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    Diane, you’re certainly not a ’round face pudge’ now. There’s something very radiant about your picture with those beautiful huge eyes you have.

    Thank you for the info about hypothyroidism, because I’ve got all those symptoms too, though I don’t know what my cholesterol level is. I’ve been feeling like my head and face are widening to the point I should stick a candle in my head at Halloween and sit on the front porch. I thought it was just post-menopausal yucks, but maybe not. xoxo


    Before I had a name for his porn use/no sex for me diet I wound up in the ER getting steroid shots at the top of my shoulder bc I couldn’t straighten up my head and the neck and shoulder pain were unbearable. It happened a few times before I finally said take me to the hospital. Haven’t had that bad of pain since putting a name to his sa problem.

    I love how we suffer while they shuttle us to the dr asking what caused this. The dr told him stress does.

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