Home discussions New Members Please Welcome Our New Sister, hande

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    Please welcome our new Sister, hande.

    Hande wrote in her profile that she joined the Sisterhood because:

    Looking for support after leaving my partner of 6 years and now admitting that I think he is a sex addict. I need to rediscover who I am as I seem to have been lost somewhere along the way.

    Welcome hande, and you definitely have come to the right place for support and direction. It is normal to feel lost because what you believed was real was not.

    All of us Sisters understand the devastation that this Discovery does to our lives, but we are all finding our way. We may take different paths or different time frames but we are all healing and getting stronger.

    Just let us know what you need hande, we are all here for you.

    Love and light for your journey. ~ JoAnn


    Hello Hande,
    and welcome to the sisterhood. Wow, your words really hit home. A good number of us have that sense of having lost ourselves. I launched a “recover Diane” project to help me after I separated (I’m now divorced). I created a photo album with pictures of myself from all ages in which I was happy and hopeful and positive. I looked through that album every day and slowly “remembered” who I was before this man and his sick mother came into my lives and sucked the joy out of me. It has helped.
    I’m glad you only gave your partner 6 years. I didn’t know for 29. Big loss. But even so, we can still recover.
    I hope you will find what you need here.
    light for your journey


    Hi Hande, I am so thrilled you are ready to find yourself again. These emotional vampires suck the life right out of you. We are here for you and we understand.


    Hi, Hande,
    Welcome to SOS. So sorry for what you have gone through. You are definitely moving in the right direction in finding support and rediscovering yourself. We are understand how much of yourself you lose in these relationships.


    Hande – welcome to SOS, mate! (I saw on the chat roll that you’re in Australia!). I’m so sorry for what you’ve gone through – share your story if & when you are ready. Please don’t feel we’ve heard it all before. We probably have heard some variation of it before but each person is unique and their story is theirs and we want to know yours, if you feel comfortable sharing. In the meantime, soaking up the wisdom & love from these sisters is incredibly eye-opening & empowering!



    Hello Hande, and Welcome! Good on you for leaving an untenable relationship – 6 years is a long time, though, and these dudes can do some serious damage to a girl’s head and heart. I’m glad you’re here – let us know what we can do to get you started on your “Recover Hande” Project. Love, Liza


    Just a quick thank you to those sisters who took the time to talk with me in my hour of need. This was my first contact on leaving my sex addicted expartner and made me realise I wasn’t alone or some kind of freak. I’ve made some big steps forward and am well on my way to releasing the thoughts and feelings of negativity about myself behind. I was never the problem which is what he lead me to believe, it was him. He is a psychopathic narcissist who doesn’t see any of his actions or words as being negative in anyway, in fact he feels that i am the abnormal one with the problem. I am now putting all of him and anything to do with him and his issue behind me and that includes my beautiful strong online sisterhood. My thought are with you all now and to those women who stumble upon the sisterhood in he future. Good luck to those who preserve with their SAs, you ladies have the constitution of angels and I hope for your sakes that your SAs either wake up to themselves and what thy have or by do you a favour and set you free to live a true life of love and appreciation with someone who is there for you and only you.
    Love and warmth to you all
    Hande xx


    Good morning ; ) I am so glad you have found the Sisters for support. We are here for you and anytime of need. There is so much joy, love , happiness in the world, especially the southern cross! Lol please be kind to yourself. This too shall pass

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