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    Hi all,
    I saw zumbagirl post on a health topic under another post. But I also had some words for HH. So I am writing them together in a new topic. And then we can all comment.

    Health and Stress.
    Yes your health will take a toll. Has anyone read the books on co-dependency, i have, and read most all of them. (BTW i don;t think we are co-dependent, but health issues were brought up in this books). Many of the authors were in their 30’s but struck with health concerns a 60 or 70 year old would have. once they removed those stressors in their lives their health returned to normal. I cannot say personally any huge health problems. But within two weeks of kicking my h out I was back to the weight i was before i met him. I did not realize it together, but I had been overeating when he was around and he stressed me out. I now continue to lose weight and am a much healthier me.

    I also think of HH has several health ailments. I don;t know if they are caused by the living situation, but i think hh you are my age. And it really does bring about the question what role stress plays with health. And I think it plays a huge part. Sharron had some good info on that a while back. Maybe she will post.

    Love Flora

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