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    I am so angry today.

    As y’all know Scummy Perv is a state trooper. Our decree states he gets 1st and 3rd weekend but that doesn’t exactly work with his work schedule sooooo we worked out a system where he emails me to ask if he can switch days. He supposed to do this 1 month in advance (that never happens- his schedule changes constantly). I’ve been super flexible. last month (august) he canceled his 3 day weekend with 24 hour notice. And then yesterday he let me know he’s deploying to help Houston so he had to cancel his entire months worth of days. (Sgt said to expect to be there for at least a month). Don’t get me wrong- I know he’s “needed” and I’m glad someone can go help in Houston BUT when I asked what he was going to do about all his days he just said “I don’t know I’ll be in Houston” – as if it’s my responsibility to figure it out because obviously he’s busy and can’t ?.

    I was livid. I sent him a long email about how he needs to be more appreciative (even though he’s clearly incapable) and that my flexibility shouldn’t be an expectation and that I’m doing him a favor.

    So last night I call him so baby can FaceTime. As much as I hate him, baby still loves him (for now). So I try really fucking hard to do what’s best for my kid. After he talks to babe he starts to get irritated with me that I’ve lined up other childcare for his days (childcare that isn’t daycare) and he gets pissed. He says “I called daycare and they can just take him full time.” 1. Yes they could. But 2. I don’t want him in daycare full time. He goes to daycare part time (3 days) and Scummy Perv is supposed to have a day and his mom takes a day. Since he’s not in town I asked him to see if his mom wants to take a second day each week. I also worked to figure out other solutions and needed his mom to take a second day for ONE week and that’s it. He got all pissy and wants him to go to daycare. The thing is, before d day I was a stay at home mom. Babe is 1. He does better not in daycare. I don’t want him in daycare all week. Plus it’s an extra $60 a week and Scummy Perv refuses to pay it (he says his child support should cover it) um, that’s now how it works.

    So then I told him all I really was asking was for him to recognize that he is lucky I’m as flexible as I am and to be more appreciative that I’m going to take on 100% of the parenting all month so he can do his dream job. I reminded him I’m not a police wife anymore I shouldn’t have to live according to his fucked up schedule. He then told me that I’m the one who left and took the baby away and now he doesn’t get to see him and it’s my fault. ?. When I reminded him that was his choice when he decided to send dick pics to other women. He hung up.

    I followed with this text:

    Let’s just set one thing straight. You made choices and I will never ever ever shoulder the blame for your choices to send dick pics to other women. The fact that I’m still nice to you is a fucking favor considering the way you treated me and our marriage vows. This is not the life I would have chosen for myself or that I thought I was signing up for when I married you. So when you are sitting home by yourself recognize that was your choice. And when you don’t get to see him because work gets in the way, that is also your choice. So don’t try to make me feel bad because I don’t. Not at all. I didn’t do anything other than chose to divorce a man who couldn’t make his family a priority and was sexting with other women instead. You knew full well the consequences and that I’d leave you if you did it again. So no. I won’t let you talk to me like that- about how you’re the victim and don’t get to see him. Trying to make me feel bad. I will shut that down. Be thankful that I’m as nice and flexible as I am. I’m trying really fucking hard. Which I do because it is in the best interest as Jet, and that’s all that matters anymore.

    I’m just so fucking pissed. I’m seething.

    Anyone else coparent littles with an ex in law enforcement or public service?!


    Fuck him.

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