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    I didn’t.


    After DDay in August, I didn’t think about having sex with other men but I hate to admit I had that “hyperbonding” experience (or whatever they call it) and (horror) after about 2 weeks, had lots of sex with my H for about 2 months. Shutter to think about that now. We haven’t had sex since late October and don’t see it happening anytime soon. In the previous few years, I would frequently dream about kissing other men. Not having sex with them but kissing. My interpretation of that now is that kissing is more intimate than sex and I guess I was seeking intimacy b/c I didn’t even realize I was lacking it in my own marriage. How sad & pitiful. We don’t even know what we’re missing until we stop & examine it.


    I don’t want to give you the impression I’m loose. In fact my husband is the only man I have ever had sex with.
    I think at that time I felt so rejected and so undesirable (still do). All I knew way back then was that my husband was having a relationship with another woman. I didn’t know she was a hooker. All I knew was her age and where she lived and she had children. I didn’t even know it was sexual.
    I’m having a really crappy over-sensitive day today.


    Don’t worry Catherine, no one is judging. I did have a dream a couple of weeks ago where I had sex with a guy I know but haven’t seen in person in years. In the dream I knew we were both married and it was a one time thing but it felt wonderful. I am not at all attracted to that person in my waking life and I would never have sex with a married man but apparently my subconscious felt I needed a little something. 🙂 I felt great for a couple days afterward. I felt like I had been desired but with no real life trauma or strings attached. A win-win.


    Cat, I only know you through this website, and only for a few weeks, but I would put money down that you are in no way “loose”! The mere suggestion that any of the sisters might have that impression from your email made me laugh. Of course, I can’t speak for them, but I highly doubt anybody read your original post that way. You seem like such a sweet and kind and caring and careful lady. Definitely NOT loose sexually.

    There is nothing at all wrong with your feelings, and I applaud you for having the courage to put them out there and share them with us. It is so helpful to see how this SA shit affects other women, even if it affects us differently. So thank you for sharing that.

    Sometimes I have these dreams where I am doing something fun with some male stranger. We’ve never kissed in those dreams, but he will put his arm around me and go places with me and I know, in the dream, that he likes me. Those are such comforting dreams for me, and I feel the warmth from them for days.

    But those dreams are rare. Most of the time my dreams are screaming, bloody, violent nightmares. I thrash and sweat and scream all night long. Even last night, after three Xanax pills and a healthy dose of nyquil.

    To add to an earlier thread…you know you have PTSD when you wake screaming in the middle of the night and your poor dogs are so used to it they barely open their eyes, and don’t even lift their heads to see what’s going on.



    Catherine, if you are “loose”, I’m completely “undone”.

    Listen, about the sex thing.
    I’m having a wonderful time with the second partner in my life, and it’s so completely and utterly different. I wish I had had something to compare before when I was married. I would have known there was something wrong. I believe women should have safe sex with more than one partner so they know what good sex is really like.
    I’m just saying….


    Good point, Diane


    I think you are right as usual, Diane. But until I find a man that I can trust, I’m sticking to my dream lover(s) for sexual validation. The epitome of safe sex! 🙂


    Dear Cat, when I read your initial post re thinking about having sex with men, I wish I had chimed in instead of leaving you dangle! Sooooo sorry. The truth is, these guys leave us feeliing so crappy, undesirable and unattractive, not to mention destroying our trust in both men, and our own judgement, that I think it is very normal to just want to feel like and be treated like a woman again.
    When I left my SA, the first thing I did was to start dating. Not because I felt on the rebound, but because I knew that healthy normal interaction with men would be like medicine to that part of me that had shrivelled up and died. I was right, it was a nice little boost of REALITY! Because the reality is that none of us are unattractive or undesirable, but many of us have come to that sad mistaken conclusion due to our entanglement with alien creepos!
    On the upside, most unexpectedly, I did end up meeting a lovely man who adores me and who I trust. Oh, and who I enjoy sex/intimacy with!
    So, Cat, please dont think anyone here is judging you. Many of us can relate. What I am most sick about is that a part of me was willing, even desperate to have sex with my herpes infected SA troll! Am I ever thankful for his rejection now!


    Do you want to hear something sad? I knew sex wasn’t all that good with my STBX when I married him anyway…

    But I thought it wasn’t a big deal because I could just tell him what I wanted, and he’d eventually get it. I mean, I didn’t want anything weird or anything. But you know what? He never did. He would just keep doing it the way I didn’t want it. He could never learn. Like he used to pull down on my breasts and that hurt. So I showed him to more push up on them. And the next time around, what did he do? Pulled down! And then he’d get mad at me for saying something.

    He was like that with everything! From helping around the house to talking to…



    You deserved someone who would treasure you so gently and he was so ugly. I am sorry. You will have a real lover, one who cares what makes you happy.


    They really don’t get it at all. They are sex gods in their little minds and reflected in the eyes of all the perverts and whores with so much invested in keeping them believing their self centered fantasy. What do we know?

    Mine wrote in his journal, that he threw at me and told me to read, about all the O’s he gave whores. Really. Counted, described them, etc. He actually BELIEVED their acts and then wore me the hell out trying to get the same responses from me. Well, at the time I didn’t know what that was about, it was just flat out strange. Now, I get it.

    It was such a reversed thing, sometimes I’d avoid sex because I HAD PERFORMANCE ANXIETY. Climaxing was never enough, never. And I would be so damned tired after a while I’d ask him to please just stop. He always did if I asked. But now I know it meant he’d sext or email his whores if I did that. They would “soothe him”. My libido just wasn’t on the same level as his, he wrote, I’d never understand how a man views sex, it’s not about relationship.


    I realize this might be hard for sister’s whose husbands lost interest in sex. It’s like the other end of the bell curve. If I wanted sex, I’d better be prepared to either fake 8 or 10 orgasms, or be bruised the next day from his attempts to make me have them. Faking just isn’t me, so…

    Sex was good, but he needed me to display that it was phenomenal, mind altering, and multi-orgasmic or it wasn’t good enough for him. That made it really, really bad.


    I just wanted to be held sometimes. Forget that.


    lynn, thank you for sharing that deeply personal post. It actually helped me understand some things that happened in my sex life with my SA.

    I read this quote last week. I forget who said it, but it seems to fit.

    “Women can fake orgasms. Men can fake whole relationships.”


    That’s a pillow quote for sure!


    Lynn, My STBX would make me go for hours, too, till I was chafed and raw and bleeding. Hour after hour, night after night. Until I said stop and then he would be angry and sulk and not touch me for months or years. So I guess I’ve had both extremes.

    We are both (all) going to do so much better next time around. Like Diane- she gives me hope.


    Feelingconflicted, I did the same ‘hyperbonding’ thing. I thought I must be some kind of pervert, because my sex drive had been in a coma for years, and then I find out about his secret life, and suddenly I’m buying a red bra and putting on perfume and showing up at the motel I’d shipped him off to. But apparently this kind of thing is common after discovery, or else we’re all pervs. That heightened drive didn’t last long though. All it took was a few months of experiencing his weird post-discovery mood swings..as well as letting the reality of what he’d done sink in, and the realization that no, virginia, we weren’t going to be ‘closer than ever’ as some of those damn books say… and it was bye-bye horny hyper-bonds. xoxo


    Yeah, I did the “reclaiming territory” sex, too. Better than ever? Not.


    I did that too. I worked really hard to get him to have sex with me after my first dday last year. I am still ashamed of that. Thanks for posting your experiences on that issue, too.


    Lynn and Teri your stories are so sad. I want to undo the damage they have done but I don’t know how I can help. Perhaps you could entertain the idea of a holiday in Australia. Bonnie I am so pleased you have found a new man and you are happy. You are a double hero for me today.


    Catherine, I didn’t have your experience. I had the reclaiming territory experience initially. Your experience actually sounds like a healthier response. Lynn, I think your SAH is as bad as Teri’s. It was tough to look at how normal he looked in his picture, aside from the fire juggling. I guess I pictured your husband and Teri’s as having some sort of evil flaw on their faces, you know, like at the movies. Unbelievable about the OCD diagnosis. I think you should take Catherine up on the Four Seasons in Maui therapy.


    Penny I reclaimed as well!

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