Well, I tried. My hair was fading, and I didn’t have the $80 to get it done again. Tried a color I used to use, and MAN has it changed. or maybe I changed. Both? Anyway, my hair is nearly BLACK now!! Whoa, that’s never happened before. No panic, but my children are gonna freak out.
So this year, the year of SA, I’ve been the whole gamut from bleached blonde to dyed black!
lynng2 – I did the same thing this week. Went from blond to black in 30″. I can’t afford to keep it up anymore. Last time I used a light ash brown to cover and it worked great, but this time changed brands and that same color was entirely different. Lucky for me that my natural color is black.
What is your natural color?
My natural color is a dark chestnut. This year, surprise surprise surprise I started getting grey, faster than I remember anyone else in my family going grey. My color is not exactly auburn, but that’s the closest box color I’ve ever used. It’s what I used today. NOT what I expected.
Ok, I washed it five times with Suave Clarifying Shampoo. It’s now dark, dark, brown, not black. My daugher, who has had a number of these “incidents” with friends, said to use dish detergent. Eeeewwww. Well, I MIGHT try that today.