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    Hi sisters!
    Just something fun to share: This past Saturday I ran a 5k. I’ve been running recreationally for just a couple of years, have done a few 5k’s and one 15K. Well, I just logged onto the website for the results and found out I came in 2nd place for my age category! I say this just to share that this little accomplishment for ME feels so empowering. Hopefully this is the start of greater future self-confidence. I hope you ALL find something special to give yourself a boost. Remember who you were before SA came into your life? Let’s all find that person inside of us! xoxo ZG


    Yay Zumbagirl, that is soooooooooooooooo awesome. Congratulations!!!!


    You should be proud! Congratualtions!!!!! You go girl!
    Love, Nap


    I also found to get in touch with old friends, they remind you of who you used to be. High School seems so long ago, but i was so much stronger then, the years, the kids, the divorces, have run me down. It helps to get back to who you are.

    ZG did you zumba in any sections?? Good for you! I used to run, have not picked it back up. I do enjoy zumba and it is not a huge time commitment.



    So proud of you! You must be alot younger than me. I can’t run like that. Gravity has taken over my body and I’d likely poke an eye out with one of my boobies! Congrats! I for one can’t wait to go swimming again. Shouldn’t be much longer here in Calif. You go girl.


    Good for you! I used to run and be very active, but the knee injury is keeping me immobile. You must be proud!


    Thank you awesome cheering-section (aka S.O.S.!!)
    Flora: I think we should start a new fitness concept: running/zumba intervals, lol! Coincidentally, I also went to a special zumba class that day to raise money for ALS. I was thinking how that’s the most exercise I’ve done in ONE day in a long time! ( I remember when I logged onto SOS for the first time, and I had to pick my user name. My newly-found zumba classes gave me so much happiness that the zumbagirl name came to me instantly. :)) And Flora, you are so right about friends. I am looking forward to my 25th college reunion in June! I’m going alone, and I can’t wait to catch up with friends who knew me before marriage was even on the radar. I’m hoping it will remind me of that person I used to be. I think it’s going to be more important to me than I realized even a few months ago.

    cb: Not so young–I’ll be 47 in July. Last year I ran my first 15K on my birthday. Something I had thought about for years (reminding me it’s NEVER too late for anything). And there’s no boobies a good sports bra can’t handle…just sayin’… 🙂
    Hurtheart, it must be so hard with the knee injury when you’ve been an active person. I think of you everyday, and wish for quick healing. From the age of your child, you must be quite a bit younger than me, and I hope that by the time you are my age, this mess is long behind you.
    Hugs and love, Zumbagirl

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