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    Hi All,
    I know that i have made references to this in the past. She has an online lifeclass with pod casts, and she also has her Oprahs life class show on OWN. Its an hour long, and so far has been running about three weeks, a new show each weeknight.

    So i have been recording them, but have not had time to watch…until yesterday.

    This show is A MAZ ING. Everything that we talk about on here, that we suspect, that we try to get across…is in this show. She has shared a lifetime of knowledge and learning, yet she has never been to traditional therapy. The people in her life, the people on the show, everyday events have taught her what she knows. And boy does she have it down.

    One of the topics i posted on here…was when they show you who they are beleive them. I had an idea of what this meant, but she explains it even better. She says that first its a whisper, then its a tap, and then its an Ohhh Shit. Right? She says to listen to your lifes guidance while its still a whisper, so that brick wall doesn’t come down of you.
    The tap is the little nagging feeling that soemthing is not right. The taps are the porn on the computer, the found hookers, DVD rentals, calls from GF’s etc, and the ohhh shit…is the day you find out about the sex addiction.
    She says that we choose not to beleive, becasue if we choose to beleive it, then something has to change. Most often we would have to walk away. Instead of taking it for what it is, we rationalize, minimize and deny. She says not to ignore the things that tug at your attention.

    I started writing down some of the quotes.

    They may not show who they are exactly, but will show you in many instances who they are.

    All secrets are control strategies. If someone is keeping secrets from you, you are being controlled and thats not love.

    Never stay in a situation based on potential, potential is not a quality or trait. Potential is not a quality, its a fantasy.

    You can accept or reject the way you are treated by other people, but until you heal the wounds of your past, you will continue to bleed.

    After and affair, decide for yourself if you can get over it. If you can… then really get over it. If you can’t then move on from the relationship. don’t live in between.

    (((This is a big one. I do fear that many of us are trying to live inbetween. We try desperately to make it work and get over it. But there is nothing we can do to make our soul/our true self to get over it. I think that you can insert the words sex addiction and lies in for an affair, its all the same. If we cannot get over it we need to move on.

    and change only happens when we move on. She says that sometimes we get numb going through our lives. We cannot even hear our inner voice anymore. And when you don’t hear your inner voice you cannot live for you, and you will remains stunted and stuck.))))

    Pay attention to the messages your life is sending you. The voices of the world can drown out your intuition if you are not paying attention.

    The only person you have control over is yourself. You can change how you see a situation or remove yourself from it, but you cannot change the other person.

    Take responsibility for your life. I am responsible for what happens to me. I am the only one which can bring change in my life.

    You cannot improve your life if you surround yourself with energy that brings you down. ((SA’s))

    Now that you know better, do better. ((We know better now))

    Which brings me to another thing i have always felt. You must either accept or reject the way your life is being lived. that means the poeple in it, your job, where you live. We are not at all responsible for our h’s addictions. However we are responsible for our lives and our life choices.

    I also finally get how therapists say you relive your past. However that in know way explains it, almost blames you, or demeans you. What oprah says is that you still carry that negative energy of your past, and you carry it forward with you. This makes sense. You carry it forward with you and you carry that dark energy. Its still there for me, i can feel it now. How to let go of your past…i don’t know…but i think i am close to figuring it out. So this dark energy in us we carry around, and what we project we receive. I am a positive person, but that dark energy and sadness from my childhood is still there.

    And sometimes i think that my life has been so full of everyone elses chatter for some long…i never heard my own. Ever. Only slight glimpses here and there, typically on my way to the alter. But then it was too late.

    But i wanted to share with you all this show. And if we can “get this” what she has to teach, i think we will all be able to move forward with our lives and learn from this disaster that fell upon us.

    Because thats what this is. Its the oh shit moment. And we can either wake up and smell the coffee, and try to recieve what our life is telling us, or we can continue on.

    I think being in these relationships is our wake up call. And until we get it…it will happen over and over…until we do.
    I am not completely sure what “it” is, however i think i am well on my way there.

    Love to all,



    Wonderful post, Flora! Thank you for taking the time to explain how you felt and related Oprah’s thoughts to our situations.

    I’ll check it out. Much love, Clasire


    Wonderful post, Flora! Thank you for taking the time to explain how you felt and related Oprah’s thoughts to our situations.

    I’ll check it out. Much love, Claire


    Hope is in your own life. Go get it.
    And take responsibility for the energy you bring into the room.
    And you can’t replace the control needs of the SA with your own control needs. It’s still all about control, not loving with freedom.
    Quit making excuses for behaviour towards you that wouldn’t do to your worst enemy.
    Stop accepting the “terms” of recovery from the SA and his “groups”. You set the terms. You aren’t the sick one. You are wounded, but not sick.
    Stop hiding your appropriate rage, and then throwing it at another sister, or someone else, because you can get away with it without owning how angry you are.
    Stop using religion to avoid the truth or not be honest about your motives.
    Stop using religion to hide your anger.
    Stop using religion to excuse the man.
    Stop using religion to blame the woman.
    Stop using religion as a weapon.
    Start using religion to grow up.
    Start using religion to take responsibility for your life.
    Start using religion to inspire loving yourself.
    Start using religion to challenge injustice.
    Start using religion to find a holy hope within you.
    Start using religion as a catalyst for grace.

    Okay, now I have to go and preach.
    ooops. I guess that will be the second time today, now.



    Hi Diane,
    Another thing she said, and i have always felt this, that if the offender is not truely remosefyll and made known that they are really truely sorry…you cannot move forward. That you or, or us, are allowed to project and process our hurt and pain enough as we like. No one should be telling us to stuff it down and get over it, or hide our pain, or hide our pain from our spouse. And ya know what, if the h had done all that should have done or needed to do, to be remorsefull for his acts, i fell the pain would truely be less. Not because it hurts less, but that you are able to move forward, based on their recognition of what they have caused. If they have not the pain i think will dribble on and on, forever. If we do not receive what we need, we will not be able to get over it.

    That is why we all have that drive for more info or more disoclosure, or more remorse…becasue that is what we are driving for to obtain what we need to move on. If we do not receive it, we will not be able to move forward with this person.

    Thanks for the sermon Diane.



    Ever since you mentioned Oprah’s life classes, I’ve been DVR-ing them. I, too, have not watched many yet, but I DID catch the one where she talked about “living in between.” That was a profound moment.
    Sisters, it really is must-see-tv!!

    Love Julie



    I was so excited when I saw the subject line for this post. I haven’t been recording all of the life classes until this week and I still haven’t watched those recordings. But last night I stayed up late and watched the the webcasts that are shown after the show. And you are right, they are amazing! I am looking forward to getting involved with these live classes. Good luck to you and your journey!



    Thanks for the heads up on this show. Now to clean off some of SAH’s football games from the DVR so I can record this!!


    Thanks for the heads up flora
    this looks like a great series – I had no idea it even existed!


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