Home discussions Sex Addiction Rob Weiss Interview

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    Well, today I am quite frustrated about trying to make a difference or even being heard by anyone out there in this ‘Sex Addiction’ industry.

    Rob Weiss left me waiting at the phone once again yesterday. Here’s his track record. He contacted me (well, his secretary did) in July with this e-mail:

    Hi JoAnn,

    Hope you’re well! I wanted to make outreach to you on behalf of my client Robert Weiss, founder of the leading sexual addiction treatment center in the U.S., the Sexual Recovery Institute (SRI). He’s a huge fan of your website and believes its a great resource for those with spouses who are sex addicts. Robert would like to offer his expertise/commentary for any future blog posts you may need an expert resource.

    Also, SRI has many partner workshops and intensives that can fit any budget.. wanted to send these along to you in case you were interested in posting –

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    All my best,

    So, I wrote back asking if he would agree to an interview. He responded positively and I sent him a list of questions.

    Interview time came around, he called me 15 minutes late and said he had to cancel because he forgot that he had a big conference with Patric Carnes. He rescheduled for the next week.

    Next interview time came and went as I sat by the phone with all of my recording equipment and software set up and waiting.

    No call.

    I e-mailed and got a response from his secretary a week later apologizing and saying that he had gotten sick. We rescheduled.

    This time he finally called at the appointed time, on his lunch hour while he was taking care of his two puppies. He did not remember that I sent him questions and was totally distracted for the first 10 minutes.

    The interview was basically a disaster. He talks non stop and, even though I have been doing interviews for decades, he would not allow me to interject much of anything. He was like a bulldozer.

    When I did manage to ask a few questions that he didn’t like his pat answer was, ‘Well, I’m not here to debate.’ and he would be off and running at the mouth again.

    Now, to be fair, he did have a lot of information so I just figured I could edit the tape and use what was good.

    He said we could do interviews as often as I wanted and gave me his cell phone number. We made an appointment for him to call me on Monday, Oct 10th at 1pm my time (yesterday).

    When I listened to first the tape I realized that it would take a lot of magical editing to make it usable and decided to change my technique.

    I wrote to him and said I would offer a topic and let him talk about it. When he was finished I would go to another topic, rather than trying the question and answer technique that just did not work.

    I sent him this list of topics, which he wrote back and said were terrific:

    Is there a connection between Sex Addiction and Personality Disorders?

    What does the Sex Addict have to do to regain trust from their partner?

    What are the main stumbling blocks in a Sex Addict’s recovery?

    What specific types of counseling approaches do you think are the most effective for the Sex Addict? For example: cognitive, behavioral, psychoanalytic, EMDR, etc.

    So, yesterday at 1pm there I sat, equipment and software ready, a few extra topics in hand in case we completed the ones I sent him, a glass of water close by (yeah, right, like I was going to get hoarse from all my talking!).

    No call.

    Today, no e-mail, no apology, no nothing.

    I give up! These guys are just arrogant assholes and we are just insignificant irritations to them.

    Well, we’ll just carry on in our own way and make what little difference we can. That’s all that we can do.


    Sigh. It was ever thus.

    thank you for all the hard work. Now maybe let it go.



    And this person is a therapist? Good grief. I maintain they do NOT want to consider PD because they are going to lose a whole bunch of money if they do.How frustrating. Karen xx


    Really disappointing, Joanne. Your efforts are appreciated because, his apparent thoughtlessness aside, I would have liked to hear his thought on the subjects that you presented. I have been to Sri for a few group sessions and he was adept at exposing typical SA excuses and manipulations and providing practucal solutions for some of the dilemmas the partners faced. Sorry for the frustration and wasted time. Lylo


    โ€˜Well, Iโ€™m not here to debate.โ€™

    And why the hell not? He has it all figured out? Well, then, Oh arrogant one, WHY is the recovery rate, only at 5%?* (if that?)

    Can we say A S S H O L E ? ? ?

    no debate necessary, just answer the question. And no excuse for rudeness or blowing you off. Sounds like somebody forgot to take his meds?

    you don’t need him, JoAnn. He’s threatened by your THINKING ANALYTICAL MIND. But, you already know the answers, and he might too… he just doesn’t want to know.

    Love ~ L

    *in original post, accidentally wrote 95% LOL


    Sounds like somebody just wants to market his website and services. ๐Ÿ™ I’m so disappointed, as I would have liked to have seen his answers. Thanks for working so hard for us, JoAnn. I think he may have lost a few future customers, though. ๐Ÿ˜›


    I HATE (and I don’t use that word very often) arrogant sons of bitches like that. He’s in it for the money and nothing else.

    I’m afraid to say much more, because I don’t want to get in a bad mood and waste my energy on that jerk.



    You sure did your part JoAnn, and if we could we would all do the ‘retreat-clap’ for you!!! “Let’s give it up for JoAnn!!” CLAP!!! CLAP!!! CLAP!!! So much work…

    You taught us something. You taught us more about the infamous Robert Weiss.

    Thank you for caring about us and all the people’s lives you will touch in the future! Love, B. Trayed


    Is this man a “recovering sex addict” himself? That would make sense. My husband’s therapist is, and I’m finally figuring out how this works…


    Yes, honey he is, and gay too!


    I’m sure you meant 5%??? lol!!


    oops! YES!!! going to change that… then, off to dancing!!!


    So, JoAnn,
    what do you want your sisters to do? Is it time that the SA therapist heard from us? I mean why do we take this stuff from these people?


    Lexie, I was wondering about the 95% too! (And getting my hopes up, lol!) Have a great class; I’m jealous!

    Diane…Wow, we should write some sort of community letter and let our voices be heard. Why are we just sitting back?


    Dear Diane,

    I think we should do something definately BUT I anticipate the so called “experts”blocking us at every turn. I mean, that is what Mr Weiss is doing to JoAnn. I definately think we should do something. I am just not exactly sure how to proceed in order to get the message out?? Karen x

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