Home discussions Divorce Primary Placement in Wisconsin

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    I am brand new to this SOS ship. I tried to post before but must have done something wrong. Here is my post card story followed by my topic question. Married 20 years to a SA. Disclosed 15 years in. Stayed then, with 4 young children to work on the marriage. He relapsed a year ago. Two polygraph tests and round 5 of marriage therapy later, I filed for divorce. I have been home full time for 15 years. I want primary placement. He wants 50%. Everything flows from placement. His ADD/SA is well documented, but he is claiming that he is sober and I am an angry unforgiving spouse. I couldn’t get him to come home for the first 20 years, now I can’t get him out of my bed! As I begin this swim across the divorce pool (as he is whipping pool toys at me) are there any tips from the galley on what I can do to ensure primary placement (besides pray!) Thanks so much!


    Because SA and the fallout from SA is so ugly, we pretty much just default to this: Do you have ANYTHING you can use for leverage–anyone he does NOT want to be “outed” to? What I told my SA, who was TERRIFIED of his sex addiction being revealed to the people he works with, thus ruining his carefully crafted “good guy/family man” persona: “If I can’t get what I need from you in order to take care of my children and myself, I don’t care if you have a job or not.”


    You have to try to figure out what it is that he wants… March is right. They do not want to be “outed” to friends and family and co workers. I am also using money as some leverage. Less money for me to ensure I get kids….

    I will pray too 🙂


    HR, do you mind describing what happened when your h failed the poly? I had the same thing happen last summer, and he freaked out–crying and carrying on and SWEARING he hadn’t done ANYTHING. He went to all these anti-poly sites and printed out reams of paper with articles about how bogus the tests are. He wrote emails to people…


    Hi Helen Reddy,
    thank you for joining in and sharing your story. I can’t really help you on this one, but I wanted to say welcome, and by posting I bump this up again so it won’t get lost in case somebody else might know what to add on this one.

    Stay steady. Don’t compromise on what matter’s most. Get that straight in your head. That’s all I got.

    sending light, though


    I am not divorced but we live separate and I had signed a postneptuial agreement with my H, in there i did what bev did I compromised on the money in order to have primary custody of the kids, ,,,but even to get there I Had also to punsh him in the face with various things that I had found about him,,,,,


    I will get a photo on my profile soon. Helen Reddy sang: I am woman hear me roar, in the 1970’s. I feel like I am finally at the final stage of SA wife trauma in feeling empowered, which is why I chose that username. RE: The Polys: All of my SA evidence has literally just dropped in my lap. When I caught him driving with his newly hired Secretary (Administrative Assistant) (with whom he has had a long working history with) it was a boundary breaker from our original disclosure agreement in 2005. So, I drove by him, thought, “Oh shit. Now what.” Called my 12 Step Sponsor with COSA background and she said: You have to have him polygraphed. I didn’t want to. She insisted (thank God) and I finally listened. He failed the first polygraph because he was using porn at work which he passed off as (of course) “no big deal bc all the reports come to him” I went ballistic pointing out that he was putting his job/our income at risk by “only drinking beer at work, not vodka” He woke up and put some porn use policy in place at work, but as we all know, he probably built his own loop hole into it. He disclosed very early on that there are porn mags in the Dentist’s Lounge at work….I think that is a BIG playing card for me. I purposely brought it up in Marriage Therapy to have it on the record and witnessed and he got VERY upset. Anyhow, after he failed the first poly, I interviewed attorneys and realized I was weak in the money department since I let him manage the money for 10 years. So, I rolled up my sleeves and went into the money closet only to find it was just as messy as I feared and I felt even more unsafe now….I’m not safe sexually. I’m not safe emotionally and I’m not safe financially. At that point, I decided to begin planning my exit. I retained an attorney (behind his back) and just kept telling him I was reading his actions, not his words. He begged for a second polygraph to prove his sobriety. I said No Way — not until you get back from your “busines trip” in Vegas. I was SURE he would fail that poly and I was all poised to file when he did, thinking then he MIGHT have some remorse/guilt I could use to my advantage. SOMEHOW he passed the second poly and I had agreed to one more round of Marriage Therapy if he passed IF I got to pick the Therapist. It bought me more time and also got me a chance to use a witness for stuff I might want on the record. His goal in Therapy was to get the Therapist to recognize my “anger problem.” My goal was to bring up as many SA/ADD poor parenting facts as possible with a witness and also to see where he was vulnerable. I had him served in Therapy and he laughed, but it was a BIG power move for me. I know he’s not sober. I found a magazine in his car I’m sure he’s masturbarting too. I also found a copy of his SA step one which talks about all the SA stuff he never disclosed. I made a copy of that and shared it with my attorney. It sounds like you have to play hard ball with these guys….so, what do I do with the porn in the bathrooms at work knowledge and how to I threaten outing him. I have told a few close friends and he acts now like, “He’s FINE with people knowing hie’s an SA–go ahead and tell everyone.” ?? I’m pretty sure that’s an act, but I am trying to not run around like a Looney Tune hanging out all the dirty laundry….but at the same time, I am tired of being his Cover Story and I would be happy to shout the truth from the Mountain Tops….how do I play that card to my advantage? Oh…during the original disclosure when I asked him WHY a SA would get married, he had a moment of truth…which I will never forget: “Because it’s the perfect cover story.” So, I’m taking away his Cover Story with this divorce and besides not wanting to pay me the majority of the money in settlement, he also, IMO, wants placement because it helps him “save face” as a “Good Dad.” How do I play this divorce hand?? Thanks for listening. This site has all ready been more helpful than all the marriage therapy I’ve been through!!! “I am woman hear me roar in numbers too big to ignore!” 🙂


    March – I really appreciate your post (and Bev, your prayers!) I think you’re right…hardball. I’m telling all, I have nothing to lose if you take my primary job away (full time Mom) I’ll take yours away too. How and when should I deliver this message? He would never get online and start emailing people. He’s WAY to shy and socially inept and his plan all along has been to paint me as the angry, over-reactive Looney Tune wife….and he’s all calm, cool and collected the only one who has seen a glimpse of his real anger is me…all though he did get very upset in our final marriage therapy when I brought up the porn in the bathrooms at work (hostile work environment–HELLO!) He is living here until his attorney can convince him he has to move out. We are looking at a Sept 1 move out date. He’s trying to be Father of the Year, but I’ve seen this act before…I can tell he’s getting tired all ready. He doesn’t have enough selflessness to parent 50% of the time. He’s not parenting 50% of the time now! 🙂 My attorney thinks we have the best shot using a Family Therapist who specializes in divorce rather than the crappy Guardian at litems in my county. She’s hopeful that the Therapist will be able to convice him to give the Primary parent primary custody and if not, that she’ll make a recommendation to the court in that direction. Does this sound reasonable? I still have time to fire/hire a different attorney. I do like the person I hired and she has experience with SA’s and when I first met her, we had a Sisterhood moment when she said: “HOW did you make it TWENTY years with a Sex Addict??!!!” He hired a high powered firm, but a woman as well…which SHOCKED me, but I guess he thought he could manipulate and control her. During the initial meeting of the attorneys my attorney said that things went better than she expected. I know divorce is one murky pond….but I would appreciate any and all tips for those of you who have spent some time swimming here.


    HR, honestly, I don’t think you need OUR advice. You’re doing a great job of covering your bases re the divorce. Smart, smart actions and thinking ahead logically and strategically. Impressive.


    Thanks for the validation March. This site was the stable life raft I was looking for in order to make it across this divorce pool. I have come a long way baby, but I know that the last mile of the marathon is often the hardest so I am anxious and open to any suggestions from this wise, strong, beautiful group of women!


    What March said. Well played so far. I think we could all take some tips from YOU! That said, we do have some pretty foxy Sisters around here. Actually ALL of us are FOXY, but some are ‘fox in the hen house’ kind of foxy. Welcome Helen Reddy, keep on Roaring! Love, Liza


    Hi HR,
    I agree with March. You seem very confident and knowledgable. My divorce was final in Feb, lasted 11 months, and was very dramatic all by my xh doing.

    Do you live in a 50-50 no fault state? You can always have what they call ‘extenuating circstances’ in a divorce which may trump the defined law, depending on where you live. If for say you have documentation on the amount of money he paid for sex over the marriage that may be possible bit hard to prove because they cover their tracks. Also health is another, I have well documented PTSD my lawyer used that to help extend my support alimony.

    I think the secret is to be strong and firm in your convictions which you sound like you are. It helps if you can scare the sh@t out of them in some way. I had a really good lawyer who never backed down and supena everything which intimidates them because the judge only likes facts. When he got fired from his job near the end of the divorce she supena his employee record to find put way he was fired. He knew I had a good lawyer.

    Don’t let him intimidate you and try to keep the upper hand. It was rough waters however I survived and so happy to be divorced and away from all his bad energy.

    Love, Nap and welcome to SOS, love your name!


    I was hoping Foxy NAP would chime in!


    You’re pretty darn foxy yourself sister!


    See, now there’s a tip I didn’t think of on my own….our stories are just so long and heavy and full of so many twists and turns!!! 🙂 My soon to be x-h was fired from his job in 7/05 and disclosed his SA in 10/05. Of course at the time, I believed all the BS about “corporate take overs” but now I look back and wonder if there was more. I will be sure and mention this to my attorney along with the “hostile working environment” with all the porn mags in the “Doctors Lounge” at his place of employment. I’d LOVE to be the one to deliver those punches, but perhaps it might be wiser to let my attorney tell his…it’s his attorneys job to get him so see reality now, not mine. I was truly NOT coda in that I never tracked him (still don’t) Don’t have time and don’t care. I might make a passing comment about taking our hard drive in to a Computer PI though….that oughta make him sweat. You girls have been so VERY helpful! Make no mistake, I had YEARS of crying and self blame as I made my way through the stages of trauma via a 12 step group. I agree, though, they LOVE the coda piece…fits right in to their blame game! NAP – how else do you scare the sh*t out of a SA??? ;-D


    Oh my Helen Reddy, you’re one foxy mama! Love your picture!


    Yes you are really pretty. What’s wrong with these guys, they must be blind in one eye and can’t see out of the other.


    Oh the thing that really got to my xh during the divorce was I went 100% ‘no contact’ drove him crazy didn’t know what I was thinking or planning. I highly recommend it!


    That was my Makover picture from last summer. There is a guy in The Twin Cities (google The Makeover Guy) who’s bee on Oprah and specializes in Makeovers of women over 40. I’m 46! I HIGHLY recommend it. People drive/fly in from all over. It’s the ultimate in self esteem booster. My h tried to sabatoge the trip, of course and I cried most of the drive up….but had a FABULOUS time with another girlfriend. We had so much fun, they even videotaped our Makeover and put it out on You Tube. I’m going again, once this damn divorce is final!! NAP–I have been on the silent treatment since his relapse in 11/10. We talk only about kids schedules and you’re right, that drives them crazy!! What seems to bug them the most, I decided, is when you treat THEM the way they treat you….no affection, no emotional intimacy, be unreliable, undependable, difficult to reach….but what I HATE about that is how exhausting and how fake it is. I can’t wait to be untethered from his tornado…and soar again. I feel TERRIBLE about dealing my kids the divorce card. I NEVER saw myself as divorced, but I barely survived his initial disclosure and after 20 years, I just didn’t have a relapse in me!!!


    Hey–here’s a question for all of you: I am very early in my divorce process….still plenty of time to fire/hire the right attorney. I interviewed 6 attorneys that were all recommended by 12 step people or trustworthy friends and I like the woman I chose, but HOW do you KNOW if you have the RIGHT attorney in general and specifically for an SA case???



    I would ask your attorney how she fared in other SA cases….what strategies worked, etc. recommendations are probably the best indicator of a good attorney and sounds like you heard a lot of good things about her. How is it going with her? It’s amazing that you are living with your sah through all of the divorce stuff. Wow.

    I’m curious…what was your sah’s relapse that pushed you over the edge? How did you find out?



    Lord help me. I read all this post and it freaks me out. As you know I’m new into D. I have ZERO proof of H’s SA other than what I witness and what he said to me (and he will NOT seek help or admit it anywhere else). That won’t mean crap in court. My SAH said at the very beginning when he was going to walk out on us that he would get 50% custody. That freaks me out. Like you said about your SAH, he can handle pretending to be father of the year for a short bit but he can’t keep that up for long. It’s too time consuming and bothersome. It will get in the way of all his “activities”. Thats all I need is for my kids to spend half their time over daddy’s house parked in front of a TV or computer while daddy is off in his room looking and porn, cyber sexing and masturbating for hours on end. That’s what he does here so why would things be any different. The only thing is that now at least I am here to deal with the kids and not leave them hanging.

    Best of luck to you Helen. I will continue to follow this as it gives me good info to consider myself. {HUGS}


    Michelle, you need some hard evidence to use against him!!! May not mean anything in court but he damn sure will not want you to “out” him to others!!



    Put eBlaster on the computer. The reports show times and length of time spent on each website. You get these reports via e-mail, so you can save them forever (I have a special e-mail account for the reports only).

    This way you can prove he was watching porn while the kids are home.

    It’s a beginning. Who knows what else you might find out.

    Love and hugs ~ JoAnn


    Since the porn use and type escalates, there may be some illegal stuff. If not now, eventually.

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