Home discussions Sex Addiction Take the High Road

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    There is an old saying I think we have all heard: “Take the high road”.

    What does that mean for you, if you’d like to share.


    get wasted and forget my troubles…just kidding! gave that up years ago…b. trayed


    that was a good one B.t!


    Taking the high road for me is drinking a couple of Crown Royals 3-4X’s a week. My anti-depressants have taken the place of the “good stuff.” Amazing how they work. This is the 1st time in my life I have ever taken them, and into my 2nd week I just really don’t give a damn about Steve’s addiction. Probably the best thing that has ever happened to me. If he work’s diligently on recovery fine – if not – his loss.


    Taking the high road means trying to conduct myself in a way that stays true to my values. It means trying not to stoop to another’s low level and waste time and energy on vengeance. Let’s just say there’s a bit of a learning curve(ahem!), but ultimately in this life, I have to look back on how I conducted myself, and myself alone. So taking the high road…that’s the goal, even though I get sidetracked, oh once or twice, or four or five times… 🙂


    Taking the high road for me means not being dragged down into other people’s muck no matter how hard they try to dip your toes in. (This excludes my kids because if they ever get involved in any muck, I’ll kick their ass first and then get involved 😉 )


    Really ZG??? Lol!!!!
    Taking the high road for me means trying to do the right thing in all (ok, in MOST) circumstances. It means being humble, taking some of the blame for something to make the other person not feel so bad or defensive. (I am not talking about anything SA related) I just mean in every day life… A conflict with a friend, coworker, etc… 
    I think it means maturity in so many ways! Of course we would all occasionally like to slap the shit out of someone or laugh in someone’s face when they are being a complete idiot…. Or spray paint CHEATER down your SA’s little red corvette…(Ooops), 
    But you get my point. 
    Honestly…… being humble, not bragging, sympathizing, empathizing, doing nice things without expecting something in return, being kind, being the first to apologize, admitting mistakes we’ve made…… All of this is taking the high road to me. It’s hard, sooooo hard to do sometimes and I occasionally fail. But each time I see another person “take the high road,” so to speak…. I feel nothing but simple admiration for them… And that is the kind of person I would love to be!! 🙂

    Thank you, Nap!! Love ya!!! XO!! 


    Hi all,
    I guess for me, taking the high road means staying (trying) off the low road. I’m much like ZG and SL in my thoughts about the high road. Trying to live my life according to my values and doing the right thing. I mess up alot.


    nap im right with you i to mess up alot, but at least we see that
    much love katt


    SL, Are you mocking my slashing-tire incident, lol? Hey, I’m a work in progress! :)) As an added thought, I’m also trying not to obsess when I mess up…another work in progress! 🙂


    Celexa, baby! Works like a (lucky) charm!!!! 🙂

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