pervert. Society places them at the lowest of low. That type of perversion never goes away.

    You will never have any peace or self respect until you remove yourself from that association. Leaving does not mean you don’t have compassion for him, it does not mean that you don’t still have feelings for who you believed he was. Leaving simply means that you are not responsible for his shame and do not deserve to live in that shadow for the rest of your life.

    I love you Claire. Take your time, you will get there. ~ JoAnn


    That was a huge step Claire. I am so glad you posted. It just goes to show you that we all arrive where we need to be eventually. You are doing the right thing for you at the right time.

    I hope the attorney responds and you can at least get a sense of your rights and how to begin navigating this mess. JoAnn is right, you need to get away from him.


    claire, wow. i’m so proud of you and so hopeful for you. you shine on, keep doing what you know is right, and on your own terms. xoxo


    WOOT!! Claire, you are so strong 🙂 Praying for you 🙂


    Your post warms my heart, Claire, you are taking such good care of yourself:)


    Huge, Claire, Huge. So proud of you! It is difficult but necessary to move forward. I would also recommend calling the local Domestic Violence hotline. They may be able to help you or they can put you in touch with someone from Legal Aid. I think any amount of free legal advice you can get is critical.


    Wow, I’m disappointed. Not one word from that attorney today. I realize they are busy people. Plus there’s been many courthouses closed in our County so things are backlogged, but I thought I would hear something.

    I guess I’m just a little impatient. But now it’ll be Monday before I might hear from her. Sigh.


    I think you need to follow up with a phone call …seriously.


    Yep, Bev, I think you’re right. Thanks.


    I would show up at the front desk or move on to another attorney!


    I found when I was working with my lawyer, if I was assertive she was assertive. I called when ever I wanted and made appointments to see her to keep on top of everything. She was very detailed and great on her own and she welcomed my involvement in fact she used some of the strategies I suggested and just balked and told me when my ideas weren’t going to fly. I really liked her and still call her occasionally to say hello we chat for 5 min then she has to go. She always seems sincere. Always was so helpful and yet assertive and proactive. She was worth every penny ($25,000).


    Claire, call the attorney this morning and keep calling until you get that free consultation. Even if you do not move on the divorce, you still need to know what your options and rights are……

    Keep us posted. You can do this!!


    You CAN do this Claire! You and Bella and Prissy and all your animal companions will be just fine when this is over.


    Having a tough day today.

    Over the weekend I emailed another one and that one responded with just a generic answer that consultations were $50 and to call their office to schedule and appointment. The first one hasn’t responded.

    I’ll decide what to do tomorrow. Right now, just want this day to be over.

    Thanks for the cheerleading, though!


    Hear that, Claire. Try and get some sleep my friend.

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