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- This topic has 66 replies, 26 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 1 month ago by
January 26, 2013 at 1:41 pm #6659
ParticipantWell dear ones, I had a wonderful, peaceful nights sleep, my first one alone on the island. I feel so safe here and I have exceptional friends.
The incident that led to the police coming to my house to talk with Larry is that he was going in to one of the local grocery stores on the island and making inappropriate sexual remarks to the cashier.
The police did not arrest him as no charges were filed, but he was told that he was not allowed in that store any more, and even if his car was seen in the parking lot he would be arrested and charged.
Larry just blew it off as the police officer (Ryan) was talking to him, I asked what was said and Ryan said the woman didn’t want to go into details but she said he made sexual remarks and she never wanted him back in the store. Larry was just flippant and acted like it was not big deal. When I talked with Ryan yesterday he said he was surprised at how Larry was trying to minimize everything and showed no remorse or apology.
After Ryan left I asked (okay–I did raise my voice, but I wasn’t yelling or out of control) Larry what he said to this woman, he claimed all he said was that she looked really nice. Well, I told him that was fucking bullshit and I had had enough bullshit from him and I wanted answers.
He said he told her she looked good enough to have sex with. He said it was only once and that when she looked surprised he apologized.
I told him one of us was leaving, who did he want it to be. He said he would leave. We have talked about this before and he had agreed that if anything happened or if I decided the situation was not tolerable for me any more that he would leave and provide me with as much money as possible to keep the house.
At that point he assumed, and so did I, that he would spend a few days packing and finding an apartment in Tallahassee. I went downstairs and started some laundry, but just got a creepy feeling. Actually, it was more than a creepy feeling, I had a panic attack and felt unsafe.
Larry does have two guns up in his bedroom and he has threatened suicide many, many times. I guess my thoughts at that time were that he had nothing to lose by killing me and then himself.
So, I quickly packed some things and left. He did not even know that I left. I went to some really great friend’s house and spent the night. They are our Trivia buddies, we go twice a week to the local bars here on the island and play Trivia. We are actually the reigning champions. So, we talked for a while as I filled them in on what I knew about what happened, we had some wine, and Paul played the guitar while we all sang our favorite songs and Lani and I accompanied him with small drums. It was actually a phenomenal time. Paul said that no one can be sad when they are singing–and he was right.
I stayed the night there and the next morning I called Sandy Mitchem and went to her house. Sandy Mitchem is the head of the Island Watch, a security program that works directly with the Sherriff’s department and she also heads up the island’s Emergency Response Team. I have seen and talked with her quite a bit, so I consider her a good friend. She was the one that sent out this e-mail to everyone on the island just before Officer Ryan showed up at our house. Here is what was sent out to all the island residents:
Subject: Hello Team ! I need your help ! Keep an eye out for this individual..
65-70 white male, driving a green Volvo,… Florida tagβ¦.. The Sheriffs Department is looking for him. The Island has had several complaints, He has made sexual innuendos.
If you see this vehicle or person, please contact the *Sheriffs Department* and give them his location.
Officer Ryan is on call this evening and his phone number is *850-370-6185*
I will be on call the next few days also. Please also let me know. 850-899-8300
Thanks for your help!
Keeping our Island Safe !
Have a great week, I will keep you posted.
After talking with Sandy I decided that it was best if Larry left immediately. I was still worried about the guns, but he had called me twice so I knew he was still alive. I talked with him and asked him if he could pack up his stuff and leave within a few hours. He said, ‘What’s the rush?’ I said, ‘Because that’s what I want.’ He agreed.
Sandy wanted me to have a police escort when I went to the house, but I felt in my heart that everything was okay. Larry is always very passive when these things happen. And, he’s too chicken shit to commit suicide, and I saw him behaving in his usual manner, as if nothing had happened.
I called him just before I got to the house and told him to be outside with his bags. When I arrived I left the car in the driveway where I could see it from the house, not under the house and left him to put his bags in the car. I went into the house, locked the door and went upstairs to check on the guns. They were upstairs. If they had not been there I might have called for a police escort. But, they were and I felt safe. Oddly, the pistol was in his bedside nightstand. It has always been safely kept in the case high on a shelf in the closet.
So, I must say that I am kind of shocked at myself. I took this 65 year old man who has multiple health issues and mental problems and dumped him off at a Tallahassee motel with two suitcases and no car.
Too bad, so sad.
As for his possible early dementia, he was tested extensively last week by a psychologist who determined that he is not exhibiting signs of early dementia or Alzheimer’s but has ‘low working memory’, which is common in people with ADHD. This means that he cannot hold more than one or two thoughts in his head at one time. If I ask him to take the garbage out and bring up a screwdriver, he will forget the screwdriver. It is maddening behavior.
So, in following my own advice, and the wisdom of the Sisters, I wrote him an e-mail today, but I will not send it, I will post it here instead.
By the way, that is great advice. I wish I had had it years ago. If I sent it, it would allow him to engage with me again and give me some stupid, convoluted gaslighting bullshit.
So, here’s what I wrote:
I was at Sandy Mitchem’s house most of yesterday and I got more information about your actions as well as some wonderful support from her and the police officers that I spoke with.
I will know exactly what you said to that woman because Sandy and I will go talk with her next week. I will tell her how sorry I am for what you did to her and reassure her that she is safe because you have permanently left the island. And, I will ask her exactly what happened and what was said. Sandy said she is willing to talk with me. That young woman had actually said when she talked with the police that she felt sorry for whoever your wife was.
I just don’t understand how you could engage in something that could have led to your arrest, and possibly being labeled a Sex Offender.
There were three calls to the police from that woman about you. For some reason the first time they ran an inquiry on the car tags nothing came up. Sandy said they probably put the wrong numbers in or the state had it messed up. When they put the tag number in on Thursday it came up–maybe because we just renewed the tags that morning.
They had been looking for you for several days. There was an APB out for my car. The woman was horribly frightened, afraid to leave work thinking you might be somewhere waiting for her. She is super religious and was very offended by whatever you said. Your actions constitute harassment and stalking.
Don’t you have even the most basic sense of appropriate behavior? Don’t you realize that what you were doing is the classic stalking dirty old man scenario? Did you not realize that this young women would be frightened? If your answer is no then you truly are mentally disturbed. Did you really think that she would want to have sex with you? If you answer yes to that then again, you are truly delusional.
What’s next? Rape? Finding easier targets like children? Larry, after this incident anything is possible.
This self destructive behavior is shocking to me. Again, you never let me know what is going on with you so I never know what you will do next.
I hope you will call your psychiatrist and tell her about this. You really need help.
I am feeling more relieved than anything else. I will crunch some numbers today to see how bad it’s going to be, and, if it really isn’t workable I will have to sell the island house.
But, as I posted before, that’s better than living with the ‘island pervert’.
Thank you all for your loving support. It’s strange to be on this end of it, but without your kindness and love I would not have been as cool and methodical as I was.
I love all of you my dear Sisters. ~ JoAnn
January 26, 2013 at 1:47 pm #73002anniem
MemberOh, JoAnn.. I don’t even know what to say. I am so relieved that he is out of the house, but I don’t want you to have to leave your beloved island house. I hope and pray that you will be able to stay there. Thinking of you and sending you much love and support. xoxo
January 26, 2013 at 2:05 pm #73003harmony1
ParticipantWow Joann, this is unbelievable, yes these men can and may do anything and everything they have no internal moral compass, so they can and will at one point or another commit some kind of behavior that will get them in some social legal predicament .
I have to say I admire so much that young girl response, she is so powerful , I want to raise my girl to be just like that, to know when men do inappropriate and unwanted advances that she can respond and take actions to stop such predators.Joann your strength is so inspiring you did/ are doing the right thing, you continue to be my star.
I love you and wish you peace and happiness.
January 26, 2013 at 2:06 pm #73004lisak
i’m so happy that you have good friends and the good sense to protect your own safety first and foremost.
for those of you new sisters – take note! joann, you did not add any fuel to his messed up fire, you got yourself safe, you reached out to those that love you and are supportive and healthy, you vented here instead of to him…. joann, you behaved so admirably! i am going to learn from you, and if i find myself in a crisis situation, i will just simply go to a friends house!
one thing, joann, please, is it possible to remove the guns from your home? should a SA with possible early dementia have access to guns? i’m begging you, please get rid of the guns…
January 26, 2013 at 2:26 pm #73005972
MemberI am so glad you are safe JoAnn. I hope you can make those numbers work in your favor and keep your home without him.
I really do believe that Larry will go to any length to get your attention. Just like when you were dealing with your other home and he had to look at smut on the kindle KNOWING you would find out. He probably kept pushing that girl until he made her afraid and you would find out…..
I am so sorry…let me know if I can help in any way.
BTW, my guns are in a safe that is only unlocked with my fingerprints…they aren’t very expensive π
January 26, 2013 at 3:02 pm #73006trish
ParticipantI’m with Lisacay – you are amazing and have acted like I wish I could have. I too will pray that you can keep your home. Being near water is so healing for me. I believe I could rise from all this SA shit if I were on an island, so sending you positive thoughts for your continued life in your special place.
January 26, 2013 at 3:18 pm #73007gail
ParticipantWow JoAnn you have had so much to deal with in such a short space of time. The letter reminded me of the ones I sent my SAH so many times. I used to get no response though. Reading your letter here I realised again that it wasnt his response that was important, it was the fact that I needed to vent. Take cae JoAnn, sending you warmth and love x
January 26, 2013 at 3:28 pm #73008jos1972
ParticipantGosh, joAnn, I’ve followed your story since I found the married site 2 years ago and all the way you seem to have done all the right things. I pray fervently you can keep your house
January 26, 2013 at 3:42 pm #73009sandy
ParticipantYou were courageous and showed wisdom in how you handled this. Thank you for sharing the details here. I know it will help others who are struggling with what to do. I know that no matter how much relief you feel that it is finally over, and peace over having the ongoing threat of what will happen each day gone, I know that the sadness is also there. I know you had hoped to find a way to create a life of companionship or coexistence on your loved island.
I will pray that you will find a way to stay there.
I hope today bring you peace as you spend time with friends and make plans for stability.
You deserve it.
January 26, 2013 at 4:04 pm #73010courtney
ParticipantJoAnne, thank you for sharing yourself and your story. You are an inspiration to me and I’m excited about your life going forward with him out of it. It may be a small island, but the respect you are undoubtedly receiving from your rapid action and your plans to follow through show yourself and your values clearly to everyone there, they know who you are and they will continue to love you. How could they not?:)
January 26, 2013 at 4:11 pm #73011nap
ParticipantThinking of you JoAnn. This is really hard stuff and it goes to show the liability they can become. I think you are very strong and will do the right thing for yourself and the community. Im so happy your friends are so supportive and I too hope you can keep your island home.
Love, NapxoJanuary 26, 2013 at 4:27 pm #73012hadj608
ParticipantYou are a great example of how to handle this. You reached out and got support instead of isolating. You’ve shown all of us how to do this with class and dignity. It is so unfortunate that you (and all of us) are becoming “polished” at dealing with these sicko pervs. It’s time to get off this roller coaster. Lisa is right that he seems to act out to get your attention ~ I always thing of your Europe trip he tried to ruin and it makes my blood boil. Just like a 3 year old who wants all the attention and resorts to pooping their pants to get it.
Stay strong, I am spending the day figuring out if I can stay in my house too. That pile on the table has to be dealt with.
HeidiJanuary 26, 2013 at 4:48 pm #73013liza
ParticipantJoAnn, the hardest part is done – getting the old lecher out of the house. You WILL find a way to keep your beach house. Sending you strength and good entrepreneurial juju. Love, Liza
January 26, 2013 at 5:11 pm #73014daisy1962
MemberJoAnn, I hope you are getting some time to relax and process all this. I have no advice for you, you know what you need to do. I’m just sending you love and strength and my utmost admiration.
DaisyJanuary 26, 2013 at 5:38 pm #73015kmf
MemberDear JoAnn,
I am sad about this on so many levels for you. I know I should go on and on about what an idiot Larry is but I cannot summon up the anger. Such a foolish man to let his happy little life slip away over so little. Such a thoughtless man to take your life with him on his spiral downward.
I am guessing you are formulating a plan to try to keep your life intact on the island. I HATE to think of you leaving the life you have built. If you can somehow sort this out, JoAnn, then perhaps Larry will have served some purpose after all. π
We are all rooting for you. Let us know when you have a plan? HUGE HUG Karen xxJanuary 26, 2013 at 6:07 pm #73016pam-c
ParticipantDear Joanne,
I am always sad for the drama the SAH’s cause in our lives, but I am ever so happy for decision making results. you handled it so well. and you have been such a trooper for Larry. he will be lost without you. well, actually, with no car on an island, he can’t go too far—
but you will live fully and richly. and we are ever grateful for you on this site. I am glad the truth came out to you about his comments and reputation. you deserved to know. and you deserve better behavior from the sig. other in your life.
i am glad you are out . I am glad you are you.
January 26, 2013 at 6:15 pm #73017march
ParticipantI add my voice to everyone else’s, with admiration for you, and with gratitude, and with much love.
Just an idea, too, something to think about when the dust settles, a way to help you keep the house…retreat space for partners. I know I would pay to come stay at the beach and spend time with someone as knowledgable as you are–someone who gets it, someone wise…
January 26, 2013 at 6:20 pm #73018kmf
MemberVERY good idea March.You are so clever. I was thinking vacation rentals in high season but your idea is so much better as SA impacts people year round. π I am sure many women would pay for some real support in a healing environment.
January 26, 2013 at 6:29 pm #73019joann
ParticipantThat is a great idea! I will put that into the list of possibilities. I am busy crunching numbers right now. I just Skyped with my son in Switzerland who handles all of my investments.
I will make this work. And, if it doesn’t I will spend a lot of time traveling the world and visiting my children.
Oh, and just to clarify, he is not on the island any more. I took him to the mainland to Tallahassee, which is the state capital and is two hours away. ~ JoAnn
January 26, 2013 at 6:30 pm #73020march
ParticipantNot far enough.
January 26, 2013 at 6:36 pm #73021march
ParticipantJoAnn, the little house I stay at in Seagrove Beach is $100 per night. That is affordable enough that I can go a few times during the year for a long weekend. They keep it booked all year, too. Sometimes a weekend will open up and they’ll send an email so I can slip in if I’m able. Point is, you don’t have to charge that little, but you could make it affordable for women who might be facing financial constraints, woman who will be ver grateful for a safe space and the sound of the ocean.
January 26, 2013 at 6:39 pm #73022jos1972
ParticipantJoAnn, you will make it work. You’ve come back from the brink before through sheer determination and hard work. I’d love to know how to do that.
January 26, 2013 at 6:47 pm #73023kmf
MemberI think you have to start by breaking big tasks down into small steps so you don’t get overwhelmed Jos. x
January 26, 2013 at 6:59 pm #73024joann
ParticipantOkay, since I have every single figure for every single scenario all in my spreadsheets (okay, I am quite obsessive about money) it looks like this can work.
If Larry keeps his expenses down and does not spend too much on hookers I should be able to keep the house, for a while anyway.
I still have the expenses of my house in Missouri. I just refinanced that to reduce the payment and I will refinance again in April (6 mo. after I took it off the market–a bank requirement) to pull as much of my equity out as I can and then put it back on the market. That gives me some more cash. Hopefully it will sell. If it does I can manage staying here on the island as long as I choose.
But, I will keep my options open. A small community is wonderful but not a good place for a single woman looking for a little romance. I am not thinking of that yet, but I know I will want some sort of companionship and intimacy in the near future.
But, I’ll just play it by ear, work with the tight finances, get myself on stable ground financially and go from there.
I love you all so much ~ JoAnn
January 26, 2013 at 7:06 pm #73025kmf
MemberA question JoAnn? Why would Larry keep paying or limit his spending when he is getting nothing from you?
I hear you about a small community. When I leave my H I am going to the big city. π
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