Home discussions Sex Addiction So many questions…

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    Sorry for all the questions – just trying to wrap my head around all this…
    1. About a week after Discovery, i asked for the user names and passwords for three email accounts with “incriminating” info on them and he gave them to me. Bear in mind, I had already seen, most, if not all, that was on these accounts. In the two weeks since, I have been wondering WHY he would give me this incriminating info as it is completely and totally contrary to his personality. I have literally never seen him do anything that runs contrary to his own interests. Ever. Theory #1 – he desperately wants us back and is willing to give me this information in an attempt to show his transparency. Theory #2 – he gave me what I already had/knew as an attempt to pretend he was being transparent, but just did so to distract from the fact that there was A LOT more that he has since erased.
    2. Why do SAs seem so desperate to get their families back after Discovery? Without us, they are free to engage in their behaviors to their hearts content and if the emotional intimacy piece is so difficult for them, wouldnt it be easier for them to just move on?


    Part of the “fun” is lying and deceiving. I had to work on that one a long time. Think about it…When they are free to pursue all their deviant behaviors unencumbered then what are they left with? The truth of their horrible selves. No more..” I`m a good husband, father, provider, pillar of the community, ..blah blah blah..”

    We are their cover, their excuse…if they lose us, they have NO reality and no one to blame. They will do anything to avoid looking inward.

    Don`t apologize for questions. That`s why we have this site.


    For my STBX, his family is cover and I am to blame. He wanted to maintain his “Boy Scout” image (how he describes himself), although he doesn’t seem too worried any more since he is having orgies in his apartment. But he is still blaming me and trying to pretend he is a good father to the outside world (which really just involves showing up since he is now gaslighting and emotionally abusing my son who I guess is taking my place in that position).

    As far as passwords, my STBX gave me all that, too, with one of my initial discoveries. He just made new secret accounts. But he sure used that he was being transparent by giving me the old, unused ones in therapy, though, to make him look like he was a good guy in recovery and me look unforgiving and suspicious.


    Anne – most of these guys have no or ill formed identities. Their identity is tied up in what others think of them – not who they are. They desperately need others to respect and “love” them (to a point – then they get scared). They will throw anyone under the bus to maintain that respectable persona. That’s why many fight tooth and nail in a divorce to look like the good guy – and why many go into marriage therapy blaming us (while ever so slowly disclosing their secret lives). They have to control the dissemination of information or else their identity will be shattered. IMO, if you get the info. and shatter it, then there is a chance (small) that they can rebuild a healthier one. While they have those “secrets” there is nothing to rebuild. I recommend getting it all….what ever means possible. You deserve to know what he did, how much he spent – in a controlled setting with a CSAT or someone who has done it before – with a polygraph so that you have a better chance of getting it all. How I wish I had done that. I have yet to get my disclosure and I’m a year in. I just have what I found and what he dribbled out at his pace – and I was told to focus on the present and future.

    You are on the right track and you are asking great questions!




    I’m thinking Theory #2 is right, from my personal experience. He’s already removed the really incriminating evidence from everything he’s turning over and he’s trying to earn brownie points.

    Mine gave me what I knew about, sure. Then we did the first disclosure. He told about just a little more, but actually “forgot” to include three of his whores that I already knew about. I watched him manipulate that session like a champ, and my heart sank because my gut said “he is never going to come clean”.

    Then I found out about more, including 8g of porn on my laptop, hidden with a special program that destroyed it all as the computer repairman who accidentally found it wiped it off the system. My husband never even mentioned porn in his first disclosure, just his whore “friends” I swear he still calls them that to this day, friends. The CSAT asked him about masturbation to porn at the end of the disclosure session and he said he didn’t think that we were concerned about that.

    Couple weeks later we had a second disclosure because he “forgot” to address his porn habit at the first. My husband brought a 140 page document to that disclosure as a snide statement because the CSAT had requested he be more forthcoming. At that session he flipped through and read bits and pieces and dribbled out a little more. I left that session before it was over because I was furious at being played like that, and that a professional counselor would let that happen.

    And then a bit later my husband threw those ‘journals” at me and said ‘read them, already.” A hell to read. He was so ugly then, insisting I was trying to make him out to be a monster and he had quit that long ago, and I just needed to accept that it was all out, and over, and I needed to stop and move forward.

    A few weeks later I found the active match.com profile of him as divorced.

    Then several weeks later, WHILE WE WERE AT A RECOVERY GROUP meeting together, I found the torture porn on my phone. My husband said he “forgot about that being on that SD chip he’d put into my phone “by accident”. Yet he had saved a six years (from the date stamps on the photos and videos) collection of unthinkable violence saved for his masturbating pleasure. I had asked at the polygraph he agreed to take weeks prior to that if he got pleasure from giving or receiving pain and he said “No”. He passed that one.

    I just crashed. Had to go on meds to function and sleep. Then by the grace of God an opportunity arose to go back to my old home with my children, he had lost his job to this, and the only one he could get was five states away. He moved on to a job in TX. I moved back to NC. To watch and wait and see what he would do with his new freedom from my watching eyes.

    He’s getting worse, there, in the six months we have been apart. Quit his group, only went once to his psychiatrist. Discontinued the meds the psychiatrist gave him against medical orders. Lied to his counselor. Has been locked up, even, at the state psychiatric hospital. At least that’s what he said. We kinda think it was just jail from a whore binge. But who can get all the reality on that man? I really don’t want to try.

    Sorry, that line is too stale. From the playbook. I would not believe that from my husband if he had three witnesses standing beside him, a polygraph (he lied and passed it) and a sworn statement (I now know I’ve seen him lie in court). He is just too far gone.

    I tend to agree with Bev and Teri, we are their cover, their “real” lives which make their sick lives so much sweeter to them. Without us, they’re just pervs. I mean, just look at the women here. Amazing women. These are the best of the best because isn’t that what they think of themselves as, those SAs? Really? The entitlement is gagging. They will destory everything and everyone for their own prick’s pleasure. If that’s not self-absorbed and entitled, I don’t know what is.

    Yeah, they have most of them suffered very real hurts. But when caught, they just dive deeper. If they were so very hurt by these “addictions” they’d be signing THEMSELVES into treatment. Not going because their wives and psychiatrists insisted. Just my opinion.

    You are asking the right questions. They come and we all should pay very close attention to our OWN takes on their answers.


    I agree with these insights. They are newish to me. So much awareness is emerging. I feel sick to my stomach. 20 years of being a front for a perv to present a “healthy” identity to the world, is more than I can take. He has destroyed reality for 3 adult sons. Asshole. Now what for them I ask myself?

    EVERYONE wants to know why I just can’t get back on my feet. Well, guess what – I got knocked down too many damn times. I am not well. Period.



    Why you just can’t get back on your feet? WE KNOW, these sisters. It’s not what anyone who hasn’t been there can imagine. You take your time and don’t worry at all about their timetable. It’s a grieving process and you are NOT able to push through it and just be alright on their terms and timing.

    Love to you


    Lynn is so right, Desiree. No one who hasn’t been in our shoes can even imagine.

    My best friend in Austin, Pam (GoodPam as opposed to EvilPam in Costa Rica), keeps saying, “I know I’m not in your shoes, and I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but . . . ” No, there is no BUT. You’re NOT in my shoes. You CAN’T imagine what I’m going through. PERIOD.

    The way I see it, people on the “outside” need to just love and support me, and only give advice when I ask for it. Or at least do it without *pushing* their advice and opinions on me.

    I hate hearing, “Pull yourself up by your bootstraps.” What bootstraps? He took my boots and kicked me to the ground with them. And when he was done kicking, he trampled all over me.

    A lot of the time, I’m still a broken mess lying on the ground, wanting nothing more than to die. Supportive friends and family are crucial, but this place is my lifeline.

    Lynn, I still think your SA takes the cake in soooooo many ways it’s unfuckingbelievable . . .


    Desiree, it is impossible to explain this shit to anyone. I HATE people to tell me to just ” get over it” etc. I also hate people who read one article on SA and claim expertdom!!

    I have pretty much stopped all discussions on this subject with anyone except the sisters. Thank God for JoAnn.

    I am so very sorry about your sons. Maybe they can make more sense of it than we can. Maybe they will be like their mother. They have a whole life in front of them. They were raised by you. I bet they are going to be just fine. I hurt for them and the pain this causes them. I have always said I could probably forgive these guys for just hurting their wives but I can`t forgive dragging innocent children into it…



    I would go with #2. If you have NEVER seen him do anything that wasn’t in his own best interest it is HIGHLY unlikely that he is doing so now. That knowledge should afford you some protection. Don’t trust him….you have zero reason to trust that he will do anything that isn’t for his own benefit.
    As to why do they want to keep their wife? Because you are his cover. He plays happy family man to the world and in secret he lives out the life he doesn’t want to live out in public. It isn’t anything to do with love, Anne. We are simply a convenient patsy for them. Karen xx

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