Home discussions Light Beams Quilt Top

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    I’m happy because I had a weekend off and made a quilt top for my youngest son’s wonderful girlfriend. I will quilt it on my holidays in July. I made it with the fabric I bought on my first “alone” vacation I took last July, to a quilt festival in Long Beach CA. It’s sherbet colours—strawberry pink, tangerine orange, lemon yellow, lime green. So it’s young and modern looking. I used a Kaffe Fassett pattern. And today I’m meeting my best friend to go to a outdoor quilt festival here in the city. It’s a good day!
    love to all,


    What a beautiful connection that will make with you and your son and his girlfriend. Things made with love have so much good energy–your spirit will always be with them. It’s a great way to channel your love.


    So neat, sounds so pretty. I’m happy you are having a good day. Enjoy the quilts! Your friend,nap


    Hi Diane– How lovely that sounds. It looks like your son found a wonderful woman “just like the one who married dear old dad”… as the song goes.

    Making beautiful things (or in my case, having them made for my clients) is such a positive light in my life, too.




    Ooooooh!! Another perfect example of how a spot for pics would be beneficial! We could all see Diane’s quilt!!
    I’m not crafty but wish I was! I have good idea’s and then have to pay someone to make them a reality! Lol… And even tho my gifts aren’t homemade, they are personalized and so the recipient still feels the love! 🙂
    My son (22) was in Marching Band in High School. I know in many areas there is that label of “dorks” and misfits are in band! Ugh! So not true! Our High School has an excellent program and I’m talking world class! There are between 2 and 3 hundred kids who participate and they perform on a professional level after many months of HARD, HARD, work!! They won state and national titles.  We had a blast thru those years, and yes, I was a band Mom! 🙂 Anyway, when my son was packing up for college, he went thru all his clothes. He came to me with a huge stack of band Tshirts and said, Mom I don’t think I will wear these but I can’t part with them! I said, just put them in a bag or box back in your closet, I will keep them for you for as long as you want! He did and last Christmas I had a quilt made with his school colors and the front of each of those shirts! It turned out amazing! He was so shocked when he opened that simple gift and gave me a big hug and said it was the best Christmas present he ever received! Of course, I blubbered! 🙂 Sigh… I love this heartwarming stuff! Thank you, D!!! 


    so awesome sure wish we could see it. I am happy that you were able to enjoy some quilting time!!!!


    Diane, I’m getting to this late, but I loved reading this. How funny, because last night, I was talking to my daughter about all of her old dance costumes that we can’t part with. I told her maybe I’d have a quilt made. She rolled her eyes (because she’s 14, of course, lol!), but I really might make it happen someday. And she’d probably really love it. 🙂 Anyway, so glad you had a good day!! So encouraging to read these light beams!! Love, ZG


    When you are 14, you roll your eyes at everything!! I say most definitely do it!! It will make a great gift someday. Just put them away for a few years and pull them out at the right time. She will soooooooo love it!! (When she’s not 14!) Lol!!!


    Thanks, SL!! I swear, I could say “watch this”, do three back flips in a row, and she’d roll her eyes, lol! (And no, I can’t really do backflips!) I’m definitely saving those costumes!!

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