Home discussions Sex Addiction Question about Porn Spam

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    Geezzzz….I really need to order EBlaster and get that on my SAH’s computer. He swears up and down that porn isn’t one of his “things”….(he started with pros, then went to affairs and CL ads – mostly grannies).

    I just checked his email account and saw this (see below)….is this a spam? Or something else? He has so many porn related spam emails (want to get bigger, etc.)….do you think that he’s into porn, too (don’t laugh sisters, I’m new to all of this).

    Hey Baby! Where did you go??? 🙁
    TO: 1 recipient
    Show Details
    I waited for you to come back online. I hope you didn’t forget me.
    I haven’t forgot you. I have some new private pics you might like quite a bit!
    Oh yeah, my username is Paige to refresh your memory 😉

    here i am http://bit.ly/z9sXZB



    deb as far as i know you get porn spam becauce you visit porn. thats what i understand anyway


    No, I used to get that crap all the time, along with the “male enhancement” emails, which are classic spam. If he’s getting things from match.com or quest (phone sex), I’d be suspicious, because those would most likely be cookie-related.


    I’m not sure what site it is that sells your address so that you get this stuff, but it also includes viagra/cialis ads, and Hi, I’m Olga and I’m available to chat,, blah blah, and always with a link to click. If it doesn’t have a link, then it’s probably not just a spam thing, it’s a real thing between two people who don’t need to post the link because they know where they were.


    SA usually always have porn to some degree in their MO even if theyre using real bodies. It’s usually what they start off with when their young then it just grows from there into this huge monster that we are all aware of. Super Yuk!


    Deb, that’s a typical spam email. My h’s secret email account was a hotbed of that stuff. But I get email telling me how I can get bigger too. By now I have the largest schlong in the world. But if he’s got lots of porn email, it’s likely that he was into porn as well, or had least visited a porn site at some time. My h also was on secret dating sites and escort sites, which is how he found some of his ‘pros.’ xoxo


    Deb, looks like spam for sure.

    I agree with NAP though… the likely hood that he doesn’t look at porn is extremely rare. I wouldn’t beliueve him for a second on that claim.

    Out of curiosity… if your H has a thing for woman so much older than him, what is he going to do 30 years from now?


    Since they never grow up (older) he will stay frozen in his fantasy world.

    Just my opinion.


    Yes – he goes for women who look like his mom at the age of 70 (grey hair). The CSAT actually asked him what color hair his mom had…he may have been molested by her. He can’t remember for sure. Yuck.

    He told me that he used to spend hours picking just the right older prostitute….so, yes, I’m sure he’s been on those websites.

    E-blaster – here I come! (no pun intended).


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