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    Also, if you purchase e blaster and you are not comfortable with doing it yourself then call the number and they will walk you thru step by step. I imagine they will also walk you thru the process of checking for e blaster being previously installed. They are very nice, helpful people. I would have married the poor guy helping me. he was great


    Not to make you more paranoid or anything, but the stuff you are describing doing with your therapist/SA just taught my STBX how to cover his tracks better.


    Wow, of course it did, Teri! That didn’t occur to me. Should have.


    I don`t ask anymore. I don`t care. I can`t see any up side to being married to a man that is a “good liar” with “fishy behavior”. That is just my opinion.


    The bar is set really low…


    The easiest way to detect eBlaster, is to just try to reinstall eBlaster. Durring the process of reinstalling it will as you for a password. That is the previous password, not for you to set one up. If it asks for a password, then it is installed on the computer.

    Let me think on this. I think that I could use the serial number for an eBlaster in my inventory and send it to you Deb, then you could ‘test’ install it (without really installing it unless you wanted to buy it). That way you would know if eBlaster was installed if it asked for the password before installation.

    Just remember though, there are other computer monitoring systems out there, so this technique would not work with them. ~ JoAnn


    I would put eblaster on your computer and let him use it. You my discover financial things you want to know. And it will eliminate the fear that he is doing it to you. I have it on h’s phone. The gig is almost up though because he is getting a new phone. I have not found any sa bad stuff yet. But I did catch him in a few lies. He said he sat in his apartment all weekend alone, and I know he went golfing both days. So dumb. But he is good at lying.


    Great video.

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