Home discussions Mental Health Somatic Therapy

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    Has any one of the sisters tried somatic therapy? I am interested in a new way of healing.


    It is sooooooo great. I LOVE it. Best therapy ever.


    I would if I could, but I don’t have any SE practitioners in my area. I’ve read many of Peter Levine’s books, though. I really recommend reading his work on trauma.


    I see my therapist via Facetime. She’s in Illinois and I’m in Texas.


    what exactly is it?


    Trish, you might want to google about it? Somatic experiencing.

    I am no expert, but this is how I would describe my experience with it and I’ll use a real example. You pick something to focus on- a difficult memory or something you are worried about (hearing). You focus on what that brings up in your body- the feelings and sensations (knot in stomach, tightness in chest, for example).

    I don’t know the exact sequence but usually we go over any images or thoughts that come up. Then I notice what I want to do (throw up?). So then I throw up….I imagine throwing up all over his stupid smirking face right there in the courtroom. (and I actually physically mimic throwing up). Then notice how that feels? I feel empowered, more relaxed, strong.

    Now take that image and go back and notice yourself walking into the courtroom What is that like? I feel strong and confident. What are you wearing, feeling, etc. What’s your expression?… etc.

    We did this right before a court hearing and it was like the fear just melted away. I felt like a new person.

    Does that give you some idea? It works the same with a memory and reimagining what you wish you could have done and how that makes you feel. I think it’s supposed to clear out stuck negative energy in the body. To get it unstuck, you imagine doing what you couldn’t do before or where you are getting stuck worrying about something coming up.


    Teri you described it so perfectly. So glad it is working for you. I am actually in Illinois. If you don’t mind me asking where is you therapist?


    i love SE too. my therapist is awesome. we talk about what is going on. she watches me carefully, and when she notices me getting emotional, losing my grounding or dissociating, she has me notice what is happening in my body, where i’m feeling it. then she will give me excersizes to help me regulate my nervous system, ground myself, or strengthen my boundaries.

    she is really awesome, she has great insights, it’s like regular therapy where you talk through things, but with added body awareness.

    i highly recommend it. IMO it is the best way to get the trauma out of your mind, nervous system, body and cells. it has helped me more than anything.


    Here’s a link to her website

    New Reflections Clinical Services
    29W335 Renouf Drive
    Warrenville, IL


    My counselor does somatic experience counseling too. When this question came up, I asked her. Yep. That’s what we’ve been doing for six months together. It works. In my case, we don’t do the “exercises” all the time, but she is very aware of what is going on with my body during each session. We are doing a lot of somatic work right now because I am working on triggers. I cannot believe how the triggers have decreased to almost nothing. I am also going through a CD course called Energy Anatomy by Caroline Myss. I got the course on Amazon, my counselor recommended it.


    Great thread. I am learning a lot. I bet I would heal quickly from this approach.


    Thank you Teri. I am going to look into it right away. Warrenville is close to me. Thank you so much! I’ll keep you posted.


    wonder if there are therapists like this in South AFrica. would be worth investigating for my kids and I

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